Author Topic: Improving the Community  (Read 15840 times)


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #40 on: September 08, 2006, 02:06:04 PM »
I have a big problem with the maplists too. Not only because most of the maps are horrible, but 90% of the time I'll see Airtime on there. I don't really like the map but I'll play it here and there, then that map will change to something just horrific like that stupid aB map. Then if I still want to play pub for some reason I'll leave that server and refresh ASE only to see the only other active server is playing Airtime. I don't know how many maps are on these maplists, but 7/10 times I refresh the ASE Airtime is on one of the active servers. How about a brand new maplist with GOOD maps, and maps that are not overly pub played. Like Shazam, Strap, PBCup back in the day. Now the overly played maps are, like DT said, ub_cliff, airtime and shazam33. It's really annoying.

Yes loial, I know you say pm you with maplists and you'll change them and whatnot. But if the maplist is only on the server for like a week or something then you put back another one back on with the virtually the same maps as the previous, it doesn't help the matter. I want to see new maps, not a different rotation of the old maps.

That wasn't a bash at loial at all, that is just what I notice. I don't even know if you have admin on GT servers of just on your own server, but it's the GT pub especially. They have the same maps on always. KeNo's server has the odd decent map on it.

The 2 maps I enjoy playing on pub servers are c1 (props for that always being on the maplist) and shazam22. But that's only cause I like shaz22, and usually on pubs its like 8v8 so shaz22 is horrible.

Castle1 is the only map worth playing on public servers at the current time.


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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #41 on: September 08, 2006, 03:10:35 PM »
I have a server set up playing just pbcup approved maps now, so if you guys can get it populated, that should help with some of the complaints about the map lists.  The maplist vote is set to span a 1-month period, so the results haven't been compiled yet.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 349
Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #42 on: September 08, 2006, 03:32:36 PM »
If that server becomes populated I'm sure I'll play it. However, many players new to the game like the basic maps that are not confusing to them. Such as airtime, ub_cliff, shazam, indune etc. So it's hard to get/keep them populated.


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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #43 on: September 08, 2006, 04:02:49 PM »
Then get the old players playing.


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« Reply #44 on: September 08, 2006, 04:22:00 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:30:17 AM by Dirty_Taco »


  • Autococker
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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2006, 05:09:45 PM »
Pureblood seemed to by asking why older players don't play public servers. The main reason i rarely do is because of the maplists. If the maplists were halfway decent I'd still go play even if the server was full of newbies. Opening ASE, refreshing the server list and seeing 'stale3, ub_cliff, and shazam33' come up on the only active servers digusts me beyond belief. I can't comprehend why other sentient beings (which i take to be human, but i really don't know) can actually enjoy playing those maps. Then when good maps actually come up (like rome.bsp) I almost don't want to go play because I feel like I'm not only degrading myself by being on that server, but also supporting their maplist. Nothing seemed to come of the 'great maplist vote.' Overall i thought alot of great maps were suggested by a variety of vetern-ish people, yet nothing has been done.

Read the first post to "The Great Maplist Vote"

Nothing has been done because it is a one month vote which started on August 22.  What's sad, and we've stated this before, is that there are in excess of 500 DP maps and there will always be those that are impossible to please.  The only thing that will make them happy is if the maplist is completely their own.

How many of you are actually encouraging others in the community to go post a maplist of their own...  Something for everyone to think about... What are you truly contributing to the community and the game to make it better?

Pub play is totally different than match play. The non-stop bind spamming is completely annoying. I for one do not want to type /ignore for every number. Disable color binds, or mm1 binds all together then yeah.

We actually agree on this.. I despise the bind spam and find myself asking many times for those doing it to stop only to have them do it again and force me to have to temp ban them.  I suppose it's to be expected with such an influx of newer players.

I vote for Knack as well for a 2nd moderator because he doesn't strike me as a biased person, he's mature, he doesn't spend his time arguing, fighting, putting people down, whining, posting to up his post count and he looks sexy in a speedo by the pool side.   ;D


  • VM-68
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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2006, 08:37:40 PM »

I vote for Knack as well for a 2nd moderator because he doesn't strike me as a biased person, he's mature, he doesn't spend his time arguing, fighting, putting people down, whining, posting to up his post count and he looks sexy in a speedo by the pool side.   ;D

That last part is what I believe is the final requirement for moderator.


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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2006, 08:45:22 PM »
Who  cares.


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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2006, 09:04:00 PM »
Dude, you should see me in a speedo before the brazilian wax job....


  • VM-68
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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2006, 09:31:52 PM »
I bet it was very familiar to that pic of tommy chong in a speedo.


  • Autococker
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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2006, 10:29:04 PM »
I bet it was very familiar to that pic of tommy chong in a speedo.
ROFL I choked when i saw this, too vivid Sprinkle. Only he is three apples tall and blue. Knack, I have not forgoten the fed up with Sharon/ GT server post. Other than that you have proved to be the most unbiased of us. Consider that a vote of confidence. Good luck I hope you get it.

What does a maplist have to do with out of game behaviors? The map list is easier to fix and adjust then players who have no respect for the game or others.

The forum and Irc need help in reducing the amount of disrespectful behaviors. As mentioned before. These people need to feel the weight of justice. Only then will they have respect for authority and others. 

That is why this
2) Respectable, caring, and responsible server/forum/irc admins.
struck me as being profoundly correct. Respectable, caring and responsible admins have rules in place for a reason and enforces them. This is not done enough to combat the rampant lack of respect for others and the rules. Or so I have witnessed in the past 2-3 years.

That is why I feel linking in game, IRC and the forums in a total punishment for failing to comply with simple respectable rules is a must. I point again to the fact that despite age (young or old) you have the capacity to be respectful or you dont. The dont's need to leave. Be force if needed.


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« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2006, 10:41:33 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 02:30:20 AM by P!nk »


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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2006, 11:42:56 PM »
You can't force a kid to act like an adult.
I agree. But lets define a kid first. Then move to my next point.

You can guide them and warn them of inapporiate behaviors. If they dont follow such guidence and continue to act with impunity then what? That is where we are now. Sadly.

I point again to the fact that despite age (young or old) you have the capacity to be respectful or you dont.


  • Autococker
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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2006, 02:07:45 AM »
5) Better maplists: In order for a server to qualify to be an "official" DP server (with global login) it has to run a maplist consisting of any combination of the approved DP maps. These approved DP maps should be chosen by a map selection commitee, or by public vote.

Interesting idea. Although this would also probably lead to a split in the community, it might encourage the newer players to play better maps as well.  The only problem I can see arousing from that is that less players would start playing the game, interfering with #1 of your 5 points, S8NSSON.


  • VM-68
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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2006, 02:31:52 AM »
Another reason, "oldschooler" don't play public anymore is, that if good maps are on a server, it makes no sense to play totally without recon. They get recon in their scrims, or matches and they don't want to play without. You can play shaz33 without recon by just running in the mid, and hit everything you see :P. But even on pp1 you barely need recon.
+ If you got a high level in aiming and movement, you will just hit anything. This getting boring..

I don't know, whether i just speak for myself, but the mainreason i don't play public anymore (well... not that much as i used too) is, that it's just boring.
Down in the past, there were players you known, and you talked about the weather/whatever. Now you just get called "hacker", or no one talks to each other. Paintball isn't that "private", it were 1year ago. So it's more fun, to play with people you know for a long time (your clan/other clans and NOT public servers)

A server with a good maplist and oldschoolers on, would be a reason to play public again.


  • Map Committee
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« Reply #55 on: September 09, 2006, 01:08:34 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:30:11 AM by Dirty_Taco »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #56 on: September 09, 2006, 06:27:16 PM »
I thought the same thing at one point, and I quote myself:

"Here is one alternative you could use in the case of heavier punishments for hacking: banned from #paintball and/or other paintball channels as deems appropriate, banned from a majority of vent, temp ban from forums (6+ months), and a temp ban from as many servers as possible (not to exceed a 9 months maximum)."
In case you haven't noticed banning someone doesn't really do much considering more than half the people banned just come back in a day or two.  If there is no way to really ban someone so they can't get back all your doing is giving them a reason to change there ip.  I think if they wanna hack let them just make servers that hackers can use.  Then set the normal servers so if they are hacking it kicks and temp bans them.  Not like kick them a day later kick them right then and there.  Then if they come back in how ever long and aren't hacking they can play that server legit.  But if they are still hacking it kicks them again.  Then your ip doesn't matter if the server kicks them everytime they come in hacking. 


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« Reply #57 on: September 09, 2006, 06:34:27 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 02:30:11 AM by P!nk »


  • Autococker
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Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #58 on: September 09, 2006, 06:59:29 PM »
I thought the same thing at one point, and I quote myself:

"Here is one alternative you could use in the case of heavier punishments for hacking: banned from #paintball and/or other paintball channels as deems appropriate, banned from a majority of vent, temp ban from forums (6+ months), and a temp ban from as many servers as possible (not to exceed a 9 months maximum)."
In case you haven't noticed banning someone doesn't really do much considering more than half the people banned just come back in a day or two.  If there is no way to really ban someone so they can't get back all your doing is giving them a reason to change there ip.  I think if they wanna hack let them just make servers that hackers can use.  Then set the normal servers so if they are hacking it kicks and temp bans them.  Not like kick them a day later kick them right then and there.  Then if they come back in how ever long and aren't hacking they can play that server legit.  But if they are still hacking it kicks them again.  Then your ip doesn't matter if the server kicks them everytime they come in hacking. 

not a bad idea really, when they are detected, they are globally banned then and there, and the server it happened on is sent a kick message from the detection system.

 only the systems host could send the message any other host, would be ignored.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 485
Re: Improving the Community
« Reply #59 on: September 10, 2006, 04:47:29 AM »
Holy excrement, i just made a very long post about this but it got deleted. So lemme try again...

My suggestion was (as i have told somewhen before): Put these "more interesting" maps (pbcup-maps, etc.) into the download file of build17. So the new players won't only join a server where the don't have to download the map. So they also won't get used to those maps and barely even play on other maps (pbcup), on which when they play the first time they think: "I better go join a server with that ub_cliff on. That's way easier to own on."

I hope this and the new maplist will get us to a better situation.