Expos facto. After the fact. A person can not be convicted of a crime that was committed prior to the law being passed which made the act illegal. I could be wrong but I remember being taught this in US Constitution. I dont know it was all one long trip.
A s8n correction intended for Loial brought to you by Loial for the intended purpose of correcting Loial in a forum of his peers. Look below I completed the job in a humble and apologetic manor.
Ex_post facto not expos facto. Pardon my ignorance. I was close.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex_post_factoI was taught that this was expos with out the 't' and facto or factos, depending on the amount of laws.*****
More room than you could possibly imagine.
S8n name one thing I have done or said that would constitute the "i think I am better than you" misconception. I am an adult like you prone to mistakes and if you remember I am humble and apologetic. Why the drama llama?