First what was blurted out Joe? Make it relevant to the debate. Also you want us to debate but you left out your opinion.
As a huge fan of South Park and labeled by others correctly as a 'South Park' Republican by my open minded thinking. I would point out two episodes.
a.'m_a_Little_Bit_Country b. I have no party affiliation. If you don't lie and stand firm in what I believe is right then you might get a vote. I simply wont vote for strangers.
Do I support the President of the United States? Which one? Depends on the issue and if I agree with it. As an ex-military personal I had sworn to blindly up hold the Constitution and to obey all orders given by the Commander in Chief. Now that I am a civilian I can choose to when and where I believe he is wrong and do something about it.
If you are talking about George W Bush. That depends on the issue.
1. Deregulation of the telecoms was a decision I supported.
2. Going to war with faulty intelligence left over from another administration and hear say evidence from several foreign countries. Several of which were at war with America just within the past 60. Then on top of which having a post invasion strategy is well ehh not so smart. But worse have been done and time has not told its tale yet there. Here are some where time has told us Clinton capitulations on North Korea. George H Bush not finishing off Iraq, Syria and Iran. Now look those states. They are the largest threat to America besides sodas and fastfood.
3. Lifting assult rifle ban. Good idea.
I got more but will lay down now and dream of boning Hillary. Thats a nightmare not dream.