Your brush construction still seems very haphazard. While it kind of works for this map, you really need to work on keeping your brushes aligned. That sand fall is trippy, but it doesn't make sense that you can climb up it (also, I think you're using the hay texture, which looks fine now, but it may look really bad when a high res texture is made).
For the bunker on the ground in area2_thirst.JPG, you should make the edges flush with each other. It looks weird now (mysteriously suspended with no support).
As DT said, there are places you can get stuck. I don't have time to point them all out right now, but I did find the colored strips above the ladders annoying (you don't get stuck stuck, but you do have to drop down and climb the ladder again).
I put the map up on the EV1 beta server so it can be play tested: paintball2://