I was fooling around the other day trying to make a map, when it hit me that maybe it could was possible to add yet another game mode to Paintball, using very little tweaking.
If you've ever played battlefield, then you'll know about the conquest mode (a mode in which you take over enemy bases and may then respawn there as you wish). There are probably a bunch of others with the same style, but this is just an example. So i saw that the entities for world spawning and such had keys which you could program to do certain things. One in particular was the "time" or "wait" function. If used correctly, I think we may be able to tie the world spawn entity to a flag or other strategic object, and whoever gains control via the wait/time key, Will be able to spawn there ( a key for switching between what team had possesion would also be included). The wait key will also decide when the enemy will have taken over the base if they decide to try and take it back, using the set amount of time. I wonder if this makes sense to anyone, and if it is possible. It seems logical to me. Any suggestions?