This years halloween was awsome, a bunch of friends and I went around the NorthEast of Calgary trashing everything!
Between 4 friends and myself we Smashed 18 pumpkins within 1-2 hours.
I was chased by a fat ass guy wearing a garbage can costume, while I was running with a 10 lbs pumpkin. He tried to catch me but when I seen his fat ass trying to catch me I took off !
We also climbed onto the top of a school bus and had a little fight !
While eating tons of candy and having a wicked sugar rush we decided to get some eggs, we each had 2 eggs each and we decided to hit this one house which was the home of a security guard who thought he was tough excrement, we had egged his house over 3 times and he decided to chase us down and start excrement, it was meddling great.
Halloween was a good time... Next year we are doing the same and we want more people.