Author Topic: so whats new?  (Read 6917 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 492
so whats new?
« on: July 14, 2004, 03:57:41 PM »
so whats new in all your guys's life?
im not doing anything right now just waking up and going on the computer i will be looking for a job next month and going to collage in january. other then that nothing new. so whats new with you?


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« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2004, 06:10:05 AM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 10:05:43 PM by IronFist »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2004, 09:28:38 AM »
i have heard that hl 2 might be 3 dif games. one game is gonna be like $30 for just the single player ver. then the multi player one that will have mod support for like $50 and a monthly payment. then one with both for like $60   is that true?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2004, 09:28:49 AM by Excalibur »


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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2004, 01:04:02 PM »
Monthly payment + $50?! Screw that!  I hadn't heard that, but if that's what they're planning to do, I most certainly won't be getting it.


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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2004, 02:22:58 PM »
I hate Hl. let alone HL2. there haven't been that many decent sci-fi FPSs lately...ones with a good SP campaign...yay...


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 492
Re: so whats new?
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2004, 05:00:10 PM »
well i read somewhere about that monthly payment for the multi player part of the game but i cant seem to find where i found it anymore. maybe i just thought i read somthing that way so it stuck with me or maybe valve told the webmaster of where i found it to take it off cause they dont want to tell the pub that is what they are doing with the game but like i said maybe i read somthing wrong.


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« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2004, 01:49:48 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 10:05:33 PM by IronFist »


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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2004, 08:22:13 PM »
it's more like...i don't like most sci-fi shooters for the PC...they're all the same...

I, however, LOVE halo. it's different, unique, and one of the best games ever made. not a common combanation.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 492
Re: so whats new?
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2004, 10:54:45 PM »
I hate halo to me its no dif at all other then in looks to any other fps and the story line was just par if you ask me take the quake series (q1 and q2) and that’s a great shooter take half life that the plot twist at the end was great but take halo and its just no dif then any other game like tribes2. Maybe you did not play tribes2 so lets go into the dif now.


Ok lets look at the guns halo first human guns: MA5B assault rifle (a gas operated gun now that’s smart kill guys and pollute the world at the same time), M6D assault pistol (hand gun), rocket launcher, shotgun, and sniper rifle. Now alien guns: needler (I think we all liked that gun wow... just wow btw that’s sarcasm) plasma rifle, plasma pistol.
Now tribes2 guns now there are only human ones so lets get started: we have the laser sniper gun, the mortar, the missile launcher, chain gun, blaster, plasma gun, spinfusor, grenade launcher, shock lance, electron flux gun (ELF for short)
I would say tribes 2 win for unique and more guns.

Now lets look at grens HALO: plasma gren (sticks to people) and basic gren TRIBES2: basic gren, concussion gren, flare gren (a decoy gren really), and the whiteout gren (flash gren. again I have to say tribes2 wins.

Vehicles TRIBES2: turbogravs (flying ones: shrike fighter, thundersword bomber, havoc heavy transport. ground vehicles (ones that done fly): wildcat-class grav cycle (hover bike), Beowulf assault vehicle (a jeep with a gun on top for someone to shoot from), and the big daddy the Jericho-class mobile point base (think of your base now think of one that moves and you have this daddy). HALO (not going to slit this one up): banshee (jet for the most part), ghost (hover bike), scorpion tank, warthog (jeep with a gun mounted on top to fire from). I have to say tribes2 has more and better ones to. So tribes2 wins again.

Storyline: ok lets get this out of the way tribes2 story line 2 tribes are fighting each other nothing more then that. HALO: you’re a fighter with an AI in you and you’re in hyper sleep till they wake you up when they are crashing. You fight the bad guys find out that halo is a weapon and find another race. Lets just say halo wins that cause tribes2 don’t have a plot. So that’s one for halo. But compared to games that have a storyline I find halo's just par not above par (for those who don’t know golf talk par is even sub par is -points and above par is + points.)

Now lets add that all up 3 for tribes2 better everything but plot. 1 for halo for a better storyline. So tribes2 takes the most wins 3-1 all in all I think trbies2 is better.
i told you only read on if you want to be bored.


  • Autococker
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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2004, 10:31:21 AM »
really, your missing the voice acting, AI, anamation, the fact they're on different consoles, graphics, the design of the single player maps, and the design of the multiplayer maps.
A game isn't better just because it has more weapons.

(and there's no way tribes can win SPmaps, if you play through the ones in halo, you won't notice anything wrong. however, if you really try, you'll be able to find a few mistakes or easter eggs they put in there for the people that look for those...)
And you're missing a lot in the story.

The ship the Pillar Of Autumn, we don't know what it's doing, was being attacked by multiple Covenant starships. The Covenant are known of. However, they haven't been seen for a long time either. They make a "blind jump" and end up getting out of hyperspace(or whatever they're in) near a strange ring-world. The Covenant have apparently declared a religous war, but no one completely knows why. Since the Covenant are attacking, and close to boarding range, Captain Keyes decides to put everyone on post. Even they're back up, The Master Chief. A super-powered cyberneticly enhanced human, with really cool armor. Unfortunatly, the Covenant destroy the only major defence on the Autumn. So, Keyes clears everyone out. He tells the MC to get Cortana, the ship's AI, off the ship. If the Covenant find her, they would know everything, like the postition of earth. As the covenant start boarding, it becomes harder and harder to find a leaving lifeboat. After an extensive search, they find one. They leave in the lifeboat, and try to land on the ringworld. They see that Keyes is also manually taking in the Autumn on the ring-world. However, while their lifeboat is landing, something goes wrong with the airbrake, and a horrible crash ensues.You are the only survivor. A covenant landing party comes to try to find any survivors, and you are barely able to escape. You find that there are other lifeboats that were more lucky. most of the marines on each one survived, but the Covenant had spotted them. You have to fight off each Covenant attack force at each lifeboat. However, after doing this, you discover that Captain Keyes has been captured, and is being held in a Covenant Cruser, the Truth and Reconcilation. After you fight through the forces to a gravity lift that transports supplies to the ship, you get on it. As you get in the ship, you are met by many covenant strike forces. Once you reach the ships brig, you finally find Captain Keyes. He tells you that he overheard some Covenant guards talking about Halo, it's deep religous significance, and that it's a weapon. And between Cortana's message interseptions, and what Keyes heard, they find that the Covenant are looking for a control room to control Halo. So, you go an island on Halo, which contains "The Silent Cartographer", a complete map of Halo, showing were everything is, including the control room. Unfortunatly, the Covenant know about it too, and have beaten the humans there. After destroying the Covenant forces designed to keep you out of the Cartographer, you finally find where the Control room is. Unfortunatly, the Covenant have beaten you there again, and the area is well secured. Once you reach the Control Room, you insert cortana into it so she can gain all the knowlege she needs about Halo. However, she finds somthing very disturbing, and tells you to go find the Captiain, because he's looking for a weapons cache that not really weapons, and could be very dangerous. So, you run off, unfortunatly without her. You go to where captain Keyes' last transmission was, over twelve hours ago. Along the way you see a lot of dead marines, running, scared covenant, and recieve a few distress signals. Once you are inside the structure, you find another dead marine body, which drops out of a door. you take a chip out of his helmet, and put it in yours. It's a helmet cam view of a marine called Jenkins. They enter the building and are assulted by a strange life form, they seem to be little squids. After fighting many of these puny squids, and coming across some very large ones, shaped like deformed humans and covenant. After being chased out of the building by these life forms, you reach another structure. at the base of this structure, there are flying machines that use lasers to tear away at the flood. Another small robot, with a blue glow, hovers above you. His name is 343 guilty Spark. He tells you that the life forms are the flood and that he needs your help to contain them.
*more soon*


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 492
Re: so whats new?
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2004, 12:43:22 PM »
i know the whole story i beat the game but i mean after you play single player what do you have nothing more then any other FPS and that as they say is that. dont get me wronge i like halo i loved the single player but it was just as good as say half lifes storyline or even queke2's storyline. when you take it compared to tribes2 multiplayer, (cause lets face it tribes2 does not have a single player mode) tribes2 does not just win it destroys halo. but halo multi player was no better then halflifes multi or quake2. half-life and q2 beat halo in multi player cause of mod support. name 20 mods for halo now name 200 for quake2 and/or halflife. the fact of the matter is this a game is not just rated on a good story line and single player it should be more then that and halo was not.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2004, 12:44:51 PM by Excalibur »


  • Autococker
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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2004, 06:02:59 PM »
i know the whole story i beat the game but i mean after you play single player what do you have nothing more then any other FPS and that as they say is that.

Obviously you've never had a halo lan party. or even played multiplayer...And the maps are better than any other fps i know.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 492
Re: so whats new?
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2004, 08:24:19 PM »
i have played halo multiplayer but i dont see why its so much better then any other fps you must see thats its tons better but i dont see that. yea its fun to mess around and its fun using plasma gren on that guy trying to run your over in the jeep but PLAYING the game (trying to cap the flag and stuff) is just no better then playing any other fps.


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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2004, 10:40:04 AM »
really, go to a halo lan party. but first practice a bit. It's the most fun in the world when you've got a guy with your flag driving away in a hog, and you stick a plasma grenade to the wheel and he gets throne sky high. or you snipe him out.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 492
Re: so whats new?
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2004, 11:16:24 AM »
yes that is fun but you can do the same thing in most other fps's and thats the point im trying to get to you. yes halo multi player is fun but its no more fun then q2 online or halflife. have you ever played tribes2 with a good team like a clan ver clan match omg that is so much fun. ok lets say your in a shrike fighter and some enemy guy gets a lock on you with his missle launcher you do a loop the missle is still on you so you head toward him with full boost at the last sec you jump out of your shrike fighter use your jump jets to get clear and then boom blow him sky high. now thats fun
« Last Edit: July 21, 2004, 11:20:11 AM by Excalibur »


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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2004, 07:39:51 PM »
w/ lan parties--NO LAG.

lag is a major problem FPSs on the pc have lots of trouble getting around. Also, you won't see maps (designwise) or graphics/ effects on any PC game.


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« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2004, 05:52:34 AM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 10:05:27 PM by IronFist »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 492
Re: so whats new?
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2004, 11:13:53 AM »
yea what i have seen in tribes2 fans compared to die hard halo fans is that tribes2 fans seem to be smarter and like more strategy in the game other then just shoot shoot shoot plasma gren and flying around in your banshee. tribes2 takes alot more skill.


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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2004, 09:32:22 PM »
Hm, I didn't like Halo at all -- controlling FPS's on consoles just sucks, and the PC port of it was horribly glitchy and slow.  The vehicle control is too easy.  There's no thrill in driving vehicles when you just face the direction you want to go and it turns automatically.  The plasma effects were horribly over done and extremely dated looking, too.  As for the level design.  I didn't find it to be anything particularly special.  But hey, I guess that's more my first impression of it since I haven't really played it much.  :)


  • Autococker
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Re: so whats new?
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2004, 01:41:17 AM »
your right about the level design thing, to a point.

And the warthog is hard to control, while trying to give your gunner a good shot at what ever your shooting, while dodging incoming fire. (like rockets)

The plasma was okay, i don't know how they could have made it better without making it look really crappy.

and yes, the pc port does suck. but that's not the origonal halo. and the levels get more diverse as you play on.