Author Topic: Official Feature Vote of 2007  (Read 229926 times)


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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #120 on: March 06, 2007, 03:48:38 PM »
18: faster in-game downloading - jitspoe, Smokey, Tinman, Gremlin, P!nk, eiii, atte, b00nlander, SkateR, Playah, ViciouZ, nightryder, oli887, toM|vendettA, Gold_Leader, l1g, Clipz, Sharp
8: Vwep (see what weapons people are carrying) - bitmate, KnacK, XtremeBain, SmackWaters, SkateR, ViciouZ, toM|vendettA, Gold_Leader
7: More high-res textures - Gremlin, bitmate, b00nlander, SkateR, oli887, Gold_Leader, l1g
6: New map format - P!nk, eiii, bitmate, b00nlander, Cobo, ViciouZ
5: Leaning - magalhaes, Zorchenhimer, atte, bitmate, ViciouZ
4: (Option to) disable funnames - Spook, eiii, TinMan, Clipz
4: New gun models (such as the Angel) - Gremlin, iEATnoobs, l1g, Clipz
3: Female player model - T3RR0R15T, SmackWaters, Spook
3: (Option to) disable colored text in chat - Anarchy, SkateR, Clipz
3: Vote kick - SmackWaters, nightryder, Sharp
3: Kill cam (like in CoD) - nightryder, toM|vendettA, l1g
3: Screenshot system for cheat detection - ch40s, Clipz, Sharp
3: Increase paintball visibility - S8NSSON, PiCaSSo, oli887, Dirty_Taco
2: Wave animations - T3RR0R15T, Zorchenhimer
2: New (selectable) player skins - bitmate, iEATnoobs
2: Global-login based logins (ops) - XtremeBain, jitspoe
2: PK3's - Smokey, b00nlander
2: New menu format - Cobo
2: New sounds - iEATnoobs, nightryder
2: Don't require mouse to be over edit fields to type - oli887, jitspoe
2: Variables in menu widgets (for map preview screenshots) - Zorchenhimer, l1g
2: Grapple - loial21, ch40s
2: Sharp turns -SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Wall jumping - SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Dashing - SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Map pack. - oli887, Gold_Leader
1: Bombing run game mode - T3RR0R15T
1: Menu links to download more maps - Gremlin
1: More cheat detection - Gremlin
1: Ugly Q3 name colors  - TinMan
1: In-game clock (with alarm) - abrken
1: Enlarge lists (server lists, scoreboard, etc.) to display more characters - abrken
1: Indicator for password-protected servers - abrken
1: "Best of" page to display the most popular maps / best players - abrken
1: Server list filters - Anarchy
1: 2-layer textures (might require a new map format) - S8NSSON
1: Random texture selection - S8NSSON
1: Standardized matching rules - iEATnoobs
1: Global-login based bans - XtremeBain
1: Global-login STDLogs logging - XtremeBain
1: Context dropdowns in scoreboard for ignoring, etc. - Playah
1: Get rid of player model in first-person chase cam view. - nightryder
1: In-game chat (Connect to IRC server, perhaps?) - oli887
1: Sort buttons on server list - oli887
1: Map notifications for standalone serverbrowser - jitspoe
1: Central server for mapinfo files - jitspoe, DirtyTaco
1: Allow all maps supporting 1-flag mode to be playable in PONG mode - jitspoe
1: Places to enter IP and password in the join game menu. - nightryder
1: Alphabetize map and demo names - nightryder
1: Setting to chasecam just enemy players - iEATnoobs
1: Add a column to the scoreboard that calculates skill or performance - Uncle
1: In-game voice communication - SkateR
1: Option to disable "blocking" for jump maps - Clipz
1: Work on the player models - Clipz
1: Ability to add clan tags to player models - Clipz
1: Ability to choose the other team's color - Clipz
1: Change the main menu screen - Sharp
1: Optimize water code for better framerates - Sharp
1: Weapon and item auto-switching - jitspoe

make people not be able to talk in matches so they cant spam "NOOB", "HACKS" and so on when they die.
They tried to enforce not being able to talk in MM1 in during PBCup.  Some clans didn't comply, though.  There are a couple things that I think might help with this: Client-side word filtering (I'd probably pre-package it with words like "hacker", "hax", etc., since those tend to be overly annoying), and an admin-controlled mute option.  You can also already use the "ignore" command.

1. Remove the ability to follow the other team period in match play, as much of an old custom it has become in DP, it should seriously be considered for removal.
I agree with you there, and there's actually already a setting that locks you to your own team when chasecamming (chasecamonly is the cvar, I think).

If possible a way to detect player modification, everyone argues about that anyway. For build 18, have a map-pack built in, so it coems with all the maps.
Content modification checks are already being put in place.  I'm not going to include every single map with the official release.  It would be far too big (not to mention include lots of crappy maps that nobody should ever be playing anyway).  You can always grab the map packs available from the files page.

Implement pk3 map format and then its simple.
The pk3 format has absolutely nothing to do with map preview shots.  All it does is store files.

DT: I'm going to place your vote for centralized mapinfo files, since that's really the root of the problem.

2. With the global login, we should have an administration staff. Ex.. maybe the leaders from all the clans can login to all servers and be able to set them up for matches. Might sound stupid to server owners but i think it would be a cool feature.
There's a "match" command that can be used to switch servers into match mode.  It sets a password and login and executes certain customizable config files.

2. Update graphics.
You're going to have to be a bit more specific.

7. Remove the VM and Terracer, Their kinda pointless.
8. One barrel pick up would be nice, instead of different types. (Since it is a fun game)
I happen to like the low-end guns like these since you can't just sit around and spray.  I wish more maps used them.  It's up to the mapper to decide which guns are used, though.  Your vote for simplifying the barrel pickups reminded me of something I wanted to add: auto item pickups.  So if you have a brass barrel and walk over a steel barrel, it would automatically drop the brass one and pick up the steel one.  The same would happen for different weapons.  I think this would help simplify the game some for new players.  I'd also like to make it customizable.  Perhaps  an experienced player wants to play with the PGP and not accidentally pick up a weapon, so he could configure his weapon preference to PGP.

S8NSSON: I'm surprised you're the first to vote for paintball visibility, since it seemed to be a big topic in the last voting thread.  Personally, I think paintballs in the game are MUCH easier to see than they are in real life.  In real life, you've got something effectively the size of a marble zipping through the air at about 300fps.  When I played paintball a few weeks ago, I tried to keep a close eye on the balls in flight, and simply couldn't follow them.  I'd just see a puff of air at the end of the gun and a splat at the balls destination, with almost no delay in between.  I could see the balls traveling from my own gun, but only because I fired them and knew right where they were going.  They'd just be a little speck in the air, though.  In the game, they're about the size of a tennis ball and often have further travel distance giving you more time to see them.  I'm not really sure how they can be any less visible in the game than real life unless you use a high FOV value, in which case, thats how it should be -- sacrificing visibility for a broader viewing range.

Playah:  The screenshot I posted with the "bigger" balls actually used the ball sizes that already exist.  I was just trying to make a point that the existing balls are huge.  I don't want to make them any bigger than they are, since they already look kind of goofy -- don't need to be shooting basketballs around.  I think a little motion blur trail could be cool, though.

And I haven't been ignoring this - I just didn't feel like putting the massive tally that had been building up together.

And just to give you guys a hard time:


  • Map Committee
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #121 on: March 06, 2007, 04:22:48 PM »

unfortunately i didn't have the time to read that whole post, but did the widescreen resolution worry get in there?


  • Autococker
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #122 on: March 06, 2007, 04:28:09 PM »
More high-res textures <--put me down for that too
and the pball is harder to see when it's moving.


  • Autococker
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #123 on: March 06, 2007, 04:43:55 PM »
Lmao and they sure the heck don't look that big on my monitor either!


  • Autococker
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #124 on: March 06, 2007, 04:46:51 PM »
Lmao and they sure the heck don't look that big on my monitor either!
Does the gaming resolution / monitor size affect the size of the paintballs ???


  • Autococker
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #125 on: March 06, 2007, 04:56:41 PM »
Now you know i've messed around with the paintball model making silly modifications and all.
Two things...
1) The default balls never look that big to me.
2) I could never get a screen shot of a ball in flight for some reason.

Now, the visibility issue has a few reasons.
1) Real paintball is usually played on an outdoor field in well lit conditions causing the balls to contrast very well against the backgrounds and sky and whatnot.
2) DP lighting can be anything under the sun, or not. Which can mean dark environments that make the ball virtually impossible to see.

You are correct, Jitspoe, it is very difficult to see balls in flight fired from a gun pointed in your direction.
Conversely, I could always easily see the string of balls fired by team mates shooting in the same diection as I was that were relatively close to me.

Using a nice gradient, make the back side of the ball, the side the shooter sees as it exits the gun, brighter with a little added motion blur to leave a nice small faint trail. Leave the front of the ball as it is. This way you can track your ball, and the balls of anyone else shooting in your direction, but cannot readily or easily track incoming fire. This would give and added feature of the player being able to notice errant shots fired at him/her from behind and react quicker.


And for Christ's sake, EVERYONE vote for this so it gets bumped up to the very top of the list.

Heck, Jitspoe, just lay a gradient on the ball skin and toss it in B17.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #126 on: March 06, 2007, 04:59:29 PM »
that  would add a bit more skill to the game. being able see the bullets your trying to dodge. ill vote for whatever s8n just said.


  • Stingray
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #127 on: March 06, 2007, 08:58:42 PM »
That sounds good S8N. But maybe it's too late to get into B17 :S But Must be for B18.
Autoswitch wepons is nice too :) That will avoid me to stop going foward and press backspace ( I Did not find better key to bind it too .... :p ) Dodging incoming balls is a cool idea ...

A scroll bar into the console would be VERY NICE too


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #128 on: March 08, 2007, 03:56:02 AM »
If that what S8N said really would help then im for it.
And yeah jits, just like you said, the high fov might be the problem but i like my 110 and won't/can't :P change it.


  • VM-68
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #129 on: March 08, 2007, 08:13:43 AM »
+1 hi-res textures


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 124
Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #130 on: March 08, 2007, 11:02:07 AM »
+1 for Auto barel switch.

+1 for New gun models.

+1 for "Don't require mouse to be over edit fields to type"

+1 for "Work on the player models"

Also how about a simple stats system? Where ingame you type a command and it brings out info like:

accuracy, Kills per round, Topspeed and so on.

Bad ideas :

2: Sharp turns -SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Wall jumping - SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Dashing - SkateR, Dirty_Taco

This is going to take this game into a totaly different direction, like Warsow or UT.


  • Map Committee
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #131 on: March 08, 2007, 11:17:58 AM »
Sharp, you've made your votes already. Also, just because YOU think something isn't a good idea, you don't need to post about it. If no-one else votes for it, it probably won't be implemented.


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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #132 on: March 08, 2007, 12:22:56 PM »
18: faster in-game downloading - jitspoe, Smokey, Tinman, Gremlin, P!nk, eiii, atte, b00nlander, SkateR, Playah, ViciouZ, nightryder, oli887, toM|vendettA, Gold_Leader, l1g, Clipz, Sharp
8: Vwep (see what weapons people are carrying) - bitmate, KnacK, XtremeBain, SmackWaters, SkateR, ViciouZ, toM|vendettA, Gold_Leader
9: More high-res textures - Gremlin, bitmate, b00nlander, SkateR, oli887, Gold_Leader, l1g, TinMan, MosheD
6: New map format - P!nk, eiii, bitmate, b00nlander, Cobo, ViciouZ
6: Increase paintball visibility - S8NSSON, PiCaSSo, oli887, Dirty_Taco, nightryder, Playah
5: Leaning - magalhaes, Zorchenhimer, atte, bitmate, ViciouZ
4: (Option to) disable funnames - Spook, eiii, TinMan, Clipz
4: New gun models (such as the Angel) - Gremlin, iEATnoobs, l1g, Clipz
3: Female player model - T3RR0R15T, SmackWaters, Spook
3: (Option to) disable colored text in chat - Anarchy, SkateR, Clipz
3: Vote kick - SmackWaters, nightryder, Sharp
3: Kill cam (like in CoD) - nightryder, toM|vendettA, l1g
3: Screenshot system for cheat detection - ch40s, Clipz, Sharp
3: Don't require mouse to be over edit fields to type - oli887, jitspoe, Sharp
2: Wave animations - T3RR0R15T, Zorchenhimer
2: New (selectable) player skins - bitmate, iEATnoobs
2: Global-login based logins (ops) - XtremeBain, jitspoe
2: PK3's - Smokey, b00nlander
2: New menu format - Cobo
2: New sounds - iEATnoobs, nightryder
2: Variables in menu widgets (for map preview screenshots) - Zorchenhimer, l1g
2: Grapple - loial21, ch40s
2: Sharp turns -SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Wall jumping - SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Dashing - SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Map pack. - oli887, Gold_Leader
2: Central server for mapinfo files - jitspoe, DirtyTaco
2: Work on the player models - Clipz, Sharp
2: Weapon and item autoswitching - jitspoe, oli887
1: Bombing run game mode - T3RR0R15T
1: Menu links to download more maps - Gremlin
1: More cheat detection - Gremlin
1: Ugly Q3 name colors  - TinMan
1: In-game clock (with alarm) - abrken
1: Enlarge lists (server lists, scoreboard, etc.) to display more characters - abrken
1: Indicator for password-protected servers - abrken
1: "Best of" page to display the most popular maps / best players - abrken
1: Server list filters - Anarchy
1: 2-layer textures (might require a new map format) - S8NSSON
1: Random texture selection - S8NSSON
1: Standardized matching rules - iEATnoobs
1: Global-login based bans - XtremeBain
1: Global-login STDLogs logging - XtremeBain
1: Context dropdowns in scoreboard for ignoring, etc. - Playah
1: Get rid of player model in first-person chase cam view. - nightryder
1: In-game chat (Connect to IRC server, perhaps?) - oli887
1: Sort buttons on server list - oli887
1: Map notifications for standalone serverbrowser - jitspoe
1: Allow all maps supporting 1-flag mode to be playable in PONG mode - jitspoe
1: Places to enter IP and password in the join game menu. - nightryder
1: Alphabetize map and demo names - nightryder
1: Setting to chasecam just enemy players - iEATnoobs
1: Add a column to the scoreboard that calculates skill or performance - Uncle
1: In-game voice communication - SkateR
1: Option to disable "blocking" for jump maps - Clipz
1: Ability to add clan tags to player models - Clipz
1: Ability to choose the other team's color - Clipz
1: Change the main menu screen - Sharp
1: Optimize water code for better framerates - Sharp
1: Scroll bar in the console - oli887
1: Use libcURL for people having issues downloading the serverlist and connecting to the login server - jitspoe
1: Optimize file checking to reduce load times and game hiccups/freezing - jitspoe

Sharp: There's a "stats" command already that shows kills/shots/accuracy with each weapon.

I added two more things to the list which I'm probably going to start working on immediately regardless of votes because I think they're critical (libcurl and loading time/hiccups/freezing).


  • Autococker
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #133 on: March 08, 2007, 12:30:25 PM »
i would like to see a character creation addition and away to communicate with my team.


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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #134 on: March 08, 2007, 01:04:36 PM »
atmays: You're going to have to clarify a little bit what you mean by "character creation".  More player models and the ability to select different skins?  If so, try to vote for one of those things that's already on the list.  Team chat is already present in the game, unless you mean voice communication.

Sharp:  Just type stats at the console.

Another critical vote I forgot to add:
- Ability to use embedded quotes (so people can have spaces in their names when set from the menu).

This could also be really handy for aliases if you've ever needed to create an alias that calls a command that needs quotes.  It would also fix the issue of quotes in chat messages.


  • PGP
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #135 on: March 08, 2007, 01:56:29 PM »
-Faster In-Game Downloading

Also, get away from the coloured texts. So annoying.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 124
Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #136 on: March 08, 2007, 02:48:08 PM »
New Weapons would probably be the biggest change in this build if it were to go threw.


  • Autococker
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #137 on: March 08, 2007, 03:17:48 PM »
new weapons is stupid though, vwep and faster downloads are what we really want.


  • Autococker
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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #138 on: March 08, 2007, 03:38:42 PM »
I know I already voted, but I've thought about it and changed my mind:

-1 leaning
+1 Faster in-game downloads
+1 New map format (with some sort of tag?)

Bad ideas :

2: Sharp turns -SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Wall jumping - SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Dashing - SkateR, Dirty_Taco

This is going to take this game into a totaly different direction, like Warsow or UT.

I agree.


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Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« Reply #139 on: March 08, 2007, 03:42:08 PM »
New weapons would probably be the smallest change (it's just visual), but it might take the most work.