So I took the time to go through the recent votes. Here's the latest tally:
41: Faster in-game downloading - jitspoe, Smokey, Tinman, Gremlin, P!nk, eiii, atte, b00nlander, SkateR, Playah, ViciouZ, nightryder, oli887, toM|vendettA, Gold_Leader, l1g, Clipz, Sharp, Waggot, Zorchenhimer, basilo, Sandwraith, kNoC, y00tz, Nitroboy, Termin8oR, nofearvladi, Krizdo4, Warlord, Apocalypse, sk89q, mariosonic, wade, Clockwork, webhead, nopyo, capo, bctrainers, JuCa, Corporal Perez
20: More high-res textures - Gremlin, bitmate, b00nlander, SkateR, oli887, Gold_Leader, l1g, TinMan, MosheD, Spook, Sandwraith, spacepirate, Nitroboy, kNoC, nofearvladi, Warlord, Playah, Apocalypse, wade, capo, magalhaes
19: Vwep (see what weapons people are carrying) - bitmate, KnacK, XtremeBain, SmackWaters, SkateR, ViciouZ, toM|vendettA, Gold_Leader, Waggot, basilo, eiii, Nitroboy, Warlord, Apocalypse, Clockwork, nopyo, capo, Fred187, Corporal Perez
15: New map format - P!nk, eiii, bitmate, b00nlander, Cobo, ViciouZ, Zorchenhimer, {appy Hamper, sk89q, Smokey, Apocalypse, Playah, y00tz, MosheD, Chef-Killer
14: Increase paintball visibility - S8NSSON, PiCaSSo, oli887, Dirty_Taco, nightryder, Playah, Spook, Gold_Leader, Nitroboy, Blitz, MosheD, DaRkNeSS, nopyo, capo
13: New gun models - Gremlin, iEATnoobs, l1g, Clipz, Sandwraith, Nitroboy, Termin8oR, wade, Clockwork, Ace, ^$hooter^, Corporal Perez
11: Vote kick - SmackWaters, nightryder, Sharp, Sandwraith, SkateR, Apocalypse, webhead, Chef-Killer, bctrainers, skitzo, KoreMagna
11: Server setting to adjust maxclients based on map size (controlled by mapinfo files) - Y2J, jitspoe, P!nk, b00nlander, Eiii, Apocalypse, magalhaes, webhead, maxpower, T3RR0R15T, KoreMagna
11: Hardware bans - Anarchy, P!nk, Cobo, Spook, BliZzaRd, KiLo, Apocalypse, Zorchenhimer, T3RR0R15T, DaRkNeSS, capo
10: Some method to prevent people from disconnecting to stop flag captures - KnacK, jitspoe, KiLo, lekky, b00nlander, Eiii, Spook, webhead, magalhaes, T3RR0R15T
9: Team autobalance - ch40s, TinMan, magalhaes, eiii, KiLo, ^$hooter^, capo, Corporal Perez, T3RR0R15T, KoreMagna
9: Password reset option for global logins - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, webhead, Chef-Killer, Joe Dirt, urscrewed, timendum, scope, f0cus
9: Leaning - magalhaes, atte, bitmate, ViciouZ, Sandwraith, kNoC, Nitroboy, ^$hooter^, KoreMagna
9: In-game voice communication (VoIP) - SkateR, Clipz, ch40s, Termin8oR, wade, DaRkNeSS, nopyo, bctrainers, skitzo
9: External PHP/MySQL feature voting page with +/- voting - y00tz, jitspoe, Eiii, Cobo, P!nk, Zorchenhimer, webhead, Apocalypse, T3RR0R15T
9: Central server for mapinfo files - jitspoe, DirtyTaco, T3RR0R15T, eiii, TinMan, nightryder, KiLo, Apocalypse, Chef-Killer
9: (Option to) disable colored text in chat - Anarchy, SkateR, Clipz, Waggot, basilo, KiLo, Spook, TinMan, webhead
8: Link wiki on the main page (I guess that means get it finished
- Cobo, webhead, Chef-Killer, magalhaes, Apocalypse, KiLo, P!nk, T3RR0R15T
8: Indicator for password-protected servers - abrken, magalhaes, nofearvladi, eiii, KiLo, T3RR0R15T, webhead, capo
8: Female player model - T3RR0R15T, SmackWaters, Spook, magalhaes, TinMan, capo, Fred187, KoreMagna
8: Don't require mouse to be over edit fields to type - oli887, jitspoe, Sharp, basilo, T3RR0R15T, Apocalypse, webhead, nopyo
8: Client-side demo auto-recording - Zorchenhimer, XtremeBain, magalhaes, Spook, {appy Hamper, TinMan, atmays, Apocalypse
8: (Option to) disable funnames - Spook, eiii, TinMan, Clipz, basilo, KiLo, Termin8oR, webhead
7: Round countdown timer for siege maps. - KnacK, magalhaes, Zorchenhimer, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer, nopyo, KoreMagna
7: Global login based bans - XtremeBain, KiLo, T3RR0R15T, SuperMAn, Y2J, webhead, ^$hooter^
7: Customizable word filter - {appy Hamper, jitspoe, Apocalypse, webhead, Chef-Killer, T3RR0R15T, KoreMagna
7: Configurable voting system for server settings - Cobo, Apocalypse, KiLo, y00tz, SkateR, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer
7: Better bot AI - P!nk, jitspoe, ViciouZ, QueeNiE, sk89q, Apocalypse, Fred187
7: Fix the lag spikes people are complaining about on build 18 - jitspoe, [GT]Snipen, loial21 (I think?), Zorchenhimer, y00tz, OonSuomesta, Spook6: Warmup mode before match starts / while waiting for players - jitspoe, bitmate, Apocalypse, T3RR0R15T, webhead, Chef-Killer
6: Variables in menu widgets (for map preview screenshots) - Zorchenhimer, l1g, {appy Hamper, y00tz, Canada A, Eiii
6: Tie global login accounts to forum accounts - y00tz, KiLo, kNoC, Apocalypse, webhead, capo
6: Support for left and right mouse wheel. - KnacK, Spook, Nitroboy, webhead, T3RR0R15T, KoreMagna
6: Sort buttons on (in-game) server list - oli887, TinMan, SuperMAn, Apocalypse, webhead, T3RR0R15T
6: Server-side/multi-view demo support where you can view the demo from different player views - TargY, magalhaes, Apocalypse, eiii, Zorchenhimer, T3RR0R15T
6: Punish / forgive system for team kills - ViciouZ, jitspoe, KnacK, Apocalypse, Krizdo4, capo
5: Weapon and item autoswitching - jitspoe, oli887, webhead, capo, KoreMagna
5: Wave animations - T3RR0R15T, Zorchenhimer, TinMan, Apocalypse, KoreMagna
5: Wall jumping - SkateR, Dirty_Taco, Sandwraith, ch40s, KoreMagna
5: Server browser player search feature - SmackWaters, T3RR0R15T, Apocalypse, Flame, KoreMagna
5: Screenshot system for cheat detection - ch40s, Clipz, Sharp, SuperMAn, MaDMaN
5: Save console command history to a file so when you load the game up again, you can hit the up arrow to get the last typed command. - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, TinMan, Cobo, Krizdo4
5: Ragdoll death animations - ViciouZ, Eiii, Ace, Zorchenhimer, Fred187
5: Map-specific chat logging (so we can get player feedback on the maps on the beta server). - jitspoe, magalhaes, ViciouZ, Apocalypse, T3RR0R15T
5: Kill cam (like in CoD) - nightryder, toM|vendettA, l1g, enozpp57, Apocalypse
5: If the server has a fatal error, try to load a map rather than leave the server down. - jitspoe, KiLo, kNoC, Krizdo4, T3RR0R15T
5: Global login based logins (ops) - XtremeBain, jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, Apocalypse, Krizdo4
5: Client-side auto end-game scoreboard screenshot - XtremeBain, Spook, {appy Hamper, TinMan, SuperMAn
5: Add fields to player and clan profiles: xfire name, teamspeak server, game server - y00tz, Zorchenhimer, Apocalypse, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer
5: Ability to add clan tags to player models - Clipz, T3RR0R15T, wade, Chef-Killer, nopyo
4: say_person feature - postmortem, Corporal Perez, Cobo, T3RR0R15T
4: place the *.ent files in pball/maps/ent/. not in pball/maps/ - T3RR0R15T, eiii, KiLo, Chef-Killer
4: Welcome e-mail with links/tips for new dplogin accounts - flip, ViciouZ, Cobo, Apocalypse
4: Tie map generator. - Olbaid, Bix, Moe_Lester, Razr
4: Substitute "Kills", "Deaths", etc. on HUD and scoreboard for something more appropriate - Toninho, KnacK, S8NSSON, y00tz
4: Scroll bar in the console - oli887, T3RR0R15T, webhead, KoreMagna
4: PNG support - jitspoe, TinMan, eiii, T3RR0R15T
4: New menu format - Cobo, wade, Zorchenhimer, y00tz
4: Mouse fix for vista - digi, SkateR, y00tz, Y2J
4: More user-friendly profile menu - y00tz, KiLo, eiii, capo
4: Make the server not hog all the CPU if there is a fatal error. - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, Krizdo4, webhead
4: Make the loc file system use the closest visible loc, not just the closest - b00nlander, jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer
4: Increased player visibility - Blitz, Playah, MosheD, DaRkNeSS
4: If the number of entities exceeds the maximum allowable, start removing paintballs instead of causing a fatal error. - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, webhead, Chef-Killer
4: Get rid of player model in first-person chase cam view. - nightryder, TinMan, Eiii, magalhaes
4: Fix spawn points in maps like shazam22 to work in elim mode - jitspoe, b00nlander, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer
4: Don't count down the timer in DM mode when there are no players - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer, capo
4: Break game code up into multiple libraries and open source parts of it - Cobo, Zorchenhimer, KiLo, Apocalypse
4: Allow angles to be used for func_rotating so s8n can finish his catapult map. - jitspoe, ViciouZ, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer
4: Allow all maps supporting 1-flag mode to be playable in PONG mode - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, webhead, Chef-Killer
4: Add (something like) DPGet to the official release - Zorchenhimer, y00tz, ViciouZ, Chef-Killer
4: Ability to use embedded quotes (so people can have spaces in their names when set from the menu) - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, {appy Hamper, Shadow
3: Work on the player models - Clipz, Sharp, TinMan
3: Wiki bans - Cobo, jitspoe, webhead
3: User option when to respawn when the mandatory respawn period is reached. - KnacK Zorchenhimer, y00tz
3: True first person views for chasecams - Eiii, webhead, magalhaes
3: Tie the wiki into the global login system to prevent abuse / spambots. - jitspoe, webhead, Cobo
3: Tag game mode - nopyo, b00nlander, Ace
3: Sort scoreboard by Kills, Deaths, Caps, Grabs, Time - T3RR0R15T, Apocalypse, Ace
3: Player mute option / Better way to control who can and can't talk during matches (for pbcup admins) - b00nlander, jitspoe, Apocalypse
3: Patch support - Eiii, Cobo, UNiBoNGeR
3: PK3's - Smokey, b00nlander, TinMan
3: Option to set crosshair size - jitspoe, Spook, TinMan
3: Option to display name changes. - y00tz, loial21 (I think?), Krizdo4, T3RR0R15T
3: New sounds - iEATnoobs, nightryder, TinMan
3: New (selectable) player skins - bitmate, iEATnoobs, wade
3: More cheat detection - Gremlin, T3RR0R15T, KoreMagna
3: More DSM options for entities (so I can finish pbcup/arctic_dsm) - jitspoe, P!nk, T3RR0R15T
3: Migrate CVS to SVN - Cobo, y00tz, XtremeBain
3: Melee attack (barrel tag? paintbrush?) - enozpp57, TinMan, KoreMagna
3: Map pack. - oli887, Gold_Leader, Chef-Killer
3: Map notifications for standalone serverbrowser - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, nopyo
3: Increase limit for loc files - b00nlander, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer
3: In-game chat (Connect to IRC server, perhaps?) - oli887, bctrainers, skitzo
3: Grapple - loial21, ch40s, KoreMagna
3: Free for all game mode where a player gets points for holding a flag - Apocalypse, Corporal Perez, KoreMagna
3: Far Cry style foliage support with distant billboarding - Zorchenhimer, y00tz, Apocalypse
3: Entities reset after each round option - eiii, Chef-Killer, T3RR0R15T
3: Enlarge lists (server lists, scoreboard, etc.) to display more characters - abrken, Krizdo4, webhead
3: Download textures required by rscripts. - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer
3: Don't try to download textures if an rscript exists for that texture name. - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, Chef-Killer
3: Display map name and game mode at the beginning of the match - Zorchenhimer, T3RR0R15T, KoreMagna
3: Dashing - SkateR, Dirty_Taco, magalhaes
3: Context dropdowns in scoreboard for ignoring, etc. - Playah, webhead, jitspoe
3: Brief invulnerability after spawning - KoreMagna, T3RR0R15T, webhead
3: Ability to select and copy text. - kNoC, TinMan, Chef-Killer
3: (Option to) assign the player name automatically to the name in the profile when logging in. - jitspoe, Spook, Zorchenhimer
3: "Best of" page to display the most popular maps / best players - abrken, wade, KoreMagna