I've uploaded the map to dplogin.com. A few things, though:
- The map is a bit large for 1v1, so a minplayers of 0 isn't really realistic. It should probably be more like 6 or 8. I think anything less than a 3v3 on that map would be kind of lonely.
- You list DM on the supported list, but there are no additional DM spawns. Players are stuck respawning in the spawn rooms, so much of the map doesn't get utilized and spawn camping becomes an issue.
- In KOTH mode, there is no hill defined, just the flag. I guess that's fine since it's a secondary mode that will probably never be played, but it would be better to have a slightly larger area defined so the person controlling the hill can be in more than one spot.
- In CTF mode, the center flag still spawns.
If you go about tweaking any entities, it would be cool to make the area outside the spawn rooms jails. They already have the bars. Maybe have a way to teleport between them or something. Just an idea.