I have only ever seen like 1 eR33t member but if Dirty_Taco is in it it is the best darn clan ever OOOOOOOH YAAAAAAAAA! CUZ Dirty_Taco rules BOOOOYAAAAAAHHH. Uhuhuhuhuhuh. i'm standing up dancing right now. By the way just incase u are very oblivious and can't tell Dirty_Taco is my idol his maps are sweet. Uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh back to dancin well I better post but just to tell you i'm gonna keep dancin for a very, very, very, lonnnngggg time. Uhuhuhuhuhuh oh ya just one thing you need to work on Dirty_Taco if ure righting that long make it more then eR33t did this and eR33t did that etc.