Author Topic: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story  (Read 4989 times)


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A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« on: September 09, 2004, 01:41:37 PM »
It has come to my attention by way of c0mbat AKA tom vendetta (of whom I am here to represent) that a Digital Paint hacker is resident in our community.

We've known these people before, but never caught one of them. You know who I'm talking about; Uni, muti, crazylady, etc... All of these are blatant if not yet confirmed hackers.

I'd first like to present my proof as I press charges against one of DP's foremost players and community member, BoZZ aka Demi.
Please put this in your paintball2\pball\demos directory, start DP, and go to the console and enter "demomap demi.dm2"

Watching this demo makes the truth painfully obvious as stated in #paintball by vendetta (AKA c0mbat) - our dear docile friend is Bind/Bunnyhop/SpeedHack/FakeLag Hacking. It's easy to see as he accelerates towards the flag at 696294902345247689736.33156 meters per second and rushes away with it in record time that he is hacking for speed.

One might notice the recordee of this demo (c0mbat) doing badly. This is easily explained by the fact bozz is hacking and the negative chaotic effect it has on the game in general, causing c0mbat's skills to be fully inverted to the point of nub.

As seen, I've stated and presented my evidence. Now Jitspoe can proceed with banning this "h4x0r" from our community and from the game.

I've taken the initiative - can you take your own?

Posted on behalf of
c0mbat AKA toM-vendettA - may these charges prove self-evident
« Last Edit: September 09, 2004, 01:44:26 PM by IronFist »


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2004, 10:13:44 PM »
You make no sense at all...  "We've known these people before, but never caught one of them... All of these are blatant if not yet confirmed hackers."

Grow up!

I'm still trying to learn to appreciate the childish rantings of people like you.  As many years as I have been playing this game I certainly don't have to prove my skill at this game to crybabies like you who think your so good that noone else can ever play this game as well as or better than you.  You scream "Hacker!" everytime someone beats you.  

Stop your whining because there will always be someone that can beat you in this game just like there will always be some stupid donkey that will try to hack or cheat at this game.

I've almost learned how to accept being called a hacker as a compliment.

MuTi aka PiCaSSo


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2004, 05:40:11 AM »
Yeah, well that looks a lot like a speed hack. But I agree with you. Stop crying, and live with it. Tell someone, but don't say he extinguished your skills.


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2004, 08:45:04 AM »
Eii: Yes we have =)

Mut: i have no longer learned to scream HACKER!! now its just ADMIN ABUSE!!!


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2004, 11:56:11 AM »
LOL I hear ya Combat :)  I can sometimes see where you might see it that way.  That's why it is always your FREE choice to use other servers or wait until the person whom you think is abusing ADMIN privileges is not on the server.  Most of us who have ADMIN pay our hard earned dollar to bring the servers to you for your gaming pleasure.  Have you donated to the cause?  Anyway, happy painting :)



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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2004, 03:36:59 PM »
what up  very *friendly* persono    hey i would love to help keep the service alive by contrubiting .......$$$$$



loilalpoo sez pico is a hot chick


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2004, 03:20:33 PM »
Working in behalf of tomvendetta, I am capable of taking your kind donations.

Please contact me personally, removed by request

Thank you.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 11:33:39 PM by jitspoe »


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2004, 07:21:02 PM »
Your fired =) . Loial: #ApexGameServers =)


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2004, 09:14:58 PM »
Guys, seriously.  If your gonna point fingers at people why not pick people who are good?  Obviously these people dont hack, cause they do not stand out in any such way.  Like seriously get a intercourseinnnnn life.



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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2004, 10:27:24 AM »
LOL I hear ya Combat :)  I can sometimes see where you might see it that way.  That's why it is always your FREE choice to use other servers or wait until the person whom you think is abusing ADMIN privileges is not on the server.  Most of us who have ADMIN pay our hard earned dollar to bring the servers to you for your gaming pleasure.  Have you donated to the cause?  Anyway, happy painting :)


Muti that's a joke, I've been kicked for doing well myself. Snipen didnt even know it was me and I sad nothing to him. Afterwards i got kicked for telling him off but thats besides the point. granted it's his business if he wants to be a prick, but it IS admin abuse if there ever was such a thing. Ever since more servers have gone back up he's been quieter about it but it still goes on, not too long ago I was kicked for defending against snipen and winning even though he loves to do that himself.

In another game we played later on my member Xile was kicked for winning with dial up. According to senor snipen it was impossible for xile to beat him using dial up so he must have been cheating... On top of that he responded to things said in our team_chat which shows he's looking at the server console to see the other teams recon.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2004, 10:31:20 AM by FourthX »


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2004, 10:01:04 PM »
about; Uni, muti, crazylady, etc... All of these are blatant if not yet confirmed hackers.

cough couhg rofl confirmed bywaht .....and for gods sake if you think i cheat you must really not get how easy the q2 engine is

any how ironfist(ing) ...
"what does not kill you makes you stronger"

suck it up whine bot ..there will always be cheaters ..and it usally takes 4 rounds playing against to know who  has the zbot on

in 4th(s) def .....i have felt the unjustly hand of admin abuse ...and the loving hand of an admin kick peeps with lame newbish fonts ..on my behalf( ty sharon )


Bow down


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2004, 06:17:45 PM »
Life is not fair. Get over it.


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2004, 07:32:32 PM »
Okay, this has gone on long enough. Just drop it. Some people are being excretory openings, others are completely on the other side. No one (should) care anymore, so JUST DROP IT.


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2004, 04:09:53 PM »
For the record, I didn't expect anybody to reply to this. GG.

me = flame attractant


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2004, 08:59:13 PM »
:) bows down to ur concern....again ff with a ff count to a ff limit on will help figure out who is spraying correctly (lucky some may say) and who is hacking


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2004, 07:11:08 AM »
I remain unknown as I state my story. It is how I lost my respect and idol of our dear bozzy changed his name to a "GOd" and went hacked, especially to me ending up with a crowd to watch of DP's like yourself.

I was playing "Jump" all the same and Demi-God (take notice how he loves himself) said he loved that map because he "haxery ownt it" so I just laughed it off with little thought thinking how he could never hack if he even tryed for once.

Little did I know it was true, as I came around the corner and just the moment I came by he was a "SPLASH" of sparks speeding past at more then a normal human DP player could ever go and killed me everyone saw is I was humilliated beyond the point.

Take this story and don't drop this one. We all know that once in awhile these storys are true and we must take action.

Don't let GOd-bozzy make it for you and take the pain and suffering that came with all those people watching you wither and lose due to a hacker.


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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2004, 08:58:36 PM »
again what doesnt kill you ...

nothing beats learning q2 when against zbots on MPlayer with sucky  dial up ...



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Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2004, 08:20:02 AM »
If you don't want people to reply to your post, don't post. No trolling on this forum. Thread closed. Consider this a warning, IronFist.