so i just got finished with a match with a clan that will be unnamed. We will call them Clan Unnamed (CU).
so we go into a nice gt server expecting a good ol' match. first thing i hear from the clan, is that my mate (InlinE) is a ringer. So we argue about that for a while. Then comes everyone's favorite, the old remark 'noobed'. No, InlinE and I aren't the best players in this game, but why call us noobs? Is it supposed to be an insult. it was getting on my nerves but InlinE and I kept our cool for a while. But then they came up with comments like 'girl thingyed' and 'female doged'. I was not angry about the comments, but it was annoying. So I tell them to shut up and such since it was really starting to annoy me. Towards the end of the match, one member had to go. He leaves and says "Don't worry, they're noobs, you can win." So we keep playing and he starts saying drop 1. Though, after reading the match guide in the digital paint wiki, you aren't supposed to drop one. So we keep playing and he keeps complaining on and on. In the end we won and he leaves. Inline and I think, well let's leave and find another match.
All of the sudden, i get a PM on IRC saying we forfeit since we left. He started giving me some crap that he reconnected. So i start getting pretty annoyed and i say a few things. That's the end of it.
the point of all this is why are people this obnoxious and win hungry during clan matches? Yes, I like to win too, but to leave then say we forfeit since we left? Also, is all the name calling necessary? well, i just want to know some opinons. Isn't this game about having fun after all? D=