That chick said some true stuff. DID YOU LISTEN TO ANY OF IT?
<ARRMATEY> one thing you have to remember
<ARRMATEY> is to not seem desperate
You just literally blew that out of the water by having that conversation in public.
It's attitude and confidence, period, end of story.
An easy way to develop a successful attitude & confidence is to look around you, see what the women slayers are doing, and try to mimic what they do without blatantly becoming a clone.
You can also do certain things to draw attention to yourself (in a good way). Exploit your talents. I was a good musician, joined a band, chicks everywhere. But they were all sexually promiscuous persons. So you have to be content in the fact that you are going to get what you ask for.
Be a playah, get sexually promiscuous persons.
If you're looking for love and the perfect woman "for you" you just need to clean yourself up, be yourself, be confident that you are the best you you can be, and "your girl" will come along eventually.
My advice, learn to be a playah, to talk the talk and walk the walk. You will draw in the sexually promiscuous persons for good times, and it's always easy to dip out of the playah front if you come across that perfect girl.
Look for Ms. Right, and have fun with Ms. Wrong while you wait.