Author Topic: Build 013 Feedback  (Read 13729 times)


  • Stingray
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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2005, 01:32:38 AM »
I really like the new version and i havent had any problems with it but it seems like there are a lot of people who are refusing to update and it makes me muy triste  :(


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #61 on: March 12, 2005, 01:46:31 AM »

Say for a moment we go with your skewed logic and say it is "fair."  There is another element that comes into play here:  Balance.  Just because somebody is slightly better than you doesn't mean he should always win.  What fun is that?  The main objective of this game isn't who can run the fastest -- in fact, when it was first created nobody really even knew about strafe jumping -- it's about team-based strategy.  Giving a single player the ability to score a large number of points based solely on a single skill (one that shouldn't even be required to play) is absurd.  It's incredibly unbalanced.  It's bad game design.  It makes new players say, "Screw that.  I quit."  Losing every time you play a new game doesn't encourage you to practice for 5 years so you might be able to win some, it frustrates you.

Think about it, if every time a new player grabbed a flag, he had no chance of returning it to base on time, do you think he would continue to play?  Newbies get brutally raped as it is.  Why should I punish them even further by making difficult goals flat out impossible?

Also, you didn't really answer my question -- how is requiring the flag to be at home punishing a skilled player?  If they are so skilled it should not be difficult to track down and kill the enemy flag carrier.


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #62 on: March 12, 2005, 01:00:48 PM »
i have updated btw , not bad but I cant see the ball fly as well ( i will explain in larger detail later) :(  ,  so unless I have to i will continue to use q2 , sorry

i understand your point jitspoe , "screw that i quit" , will kill the game. which is the point i was at , i will get over it (fooker)

i had great fun last night however i dont like waiting for others to KILL THE ENEMY while i am sitting at cap my fisrt point. i guess that wont ever change so ill stop female dogin ....about that

now on to somehting else can we please keep track of how many actual points an person scores per map, I meen you have other invidual scores  slots any chance of removing total grabs and replacing it with grabs that scored . it only makes sense to count those in a personal scoreing  , and if not why?

for instance i scored a lot of points for my team by grabing and getting two points .  But could not gloat since i had now way of proving my value to my team :(

:) thanks for the fun at pickup poopy.  good idea

c ya next week

btw i felt i made my argument and besides i ask u first jerko




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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #63 on: March 12, 2005, 10:27:32 PM »
If you don't like waiting, do it yourself. :)

As for your second request, how do you qualify what points were earned by an individual?  Say person A captures the flag.  That's great, but it wouldn't be fair to give JUST person A 5 points, because while person A was grabbing, person B defended the team's flag, person C shot the guy that would have killed person A, and person D laid down suppressing fire giving person A enough time to return the flag. They all deserve 5 points, and that's what they get, in big red numbers up on the HUD.

Also, something like that would discourage teamwork.  Everybody would want to get those 5 points added to their score, so suddenly person A, B, C, and D are all fighting with each other trying to grab the flag rather than working as a team.  You shouldn't be trying to compete with your own teammates!  Besides, gloating is annoying and immature, and if not implementing this stops you from gloating, great! :)


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #64 on: March 13, 2005, 01:50:11 AM »
i ment counting in scoreing (f2)

 grabs that counted as 2 points for your team, instead of grabs that resulted in no points scored.

get it got it good?

comon jits how many times do u get five points for just a grab?

btw i get er done. look at my teams ownage , dispite my best effort i managed to nadel my self on jump with flag at cap, or do u forget?

« Last Edit: March 13, 2005, 01:52:06 AM by loial21 »


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #65 on: March 13, 2005, 04:20:00 PM »
So a grab only counts as a grab if the grabber captures the flag or is holding it when the round ends?
can we please keep track of how many actual points an person scores per map
From this I thought you meant the total number of points an "individual" scored for the team, which would be 5 in the case of a flag capture.

Let me pose a few scenarios: Person A fights his way into the enemy base, grabs the flag, and eliminates 3 players before getting eliminated himself.  Person B picks up the flag and eliminates the last player.  Who should get the grab point?

What if Person A grabbed the flag and was immediately shot, then Person B picked up the flag and eliminated 3 or 4 people, winning the round.  Who should get the grab point then?  How do you objectively determine somebody's value to the team?

Also, what about 1-flag maps.  You don't get 2 points for holding the flag at the end of the round.  How would people get grab points then?


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #66 on: March 13, 2005, 09:10:59 PM »
you do get 2 points for haveing the flag if round ends ? :(

thats how we beat you on pickup with me having the flag at the end of most rounds on jump, i just want you to take out the grab catagory in the scoreboard and replace it with or add it with a catagory of how many times round ended and you had flag, that freaking smiple.

Let me pose a few scenarios: Person A fights his way into the enemy base, grabs the flag, and eliminates 3 players before getting eliminated himself.  Person B picks up the flag and eliminates the last player.  Who should get the grab point?
they player that lived and has flag (2points)

What if Person A grabbed the flag and was immediately shot, then Person B picked up the flag and eliminated 3 or 4 people, winning the round.  Who should get the grab point then? 
they player who had the flag at the end of the round (2points).

Also, what about 1-flag maps
you should be awarding  the last team left with flag one point if not two point(why you dont do this remains a mystery). Seems like you could fix some problems by correcting this. tied scores and all

« Last Edit: March 14, 2005, 07:19:10 PM by loial21 »


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #67 on: March 14, 2005, 09:44:16 PM »
On most 1-flag maps, it's far to easy to grab the flag (since nobody is defending it), thus the 2-point bonus only applies to team flags, where grabbing the flag is more of a challenge.

Your request unfortunately isn't a minor change.  Now that the scoreboard is done client-side, making a change like that would break compatibilty with different versions, which I don't want to do just yet, especially for a change this small.  Perhaps at a later point.


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #68 on: March 15, 2005, 01:40:21 AM »
      Bows at your attention.

   My concern is a selfish one, however u really need to consider it is harder to grab and live with flag at round's end. Then just a grab a flag then die w/o flag before rounds end. Which is how you count personal scoring. I say BOOO! 

  Again its easy to grab flag but to end round with it is really hard or easy despite teamwork.
let alone cappin them/it (flags)

   That is why teams are rewarded with 2 points, which should also count in personal scoring and not just grabs with out scoring.

Ok here comes the truth regarding one flag maps scoring

On most 1-flag maps, it's far to easy to grab the flag (since nobody is defending it)

  You said its ez to grab flag, sure how ez is it for you to live after grab )

  How may one flag maps (which are few and far between due to admins) dont players rush to flag to grab?

at this point i wil respectfully await your or others insight
« Last Edit: March 15, 2005, 02:03:01 AM by loial21 »


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #69 on: March 15, 2005, 07:53:00 AM »
More often than not, 1-flag map rounds end with somebody holding the flag.  Either team can grab the flag, so whoever kills the carrier usually grabs the flag right away.


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #70 on: April 04, 2005, 08:10:15 PM »
and so on and so on.....

I belive one point should be awarded ..please :)


  • PGP
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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #71 on: April 04, 2005, 08:13:24 PM »
Wow Its been awhile for me and I see I've been missing out.

First of all loial21, I understand every project needs criticisim other wise nothing would realy get done, but when you go and start insulting the owner (creator) of a project, it is low.  And if you don't like it find another game, or make it on your own and host it so we could see how badly it would suck!!!

I come from the Raven Shield community and am a Moder for the game of Raven Shield.  As you might careless, but we do not have the official SDK from the great company of Ubi Soft (sarcasim levels rising).
 I made the first non-overwrinting Weapons mod, using someones decompiled and modified SDK (which was painfull at times).  Even thou my first Mod only had 1 weapon, the community was very greatfull.
When I released my second Mod I got more positive feedback, because I added suport for Scopes + Silencers + High Capacity Mags. Which the original dev team didn't.  This made the community even happier because a lot of people have been whating to have all the gadgets on the weapon.

Now I have the the v 1.3 coming out soon, which lets you play it despite the recent patch that Ubi Soft releaced (that blocked all Mod support).  Now I have a alpha testing team of nice size, even a Mac side tester  ;D, and the Community is great fully for what they got, from my mod, and I do take requests and tips but the stuff your asking for plus with that additude.

Good job jitspoe, I try to play your mod when ever I can, but I've been too busy with life and my mod.  Keep it up!


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #72 on: April 04, 2005, 11:07:08 PM »
Yeah, I know how that goes -- I hardly have time to play paintball, let alone other mods!


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #73 on: April 05, 2005, 06:15:58 PM »
    Loial is insulting and with an attitude??? Ok, mabey I could see how sometimes I am a whinebot about issues that I belive should be addressed. But that is hardly being insulting, If your looking for people insulting jitspoe you could not have done worse.

Dear Shotmyself,
 FIrst nice to meet ya!!
   Wow you seem a very smart person in regards to game programming, good for you. I however am not and when I ask to have stuff done its being asked out of ignorance and asked with a smile or in my god simplex, in either case its done with intention of makeing the reader smile. You should have more of a heart for those who dont know what you and Jitspoe do. For example you might have gone to school to learn what you have, I on the other hand did not Major in programming but in the Tele-com field.
    Jitspoe seems to know this and has shown me nothing but respect and an dare I say friendship (your so happy), oh and the slaps to the face. Even Jitspoe would be lying if he said that I was not humble, respectful, caring, first to apologize and a GOD to all the ladies !!! (kiss)
    On top of which you took something out of text (speaking of if your going to accuse some one of being insulting please be kind enough and be specific) and spoke harshly to someone you dont know. I dont know where you come from but here in Texas that is considered rude. Or better phrased "them is fighting words son"

   But really for you to point my out as an exmaple of being rude to the Devolpers , well you picked the weakest and worst example, congradulations. 

I all i have asked for was to mirror America's Army global accounts, a sniper class weapon to promote teamwork and for god's sake fix the illegable server message that crashes my game.

If my ranting was hurtfull, I am sorry. What am not sorry for is my love for this game . 

Lastly give me what i want.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 06:37:13 PM by loial21 »


  • PGP
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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #74 on: April 06, 2005, 08:21:34 AM »
    Loial is insulting and with an attitude??? Ok, mabey I could see how sometimes I am a whinebot about issues that I belive should be addressed. But that is hardly being insulting, If your looking for people insulting jitspoe you could not have done worse.

Dear Shotmyself,
 FIrst nice to meet ya!!
   Wow you seem a very smart person in regards to game programming, good for you. I however am not and when I ask to have stuff done its being asked out of ignorance and asked with a smile or in my god simplex, in either case its done with intention of makeing the reader smile. You should have more of a heart for those who dont know what you and Jitspoe do. For example you might have gone to school to learn what you have, I on the other hand did not Major in programming but in the Tele-com field.
    Jitspoe seems to know this and has shown me nothing but respect and an dare I say friendship (your so happy), oh and the slaps to the face. Even Jitspoe would be lying if he said that I was not humble, respectful, caring, first to apologize and a GOD to all the ladies !!! (kiss)
    On top of which you took something out of text (speaking of if your going to accuse some one of being insulting please be kind enough and be specific) and spoke harshly to someone you dont know. I dont know where you come from but here in Texas that is considered rude. Or better phrased "them is fighting words son"

   But really for you to point my out as an exmaple of being rude to the Devolpers , well you picked the weakest and worst example, congradulations. 

I all i have asked for was to mirror America's Army global accounts, a sniper class weapon to promote teamwork and for god's sake fix the illegable server message that crashes my game.

If my ranting was hurtfull, I am sorry. What am not sorry for is my love for this game . 

Lastly give me what i want.

Nice to meet you too, but I belive I've might have played against you in some matches back last year.

I am not totaly aware of whats going on and if it was just playfull rudeness to jitspoe, but when I rad throught the posts, I did notice lots and lots of letting down and cusing at jitspoe. 

Now I didnot got through special education, for fact I'm only almost 17.

Jitspoe knows the quake 2 engine pretty well does a good job at it.  I do not belive I know the fraction of the Unreal Engine as well as he does the quake engine.

I understand that you would like some of those features, maybe perhaps a new gametype will be a good solution, just try being a little more polite if you actualy respect this project of his.

Sorry if I insulted you loial21, but I belive jitspoe deserves a lot of possitve feedback for the great mod of his work (kept me coming back to play more for more then 6 months).


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #75 on: April 06, 2005, 10:02:02 AM »
and for god's sake fix the illegable server message that crashes my game.
AFAIK it's fixed.  Not my fault you won't upgrade. :)


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #76 on: April 06, 2005, 05:08:24 PM »
After using  your alpha I will.

Two things that effect my game play. One of which i need to just get over i.

The ball flight which has been brought to your attention and your rag doll effect makes me doubt with the player has stoped or is dying ? I perfer to know the enemy was killed by them flying just a little back, tis the q2 way :)

again thanks for your attention



If you have played dp in the last 3 years, then we have played. I however have nevered matched in dp :)

I try my best not to be 2 demanding however pethitic it is I have played more q2 dp then any one alive :( I feel I have a right to explain the best I can (which is not very good) what i have enjoyed most in online gaming not just  Jitspoe wonderful creation :)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 05:46:11 PM by loial21 »


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #77 on: April 06, 2005, 07:28:07 PM »
Ball flight is done server side, so it doesn't matter which client you're using; it will always be the same.

Rag doll?  There's no ragdoll physics... I wish it were that advanced, but no.  Still standard Q2 stuff.  The player model/death animations are different; that's all.  You're probably just not used to them.  We'll be redoing the models, though, once I get a new model format in.

Oh, and I find it hard to believe you've played more pb2 than anyone else. :)


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #78 on: April 06, 2005, 09:51:55 PM »
Ok, large statment but hours logged in public er33t and gt the past 4years that is all. Me and Mut are a close 1st and second but ask around....

New Player Models .. how about custom skins?


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Re: Build 013 Feedback
« Reply #79 on: April 07, 2005, 10:47:52 AM »
What I have in mind for skins is a variety of player-selectable pants/shirts/masks that could be used in various combinations.  I don't know if we'll do completely custom skins because people might start making and using cammo skins or skins with the wrong colors just to be cheap.