It's surprising this game is still played considering that the detectives far outweigh ppl like Jit who try to improve the game. Ppl like protour or tourpro or w/e complain of camping. I explain the "new" concept of guarding the flag in a ctf game, and suddenly I suck rooster and am no good at the game. Good thing he is allowed to spam server msgs about my fellatio skills to the whole group trying to play the game. Mature, really.
Then a few moments ago, we have a nice, large game on castle1. Game over, it goes to midnight, and everyone leaves. I love that map, most ppl, apparently, don't. All but two ppl leave, so I find a server with a few ppl playing pbcup, which for some odd reason, I like. I join, they tell me to join obs, cause ppl aer being shown stuff. I say, ok, Ill watch, no kills. Since I dont join obs, I get a kick warning. Wtf is wrong w/ppl.
//hot and aggrevated
///late and drunk