Please come back and work on this. I really like the map, but the current spawns are a big issue. For example, one of the red spawns is right in front of the blue base, facing the middle, so you end up walking toward your own base (or if you turn around, you're practically spawning in the blue base). I would completely get rid of all the spawns in the middle. Another thing that's kind of confusing is the fact that the low path directly under the flag is the opposite color, so if you're at the ladder, you're surrounded by, say, red markings, then climb up into the blue base. Maybe change the colors part way through. Ideally, right in front of the jail, so you'd know which side somebody will come from if he grabs the flag and drops down. On the topic of the jail - you need more spawn points. People can easily spawn camp the jails, since everybody spawns in a row there, which can be kind of annoying. Also, by the spawns on one side, you can get stuck between the barrels and the wall. And, finally, a minor thing, but if you go up the left side of the ladder by the base entrance, you hit your head and get stuck. Maybe put a clip texture on the side to prevent people from even climbing up that way.