Hi community
I made a map a month or so ago, and I'm starting to wrap it up.
It's called (The) Terminal, and it's based off a railroad station or airport terminal sort of. It's not a "crates in a box" map, but it is my first. I've seen stuff posted all over saying don't release your first map, and since obviously everyone is a fan of their own work, I knew I'd have to run it by you guys.
I think it plays pretty good, it'd be a fine CTF map, and we've been playing it a lot here at the office.
It features walls and a few obstacles to prevent pray and spray, as well as some clever lighting and shadows to allow for hiding and strategic camping. I have two routes, and it's a linear map, but plenty of stairwells allow for even more paths.
Note; That's not the blue barrel texture, it's a custom texture.
I attached some screenshots, and I'm wondering if I should begin working on a beta for a possible release. So um, what do you guys think?