Ok so, im starting this thread as a discussion in which I feel we can increase the size of this community.
I really feel we should move to Quakenet, rather than stay at GGC as we are now. I think joining a large network would go massive lengths to getting more people to play this game.
At the moment we are stuck in a tiny server all to ourselves, just do a /list and you'll see exactly what i mean. Sometimes it feels like some members of this community want to keep it for themselves, there own little secret game where they can be king. The game has a lot more potential than we are allowing it to have. New clans that might play this game, wont because they will not come to our server, and cannot be involved in our community. Im absolutely certain this wouldn't be the case on a server like Quakenet.
I've been idling in Quakenet for a fair while now, and I honestly see no problem with aving our community on there. This game cannot bring in new gamers on its own, we need to actively help it do this if we really want to increase the popularity of the game.
On a side note I have been told that we were once on the Quakenet server, and left for some reason?
Lets discuss this without bias, and for the good of this game and our community.