Author Topic: DPCon 2005  (Read 32211 times)


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #100 on: July 24, 2005, 08:00:36 PM »

The only thing stopping me was the time of year. I know with school being out its a good Idea but, most players that can (money) and willing are older than that. I regret first missing a chance to meet ya and shake your hand and thank you for this game. Second pics? game results?


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #101 on: July 26, 2005, 03:56:36 AM »
when will the pictures of DPCon be released?
I can't wait to see the new modell and the new features and as well the new game mode ;)


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #102 on: July 27, 2005, 10:25:09 AM »
Ok Ok Ok...Post DPCON2005 Review...

First of all I ended up being insanely busy the entire time leading up to DPCON. This was evident by the fact that I actually almost went to DPCON a week early. If it weren't for the fact that, after I called DaPainta to tell him to be ready in the morning, he called me back informing me I was a week early, I would have been at DPCON a week early.
On top of that, I never bothered to check the starting time for DPCON. So I pick DaPainta up at 7:30am and drive the four hours from Atlanta to Charlotte. This put me at the venue at 11:30am. Well DPCON didn't even start till 3pm. So we went to the hotel and caught a nap! Good thing too, or I would have been able to make it till 4am, when we finally quit.

All in all, for me, it was the funnest of the three DPCONs I have attended. It was pretty cool hanging out with Jitspoe and Calrathan, although Cal should have brought his XBox360.

The venue was the worst of the three DPCONS, but ended up serving it's purpose well. If there would have been a large community turnout we would have been in trouble as space looked to be quite an issue.

MAGIC|YU-GI-OH(sp)|POKE-MON...These people were crazy with thier card games. DPCON was held the same night as an ALL NIGHTER card game-a-thon. So the freaky card gamers were there in force. Some of them joined in on the DP fun, which made for us having a good number of people playing. I'll have to say, these first-time DPers at the last two DPCONs have picked the game up really fast. And they seemed to really enjoy it.

The tournaments:
Well I can only say that DaPainta apeared to win it all. I think he DIDN'T win one or two events. The 2vs2 was the greatest fun for me. Me and my partner went to the losers bracket first match by DaPainta. We won three straight after that only to be dropped by Jitspoe in a battle for the losers bracket. In that match me and my partner jumpes up to an early commanding lead, only to have Jitspoe and his partner smack us down with a series of flag grabs. DaPainta and his partner defeated Jitspoe and his partner in an overtime battle, if i remember correctly. My favorite match was between Me and my partner and Calrathan and his. It was to see who matched Jitspoe and his partner for the losers bracket. That match was very very close.

So guy brought his kid up there for the card games. His car sat out front all night, and was a joy to look at every time I went outside. It was a 90K Acura NSX with over 150K worth of modifications. I've only ever seen one of those in GTA:SA, so it was nice finally seeing one in R/L.

If we take the last two DPCONs as a measure, the BAGS-IN-A-BAG competition will feature a bag full of bags the size of a small car next year!

Calrathan and I poked at Jitspoe a number of times on doing away with backwards compatability. And we also has some discussions about the community and why more of you fools don't come to this event. I mean, come on, some of you live closer that I do. A plane ticket is not THAT expensive. You don't really even need your own PC.

I am hoping that, as we amp this game up to be more in line with today's quality of games, that we will start bringing in a new base of players. And maybe bring back some old players.

DPCON2006(if it will be)...MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW.

We don't care if you're FAT. We don't care if you're UGLY. We don't care if you pretend to be slim and handsome, but are really fat and ugly. We don't care if you have no arms and legs and play DP with a custom mouth operated controller. Come to DPCON and meet the people you play with. I don't fathom how you people can't want to do that. If you are just scared cause you've been a jerk in the DP community and fear retrobution in person, well then yeah, you better not come...hehe! j/k

Ok...i've rambled on enough for now...not checking for typos as usual...



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« Reply #103 on: July 27, 2005, 10:33:47 AM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:16:37 PM by IronFist »


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #104 on: July 27, 2005, 10:40:41 AM »
* jitspoe will need a video camera for that.


  • VM-68
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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #105 on: July 27, 2005, 01:14:41 PM »
smokey says talkin in the 3rd person is fun and when he moves to north carolina next year if dpcon is there he will go!


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #106 on: July 27, 2005, 02:57:54 PM »
Are you now allowed to reveal what the new gametype is?


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #107 on: July 27, 2005, 05:56:15 PM »
I look forward to being inducted in to true manhood by S8N.
eww wtf

S8n fathom this, those that did go hardly play anymore and that is what is sad.

 Lets make a deal (Cal you smellbot, I saw you join the server and just leave with out saying a thing or tryign to play, the map was castle1 so you had no excuse) those that attended DPCON try playing at least 3 nights a week for 3 hours and mabey those of us who can afford the trip but just really was not intrested in playing with people I hardly every play with?

*edit more to my point you and Cal really should not poke fun of a game you were never any good at!!!! :) 


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #108 on: July 31, 2005, 02:32:09 PM »
*edit more to my point you and Cal really should not poke fun of a game you were never any good at!!!!

There is so much wrong with that statement, lolita.

1) Cal made the darn game. I do think he can say whatever he wants with ever right in the world.

2) I've played this mod since WAY WAY back. Maybe not quite QW, but pretty soon after thereabouts. So i'll say what I wish.

3) I don't claim to be good. I don't care to be "good". I just wish to have fun when I play. The right to opinion is not based on skill, that's for sure.

4) I'll say what ever the phuque i want so shut up boy.


It's simple really.
1) Some of you are just too young to make a DPCON. That's understandable.
2) Some of you just have no interest in meeting the people you play. This I can't understand. I'm a social person. I love meeting people. But, again, understandable
3) And some of you are just scared. Some of you are that portion of internet waste. Ya know, that low self esteem, picked on in school, has no friends, of slighly above average intelligence type of kid that has discovered they can hide behind thier keyboard and monitor and pretend to be a big man, or some kind of programming hacker wiz kid. You'll never attend a DPCON lest the truth be known. Scare little weasles.

Saying that you have no interest in playing the people that are going makes no sense either. Talk to the people you would like to see at DPCON and get them to go.

There's two reasons I attend LANs. For the chance to play against people with no lag, and to meet and talk to the people on the other side of the screen. I've been going to LAN fests for around 10 years. I traveled all over the country, and have met people from all over the world. It's great. It gives me a better perspective on who some of you really are. And this weighs heavily on my attitude towards a person. I'm sure some of you think i'm a complete ass. But i'm really not, as anyone that has met me can tell you.

It may be a while, but when all the planned visual upgrades to this game are complete I would love to see backwards compatability eliminated. This , hopefully, would have a flushing effect on the community. At that point I see no reason why DP wouldn't attract a new player base with some good publicity of the game and its new stuff. Everyone stuck to the old stuff can just create a new community soley based off the old DP.

Wow I typed so much and look away so much I just lost my whole whateve...

Yeah the four people that went to DPCON hardly play anymore, you are right. But I believe I can speak for all four of us in saying we have all put an extremely large number of hours into playing this game we love. But some of us have daily responsibilities that don't permit us to veg in front of the computer playing DP anymore. Every now and then I get the opportunity to play for a few minutes.


  • PGP
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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #109 on: August 01, 2005, 10:08:24 AM »
Being an avid DP/QI paintball player for god knows how long (thanks QCA for giving the paintball beta a 10), I would love to attend a DPCon. The thing that's stopped me is the long travel distance by car (which I no longer have access to), or the expense of a flying and then not being able to have my own computer. Hopefully you guys will keep holding a DPCon and one time I could eventually make it. Who knows maybe my brother (Byle/FleshP the "cheater") would be free too and we could make a trip down to meet/own some of you fools.


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #110 on: August 01, 2005, 08:07:27 PM »
Saying that you have no interest in playing the people that are going makes no sense either. Talk to the people you would like to see at DPCON and get them to go
GT, where were they?
I'm a social person
You have sense of humor that is for sure.

1) Some of you are just too young to make a DPCON. That's understandable.
2) Some of you just have no interest in meeting the people you play. This I can't understand. I'm a social person. I love meeting people. But, again, understandable
3) And some of you are just scared. Some of you are that portion of internet waste. Ya know, that low self esteem, picked on in school, has no friends, of slighly above average intelligence type of kid that has discovered they can hide behind thier keyboard and monitor and pretend to be a big man, or some kind of programming hacker wiz kid. You'll never attend a DPCON lest the truth be known. Scare little weasles
  Which one am I?  btw do I sense hostile feelings?  GJ old man :)

It may be a while, but when all the planned visual upgrades to this game are complete I would love to see backwards compatability eliminated. This , hopefully, would have a flushing effect on the community. At that point I see no reason why DP wouldn't attract a new player base with some good publicity of the game and its new stuff. Everyone stuck to the old stuff can just create a new community soley based off the old DP
I was way against this, now after being shown by taco how ez it is to bob I am mean cheat :) and how virtually impossible it is to prove they are I know completely agree.

But some of us have daily responsibilities that don't permit us to veg in front of the computer playing DP anymore. Every now and then I get the opportunity to play for a few minutes.
Are you reffering to a JOB? After 40 hours work week I still find time to play wither I do good or bad thus my k/d ratio. Bah my point is OLDER PLAYERs not in reagrd to age like you but the ones we used to play on full servers with.

Cal cleary I was joking, but not about playing public more than once a year :) last time I saw at the first pickup before that mabey on e33rt.

btw Hi satan :) I love saying that.


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« Reply #111 on: August 02, 2005, 08:31:32 AM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:15:28 PM by IronFist »


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #112 on: August 02, 2005, 08:56:50 AM »
cheats we dont need no stinking cheats....

i may come.. just to finnaly show u all once for all i dont fuking cheat. ur just fuking little females who cant handdle losing a video game. mabbe u should
like start playing halo2 or something cause u would fit right into their community....


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #113 on: August 02, 2005, 11:03:10 AM »
Um, it's over already...


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #114 on: August 03, 2005, 01:03:30 PM »

Funny stuffs.

My only reretort is in response to:
3) And some of you are just scared. Some of you are that portion of internet waste. Ya know, that low self esteem, picked on in school, has no friends, of slighly above average intelligence type of kid that has discovered they can hide behind thier keyboard and monitor and pretend to be a big man, or some kind of programming hacker wiz kid. You'll never attend a DPCON lest the truth be known. Scare little weasles.

Why I do feel this was targetted right at me! If I come down, you'll surely steal my hard drive and extract all my hax, then crush me with your large man-arms Sad

Now I have no idea what other people are doing now-a-days, but my daily routine seldom holds time for games...except GTA|SA where I get to smake people with dild....well you know.

I wake up, kiss my wife & daughter goodbye, work for eight to ten hour (or at least i'm at work), get home in time for my wife to leave to work, then my attention goes to my daughter till she goes to bed around 9pm (or so, depending on how much she manipulates me), then I have some things to do around the house (cleaning, bills, fixing crap, THEN I have free time till my wife gets home around 11pm. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time.

Oh wait...about GT not have a valid point...I asked them to go, but some of them are too young, too far, or too poor to go. The ones that live less than 5 hours away have no excuse, and I don't see why they didn't go.

I do imagine some of the older times players could be wrapped up in college about now, in which case it could be difficult to find the time (although Cal did make it). Maybe there is no community love, but only love for the game. Whatever.


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #115 on: August 03, 2005, 05:58:05 PM »

Funny stuffs.

My only reretort is in response to:
3) And some of you are just scared. Some of you are that portion of internet waste. Ya know, that low self esteem, picked on in school, has no friends, of slighly above average intelligence type of kid that has discovered they can hide behind thier keyboard and monitor and pretend to be a big man, or some kind of programming hacker wiz kid. You'll never attend a DPCON lest the truth be known. Scare little weasles.

Why I do feel this was targetted right at me! If I come down, you'll surely steal my hard drive and extract all my hax, then crush me with your large man-arms Sad

Now I have no idea what other people are doing now-a-days, but my daily routine seldom holds time for games...except GTA|SA where I get to smake people with dild....well you know.

I wake up, kiss my wife & daughter goodbye, work for eight to ten hour (or at least i'm at work), get home in time for my wife to leave to work, then my attention goes to my daughter till she goes to bed around 9pm (or so, depending on how much she manipulates me), then I have some things to do around the house (cleaning, bills, fixing crap, THEN I have free time till my wife gets home around 11pm. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time.

Oh wait...about GT not have a valid point...I asked them to go, but some of them are too young, too far, or too poor to go. The ones that live less than 5 hours away have no excuse, and I don't see why they didn't go.

I do imagine some of the older times players could be wrapped up in college about now, in which case it could be difficult to find the time (although Cal did make it). Maybe there is no community love, but only love for the game. Whatever.
OH the Children and the Wife, your a good man "Satan" (LOL) I understand now.

Jitspoe time to start dpcon 2006, in doing so I can shore up a couple of days off. We by senioirty when it comes to vacation the early we do this the better and that way I can get more time to  explain (think of excuses) to my Wife about how much fun she will have watching us play for 14 hours. 


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #116 on: August 03, 2005, 07:43:56 PM »
I'm thinking same time, same place, different year.  Unless maybe Nutiket can organize it again near where the original dpcon was at and maybe we'd get more people to come.  I kind of doubt that would happen, though.


  • VM-68
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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #117 on: August 03, 2005, 11:13:30 PM »
what kinda aiming it towards the west a lil like bytexas eh?


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #118 on: August 03, 2005, 11:37:42 PM »
Can't you fly for free anyway?  It shouldn't matter where it is for you. :)


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Re: DPCon 2005
« Reply #119 on: August 04, 2005, 11:30:36 AM »
yeah depends where it is