hey guys this is my first post [
i think
] but i want to make a map. [what a surprize]
i dont know how.
so i set out today to find a mentor in this.[basically, i want a partner to help make a map, and to teach me how to make one]
my idea is a rather large map [huge] and its going to be a forest that is very very dense. players will start out on an elevated area by the team flag. there will be 4 cannons [which can be used 1 time per a game, if possible] that will shoot players just under half way across the map. like in catapult carnage. im thinking of having a few rivers or streams. [the map is going to look like the amazon forest
my insparation, lol ]
i want it to have the following things.......
=huge trees
=some hollow trees with windows for sniping
=branches in trees for fun ambushes and getting around
=leaves will be on trees like in the armeggedon
pines trees [you can walk through them]
=a few sand pits around river banks {eliminates all players who walk into it}
=tarpits around forest {same as sand pits}
=wirlpools in river{same as the tar and sand pits}
=lots of bushes, plants, and grass on the ground that can be walked through and used as cover
=a few plains here and there
=modes include capture the flag and team elimination
=there will be tropical environment sounds.
=from what i see maps can be programed to do certain things, and if thats true, then i will program it to reduce lag by alot for such a large level [IF it is possible]
so thats a few main things to expect IF i can get someone to help me map and texture [a lot of custom ones will be used for sure] they will also be my teachers in mapping and texturing [i can also get 2 partners, a mapper and a texturer]
and for those of you who haven't noticed this map wont be fast paced but meant for concealing yourself and sneaking around [ideal for tourneys]. i want it to be very colorful and breathtaking from textures of tropical flowers and plants.
i hope someone will help me!!!!
thanks for your time,
a.k.a ashkenaz
P.S. anyone interested ???email me at bonafide. carbon@comcast.net i dont check often so dont get mad at me, make sure you give me how long you have been mapping/texturing and other usefull information. if the maps can be programmed then i need some one who knows how to program maps.
!!!Always remember!!! i am willing to simplify the map if it was proven that there is no way i can do something!!!!