Every time I go to play paintball, there's always three or four religious nuts there. not always the same ones, either. It gets really annoying listening to them talk about God and stuff while I'm trying to eat lunch between games, and it's actually gone so far as one of them making a bible reference during a speedball match.
I'm pretty sure God never mowed anyone down with an Angel and 24+ balls-per-second goodness. And its not just these guys I know. Other people on the internet I talk to about paintball say that it happens at the fields they play at too. It's like theres a big light over all paintball fields with a big neon sign that says "Religious people, gather here!"
What is it about paintball that seems to make christians want to go and spread the "good word" while shooting people. You dont see them acting all religiousy at other things like football games, or the super-walmart, or any other normal human activities, so why the sport I play. Im not a very religious person, so yes it is pretty dumb when other guys tell me I should become a christian and be, quote, "saved". The same people never bring it up at school, or when we play in high school soccer games.
I dont mean this post to be taken as offensive, or anti-christ by any means, but why do they have to do it when I'm trying to let off some steam and relax a little on the weekends? Just thought I would ask, seeing as how there could be some other people here who actually play.