Author Topic: Lowering User Limit on Servers  (Read 14938 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 172
Lowering User Limit on Servers
« on: June 14, 2007, 03:47:27 PM »
I know I had some backing on this before, and I personally think it makes a lot more sense.

16v16 any map is rediculous, no map is made to be played like that. And it sucks because it always is a pack of people joining one server, never spreading out. an 8v8 game is a lot more funner, and what pretty much every map is maxed out for. I think it would do a lot for the game if the servers were 16 people max. It wouldn't be such a cluster intercourse, everyone could get guns, and instead of newbies going unnoticed that needed help, there would be less people flooding the servers so someone could help them.

I remember when I first started there would be like 5 different servers maxed at 16, all full, and not the same 4 maps being picked over an over, and it made pubbing a lot more interesting, and funner. It's really not fun going into a clusterintercourse shaz33 game, Siege, PP1, or AT3 , which seem to be the only maps in rotation.

I know I had some backing on this before when it was intertwined in another topic, I just want to get everyone elses opinion, because I think it would make pubbing a lot funner then it currently is.


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 03:50:18 PM »


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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2007, 03:55:56 PM »
yeah, its no fun playing with 30 other people on shazam33. I dont understand why server owners would set a limit like this, wouldnt it be better to set a lower limit, then have a couple extra servers with the extra bandwidth?


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2007, 04:00:17 PM »
I agree, 16 was the GT limit when i first started about a year and a half ago, it was definately a lot more fun


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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2007, 04:04:04 PM »
Plus even the GT or OTB servers start to lag with more than 16


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 172
Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2007, 04:18:15 PM »
yeah, megalhaes hit on another subject. when the servers are maxed out, it's hard as intercourse to get any momentum going, because it's so choppy with the 15 other people spawning around you.


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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2007, 07:30:22 PM »
I might bite on this.  There are certainly a number of maps that don't play well with too many people.  Probably the majority of them.  I hoped the mapinfo system would be enough to regulate the over and underpopulation of maps, but this game seems particularly prone to players joining and leaving mid-match, so while the map may start out OK, the situation changes when 10 more players suddenly connect, or when half the players quit.

My only concern with the 16 player limit is the underpopulation of large maps.  Inevitably any time a large map pops up in rotation, half the players quit or don't have the map, so if you've got a pretty crowded 12v12 server, all of a sudden it drops down to 6v6, which is still playable, but if it's 8v8 and drops down to 4v4, the rest of the players slowly trickle out until there's just a couple people running around on a huge map or it empties completely, knocking that server off the map, since nobody wants to connect to an empty server playing a large map.

I guess the ideal thing to have would be an "absolute maximum" setting on the mapinfo that would actually modify the server's maxclients on the fly to prevent overpopulation of small maps and still allow more players on larger maps.

In the mean time, if we're going to adjust the player counts on the servers, I think all the admins need to get together and do it at the same time, otherwise players will crowd onto whoever still has the 32 player server up.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 110
Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2007, 10:21:55 PM »
I'm with Y2J on this one.


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2007, 01:52:20 AM »
Y2J s got a point there. I started playing  on OTB speed server wich is good server with 5 sec respawn time for new players to learn basics. I can´t remember when I played on that server last time. Now I´m mostly on GT, Ch1ll, or QeHs and map rotation is alway the same. Shazz 22, 33, propaint, Airtime, Castle 1, Siegcastle circle the most. These are rather small maps for 32 players and as Mag said lagg is killing you. Perhaps it woud be a good thing to lower the number of players to 16, and leave the OTB servers as they are.

Edited for writing in the morning before drinking coffe.


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2007, 02:03:47 AM »
+1 for that idea.

but I can't agree with jitspoe:  tell me one map that is unplayable 4v4; actually, most maps are unplayable with more than 6 players on one team, as they just spawn way too often, either making the rounds neverending, or letting a team capture the flag(s) continuously.
currently there is no way to alter the maxclient-setting without restarting the server, I believe. But if that were changed and included into the mapinfo files, that would be a viable solution. But even then, the serverowners should cap the maxclients-setting at no more than 16, everything else is just too crowded. I mean, where is the map that is fun to play with more than 8 players on one team?


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2007, 05:14:58 AM »
The only map i can think of being unplayable 4v4 is NHB but it doesnt matter cause its only on public servers 1 time per month so...


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2007, 07:36:29 AM »
nhb is definitely playable with 4v4 magalhaes :/


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2007, 07:53:33 AM »
Have you tried 4V4 in NHB in a pub?
I answer, you didnt or you wouldnt say that, trust me.
but thats of-topic here


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 69
Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2007, 10:31:23 AM »
In the past we had the servers at 16  and you would have 16 on one server and 3 on another I even lowered it to 12 thinking that would even out the servers but players went to the servers where they could play against more people. As the community grew we allowed more people to the servers. It seams everyone wants to be on a packed server.Yesterday I made the servers where you have to use the dplogin and they thinned out so if you want to play with less people then use those servers. Pub 0 & Pub 1 are dplogin only,,Pubs 2 & 3 are open .All Match servers are dplogin only.I uploaded a screen shot of the servers I took where there are 17 to 19 people on the 4 pub servers.

With this dplogin when jits gets done all the servers will be set that way. By the way jits for some reason the noobs cant figure out how to login or something what about making the console like AAO where you can create your nick and password from there before you can launch the game or a clickable link to the web page ?


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2007, 11:30:44 AM »
Robert, as you can see in the screenshots, the servers are not completely filled up with players - they cap at 19, even though there are several which would allow for up to 32 players. Which is only 1 reason to set maxclients back to 16 :)
You say you think everyone wants to play on a packed server.  Well, as long as "packed" doesn't exceed 12 players, even I would behave that way. But at times there are servers filled with 30 and more players, which is not much fun at all anymore, except for some newbies that haven't picked up on "CTF" yet.  But isn't that what we (as server admins) should attempt to achieve? 95% of the maps are created for CTF, and almost all maps that are on the public servers' rotations are in CTF mode. So why not force the newer players to understand the meaning of that gamemode by enforcing smaller servers with a higher possibility of grabs & caps? I think that is the way we have to look at it.
As I have mentioned in my earlier post, I can not see any map being fun with more than 6 players on a team. While some can not agree on that, I think servers with maxclients 16 would be a situation most people could live with and agree on. Surely, nobody can force any server admin to change anything about his servers, but it is a pledge that has been brought forth and I think it follows the opinion of most players in this community.


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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2007, 02:11:34 PM »
tell me one map that is unplayable 4v4

They certainly aren't unplayable 4v4, but they end up feeling kind of barren, and people with short attention spans start dropping off the server.  Soon 4v4 becomes 3v2...then a couple more drop off...


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2007, 12:32:02 PM »
tell me one map that is unplayable 4v4

They certainly aren't unplayable 4v4, but they end up feeling kind of barren, and people with short attention spans start dropping off the server.  Soon 4v4 becomes 3v2...then a couple more drop off...
Dang it you stole mine! I agree with what Jits said here
I might bite on this.  There are certainly a number of maps that don't play well with too many people.  Probably the majority of them.  I hoped the mapinfo system would be enough to regulate the over and underpopulation of maps, but this game seems particularly prone to players joining and leaving mid-match, so while the map may start out OK, the situation changes when 10 more players suddenly connect, or when half the players quit.

My only concern with the 16 player limit is the underpopulation of large maps.  Inevitably any time a large map pops up in rotation, half the players quit or don't have the map, so if you've got a pretty crowded 12v12 server, all of a sudden it drops down to 6v6, which is still playable, but if it's 8v8 and drops down to 4v4, the rest of the players slowly trickle out until there's just a couple people running around on a huge map or it empties completely, knocking that server off the map, since nobody wants to connect to an empty server playing a large map.

I guess the ideal thing to have would be an "absolute maximum" setting on the mapinfo that would actually modify the server's maxclients on the fly to prevent overpopulation of small maps and still allow more players on larger maps.

In the mean time, if we're going to adjust the player counts on the servers, I think all the admins need to get together and do it at the same time, otherwise players will crowd onto whoever still has the 32 player server up.
Lol @ Edge


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2007, 01:39:14 PM »
Motion seconded y2j.


  • Map Committee
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« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2007, 05:48:47 PM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:11:55 AM by Dirty_Taco »


  • Autococker
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Re: Lowering User Limit on Servers
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2007, 06:03:07 PM »
That is not advice, that is failing. My advice to Y2J is thanks for bringing this topic up, so hopefully servers owners can see the points being made and do what is best for the state of this game.