After reading the
Pay for ban time reduction topic, I thought it was a great idea. I didn't want to revive that old of a topic so I posted this. With the addition of
In-Game Ads, monthly donations, and payment for ban time reduction, Jitspoe would be paying little to nothing from his own pocket. I know that a lot of people said that if you pay off a ban, it would make people see it as less of a consequence to be banned but its not. If some continually is paying to have a ban shortened, the money will start to add up. If the beginning ban time would increase from the 32 day rule, it would be a better option for Jitspoe too. I think 32 days is too short in my opinion too because people usually have a second offense right after their first ban is over.
Somethings that would make the payment a good option but still a consequence could be:
-Can only pay off 3/4ths of the ban time
-Ban payments double every offense
-After 3 times, the payment option doesn't apply anymore
-People with multiply accounts and didn't hack would be able to learn their lesson with out being out of commission for too long
Ban payments could be:
1st offence: $ .50 U.S a day
2nd Offence: $ 1.00 U.S a day
3rd Offence and last chance of ban reduction: $ 2.00 U.S a day.
In the payment topic, it said that Jitspoe implemented this but I have never seen anyone's ban have been paid off so I thought the option was done away with.
Post feedback for my idea, not flames.