Author Topic: Guide: General BSP stuff I  (Read 111745 times)


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Guide: General BSP stuff I
« on: February 19, 2005, 10:31:47 PM »
Since a lot of people have been asking about making maps, I thought I'd just post some tidbits here, since there aren't really any tutorials left around.

Fist: go to the files page and grab "BSP with Paintball2 Support"
Second: Follow the installation instructions included with the zip.
Third: Start up BSP with paintball2, I just do start|run|c:\bsp\bsp -game pball2


Press "L" to load textures.  Select "PBALL" for the default textures.  Choose a texture from the texture window.  Start laying out some brushes:

To make a brush, simply click and drag.  Start with a large grid size, like 64, for the initial layout.  The brush may not line up to the grid perfectly, so hit Alt-S to snap it to the grid.  To resize the brush, simply click to the right or left of it (or above or below -- wherever you want to move it) and drag.  Also, you can click directly on a vertex and move it if you want to create angled brushes.  To deselect the brush when you're done, hit ESC.  To select a brush, shift-click on it, or simply click on it from the 3D view.

Ctrl-space (clone brush) is a handy shortcut if you're making lots of similar brushes.  Unfortunately it offsets 16 unts, so when working with a large grid, you either have to set the grid size down temporarily or hit alt-s to snap it again.

Clipping planes:

These are the real beauty of BSP.  Quake2 uses planes for the world, so editing via clipping planes lets you create optimal maps.  Basically it's like cutting a slice off of a block of cheese.  You can do it any which angle you want -- great for making rocks and irregular shapes.  Simply shift+right click to set points for the clipping plane.  You can set up to 3, but will probably just use 2 most of the time.  ESC cancels.  To perform the slice, click the little "carve" button.  Looks like: [_\

Alterntively, if you want to keep both halves of the brush (useful if you want to carve holes and windows out of things) you can click the "split" button (right next to it).

Maneuvering BSP:

To move around in the 2D windows, just right click and it will recenter the view there.  In 3D, us the arrow keys (shift+arrows to move vertically).  DEL looks down, PGDN looks up.  PGUP resets the view.

Texture alignment:

PLEASE align all of your textures.  If you can't take the time to do this, don't even bother making a map.  What I usually do is make an object, say a crate, where it's lined up on the grid (use a grid size of 64), then press Alt-L to lock the texture.  Then you can move it wherever you want and not worry about having to line up the texture.  If you do need to fix up texture alignment, though, hit "S" to bring up the surface properties.  You'll see: S, T, R, SX, SY, which stand for horizontal offset, vertical offset, rotation, X scale, and Y scale respectively.  Select the face you want to modify (click on it in the 3D window).  Adjust the values, then click "apply face".  Or, if you're doing something like a half-sized crate, put .5 in the X and Y scale, then press "apply brush" to apply it to the whole box.  Negative values can be used on the X and Y scales if you need to flip a backwards texture.

Clip brushes:

Another biggie in my book.  If you're not going to bother clipping areas people can get stuck on, don't bother making a map.  Clip brushes are basically just invisible walls.  You can shoot through them, but not walk through them.  They're for detail type things -- like supports and door frames -- that stick out just a little and can be really annoying when you're in the heat of battle then get naled because you got stuck on the stupid door frame.  To make a clip brush, simply create a brush using the "clip" texture.  It will have the appropriate flags already set for you.


The best way to make ladders is to create your ladder, then put a clip brush over it, then, with the clip brush selected, hit "S", check "Ladder" and hit apply brush.  If your ladder has a back side that goes nowhere, make the clip brush only cover the front part of it so the bots don't get stuck on it. :)


Another biggie.  Type r_speeds 1 at the console.  It will display the polygon counts.  wpoly is the world polygon count (your map).  epoly is the entity polygon count.  You want to keep wpoly as low as possible, like under 1000.  Epoly isn't as critical, but if it's really high then you probably have too many entities in one location.  You can reduce this by spawning players with equipment (but don't spawn everyone with autos -- that just sucks).

Cylinders and barrels:

Create a brush, then with it selected, go to the drop-down next to "Make -->" and select N-sided brush, then press "Make -->"  For barrels, I use a radius of 24 with 8 sides, usually.


Usually the easiest and best way to achieve lighting is to use light-emitting textures.  Most of them start with LIT.   Don't be lazy and apply the light texture to the whole brush.  This looks crappy.  Instead, use a metal texture for the brush and apply the light texture to just one surface.  You can adjust the brightness of the light using the value in the surface settings (hit S).
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 09:45:21 AM by Chef-Killer »


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2005, 10:32:25 PM »
Holy crap, I exceeded the 5500 character limit... continued...


If you set up everything according to the installation text, you should just be able to go to export|qbsp to test it.  to get the lighting as well, use 'qbsp vis rad'.  And for (usually) the best looking compile, use 'final compile'.  Don't ever release an unvised or unlit map.


If you build your map carefully and using the grid, you shouldn't have to worry about this, but it often plagues new mappers.  If the compile states "leaked", then go to  File | Leak check | Load .pts.  This will draw a line from the closest entity to the hole in your map.  You need to fix any leaks before you can do vis and lighting.  Do not surround your map by a giant box to fix the leaks.  This defeats the whole purpose of compiling and vising.  Everything needs to be sealed off so visibilty and such can be optimally calculated.


Press "E" to get the entities dialog.  Make sure you have nothing selected (hit ESC) unless you want to edit an existing entity.  The old entity descriptions can be found here:

By default, you will have the worldspawn up.  Press + to add a key/value.  The following will give you the default red/blue 2 flag setup:

"gamemode" "4"
"maxteams" "2"
"team1" "red"
"team2" "blue"
"message" "My Map\nBy Me"

Use info_player_deathmatch for spawn points.  To make a blue spawn point, use "teamnumber" "2" (since team2 is set to blue in the worldspawn).  To make a jail spawn, add "jail" "1".  To spawn with items, use "GiveGun" "Stingray", "GiveHopper" "100", etc.  To start with loaded CO2, use, "LoadedCo2" "12oz".

Well, that should be enough to get you started.  It was basically just brain dump for me, so I probably left a lot out.

Edit: almost forgot the entities.

And lastly, a few dos and don'ts:

Don't just copy an existing design.  We already have that map.  Chances are, we probably have about 10 like it, becuase people keep copying existing maps.  Strive for something beter.  Something unique and fun.

Don't give everyone autocockers.  This just ruins the game.  It turns into an all-out sprayfest and people get points without having to aim.  Instead, strategically place weapons.  You shouldn't have more than a couple high-end weapons in the level.  They should be prized posessions and difficult to obain.  The formula I usually use is: low-end weapons along the rush path (fastest way from spawn to the other base), medium weapons in the defensive positions, and high-end weapons in the middle or hard-to-reach locations.  Weapon pickups are part of the gameplay -- use them to your advantage in order to make for unique and challenging gameplay.

As I mentioned above, align your textures and use clip brushes!  lights are often forgotten about when it comes to clip brushes, but you can jump up and get caught on lights, which is annoying.

TEST TEST TEST!  Make sure your map is thoroughly tested.  I don't care if it took two days to compile.  If there are bugs in the map, FIX THEM.  When testing, name your map something like mymap_beta1.bsp in order to avoid conflicting versions when you release the final one.

Map names:  Use all lowercase, like "mymap.bsp"  Don't do "MyMap.bsp" or "MYMAP.BSP".  While it doesn't matter in Windows, Linux and other operating systems (which most of the servers run on) have case-sensitive file names.  It makes things a lot simpler to use all lowercase.  Also make sure a map with the same name doesn't already exist, and avoid offensive language, obviously.

Make everything easily accessible to newbies.  In other words, don't make it so you have to have crazy jump skills in order to  get anywhere in the map.  You should be able to walk from one base to the other.  Sure you can have jump shortcuts, but the main path should be walkable.

Don't release your first map.  No offense, but first maps usually suck unless you have some kind of previous experience with 3D editing.  I know it takes a lot of time at first, but once you get it down, you can make a new map, beter than the first, in less than half the time.  Show it to some friends.  Get some feedback, then chaulk it off as a learning experience.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2005, 11:12:42 PM by jitspoe »


  • VM-68
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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2005, 03:22:45 AM »
ur a golden god i am not the best on comps and haven't been able to figure bsp out


  • VM-68
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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2005, 04:04:22 AM »
how do i view my map in progress with the textures? maybe u should make u forum board dedicated to bsp cause i know i will constantly have new q's and it would prolly b alot more convenient for all if there was a seperate board


  • VM-68
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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2005, 04:07:06 AM »
er i guess this board is the mapping board but a bsp question board would be different i guess since this board is for mapping in general a bsp board might be handy for questions only pertaining to this program. i dunno i need a life  :P


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2005, 02:55:39 PM »
The 3D view will show you the map, but if you want to test it in paintball, go to export|qbsp.  Make sure you have an info_plyer_deathmatch in there.


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2005, 05:07:34 PM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:19:36 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2005, 05:41:38 PM »
Worldcraft will fubar your maps.  I'd recommend not using it. :)


  • VM-68
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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2005, 08:19:00 PM »
lol i guess after i mess with it enough ill get ahold of it


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2005, 01:38:51 AM »
this excrements way too sonfusing, i've never seen anything more confusing, even calculus is easier. I Cant even get started wityh a brush. a detailed tutorial w/pics would help more. Better yet a better map making tool.


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2005, 01:41:27 AM »
... I Cant even get started wityh a brush...

You can't click and drag, then go through ONE drop-down menu? Strange.


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2005, 08:52:18 AM »
Thanks for the tips jit, I managed to make a few first attempt maps, but now i think im ready to release the first one. Just a few problems really, i cant seem to final compile it, it just gets stuck on numportals, its a night time map, so as you can imagine it looks stupid fully lit. The other one is just about the wpoly count, mines around 2000 tops, it has a fair bit of detail, but its a big map, will this be a problem?

For people trying to get started using bsp, i suggest you get a decompiler that converts .bsp to .map, that way you can look at other peoples maps and get a feel for the entities and such.


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2005, 12:57:23 PM »
Well, if you're getting a numportals error, that probably means it isn't completing the VIS, which is critical to reduce your wpoly count.  What's the exact error you're getting?


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2005, 01:22:53 PM »
There is no error, it just pauses on 1....2...


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2005, 01:29:28 PM »
---- qbsp3 ----
entering c:\bsp\quake2\pball\mapfiles\
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
writing c:\bsp\quake2\pball\mapfiles\grave.prt
Writing c:\bsp\quake2\pball\mapfiles\grave.bsp
    3 seconds elapsed
---- vis ----
reading c:\bsp\quake2\pball\mapfiles\grave.bsp
reading c:\bsp\quake2\pball\mapfiles\grave.prt
 940 portalclusters
3017 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (11)

Thats the exact message, never seems to reach 3, ive waited 10 minutes, but with all my other maps its never taken that long.


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2005, 04:49:53 PM »
It actually gets to 9 then stops, been like that for over an hour now, lol


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2005, 11:42:17 AM »
Yeah, that's called compiling a complex map


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2005, 03:10:31 PM »
Say what?


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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2005, 01:56:56 AM »
Is your map really open?  Vis usually craps itself on large, open maps.  It's best to design your map so that only small sections are visible at any given time.  The detail brush suggestion eiii gave can speed up vis sometimes if you have small brushes with lots of polygons.  If you apply the "detail" flag to them, VIS will just skip over them when doing visibility checks.  Also, it's normal for it to sit at "9..." longer than any of the other stages.  It can even take hours, depending on the map and computer.

Noob Killer

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Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2005, 05:56:53 PM »
Hey I downloaded the thing I needed off this site and then I unzipped everything. Now what do I do??? I followed what it said at the top, but it doesn't work.  HELP because I have some great Ideas for some maps that will be COOL.  But I need this first!!!