73 users on #paintball (GGC) and you say this is dieing??I can't remember any time where more than 50 people were on ETG's #paintball channel
Yeah, and how often does anyone say anything there?...never.
[07:06] * Now talking in #paintball[07:06] * Topic is 'Digital Paint Paintball2 -- http://www.digitalpaint.org/ -=- Build 18 is out! -=- http://dplogin.com/files/maps for maps'[07:06] * Set by jitspoe on Tue May 15 21:40:08[07:06] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Cobo[07:06] -ChanServ- (#paintball) Welcome to #paintball -=- www.DigitalPaint.org -=- GT Match Servers =-> http://www.graffiti-taggerz.com/~dpaintball/index-MatchTool.shtml -=-[07:07] <LoreOfSerpents> Ahhhh! It's back![07:07] <Cobo> lies[07:08] <Kaos> leave leave o god plz leave [07:08] <Cobo> K.
Ok and i did not ask to be criticized with this so just state your opinion