
What should be the maximum player count on servers?

8 or less
0 (0%)
6 (12.2%)
28 (57.1%)
7 (14.3%)
3 (6.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
5 (10.2%)

Total Members Voted: 48

Author Topic: Server Max User Limit Poll  (Read 7261 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 281
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2007, 11:22:41 PM »
(What jitspoe said)

oh ok, um...should I think of new ideas or are you closed to new ideas and are just going to make all servers limit to 16?


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 249
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2007, 11:25:26 PM »
i voted for 13-16

its reasonable


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1023
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2007, 01:16:00 PM »
13-16 = 6v6-8v8


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 4595
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2007, 02:29:38 PM »
...Yeah. That's pretty reasonable.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 16
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #24 on: July 04, 2007, 11:34:31 AM »
I vote for 17-20, 20 max is plenty enough for most maps. :)


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 622
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2007, 01:37:05 PM »

Just keep it how the servers used to be, anything over 14 gets to be pretty merry.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 172
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2007, 11:27:33 AM »
I find it hilarious that more then like 95% of the community feels the same way, and Jitspoe posted an excellent idea 2 posts up, yet GT won't change their server settings for whatever reason. Would someone who communicates with those guys draw their attention to this thread or something?


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 69
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2007, 02:00:41 PM »
Well I believe I responded to this is your other post.
http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=6980.0 about the 14th post down.

In the past we had the servers at 16  and you would have 16 on one server and 3 on another I even lowered it to 12 thinking that would even out the servers but players went to the servers where they could play against more people. As the community grew we allowed more people to the servers. It seams everyone wants to be on a packed server.

Also (here is the  post if you like to reread it http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=6653.0 )

Anyways sorry guys if we don't ask how high while we're in mid air when you yell jump (lol) we try to make adjustments as they are need but sometimes the time just isn't there for us, we hope that we have provided and can continue  providing the DP community with an enjoyable and dependable server to play on.

All suggestion are looked at.They might not be responded to in a timely manner but we talk them over and try to accommodate as best as we can.

One if my favorite quotes was by Abraham Lincoln:

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. "

So just remember:
We can PLEASE some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but we can not PLEASE all of the people all of the time.

Jits you can contact me here you also have my email graffiti-taggerz@hotmail.com

y2j joining the server (and joining again under an alias ) and trying to belittle , degrade , and badger the server admin will do you no good.
Just because you  have an idea or think you know whats best for everyone doesn't mean the everyone should fawner down to you and do your bidding. Furthermore, calling the server admins dumb forks will cause us not to  consider your idea at all.
However ,if you ask about or present  us with an idea we will take a look at it and see if its something we would consider doing as I addressed in the above post.

What I find hilarious is you(y2j) and anyone else who thinks the server admins should be at your beckon call and change things just becasue you have a great idea. Everyone wants it their way (read above statement I made about pleasing people) you can't PLEASE all of the people all of the time.

With regards to the 95% thats not 95% of the community thats 95% of the forums users that voted(85% and thats if you count the votes for 20 max). I looked at the servers and 134 out of 196 paintballers are connect to servers with 20 or more max players setting.

I'm not saying we won't lower the limits but we have tried that in the past and it didn't work, all the players went to the servers with  a higher max client setting. If you guys are so worked up over the number of people on the server why don't you join pubs 0 and 1 where the noobs don't play because they are set for dplogin only I see 4 to 12 people on them from time to time.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 172
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2007, 06:42:22 AM »
What's hilarious snipen, is you tell me that's not the way to go about things, but when I asked nicely two weeks ago if you had looked at the forums and seen the topic, you said you had been busy. So I backed off and gave it two weeks, saw you guys get plowed in numerous matches, saw you playing pub a bunch, so I figured, you've had ample time to at least respond, so I took a more proactive approach. And look what it got me, a response finally.

People are playing on the servers with tons of people because they don't fill up, thus no one goes to other ones. You set them at 16, they fill up, and people will be in other ones no problem. And like jitspoe said earlier, map rotation is key, not having the same 5 maps over and over. show some variety, mix up the sizes, etc. Luckily enough I come from a time when that existed, so I know how much better it is then 32max crapfest. The people coming into the game today deserve the same thing.

But hey I was just throwing out a suggestion, to see who agreed with me, and it just so happened that pretty much everyone on here was on the same page as me, and tons more on irc. But GT wouldn't know anything about what others in the community want, now would they? I never ordered you to change them, but when OTB , ch1ll, QEHS, and MeMi all change their limits, you would think there must be some merit to what I said, and what others want.

I'm sorry if you suck so much at this game, that you need 31 other people in the server to manage a 1:2 ratio. The rest of us realize this is just a game, don't care how we do, and just want to have a more enjoyable time by being able to get supplies. Sorry we can't viewgib people for no reason like you do, in order to get the necessary supplies for a map.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 161
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #29 on: July 10, 2007, 11:26:48 AM »
Can't expect GT to change they still do the same excrement since they started.

Viewgib making people annoyed and they mouth off.  Then they get a ban for mouthing off.

Kicking for killing them, which then makes them come back in and mouth off and theres another temp ban right there.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 9
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #30 on: July 10, 2007, 11:41:27 AM »
Here we go again... All of you that are complaining about the servers being over crowed ?? Why not go to a server that has the lowest number of people on it????  
Answer. Because you guys are all the same .. You like the action of the game and dont want to be in a server with just a few people... So you choose to enter a server with 20 people on it already than going to one with few people..
 No one makes you enter our servers that has 20 or more people.. Only you have control of your buttons.. No one makes you come in to play.. If you don't want the servers over corwed then it has to be you to make that choice...Good Lord people!!!!  YOU and only YOU have made the choice.. If everyone would try harder to go to another server instead of over crowding just one we all can have a good game and have fun.. But I havent seen any of you coming in and saying, hey so and so its over crowed in here lets go to pub 1, 2 , 3 or what ever to  play on another server...
Instead you had rather come in here on the forums and complain once again about the servers when in reality  you are the ones causing the problems... So with all that said, Choose a server that doesn't have a lot of people on it... I dont think it would matter if we set them down to 16 or whatever you voted on would make that big of a difference... because you had rahter sit and wait and join a full server than be stuck with a few in another... Stop complaining and start with yourselves by clicking a low number server... It can only begin to work when all of you start trying to go to different servers than all going to the same one... ONLY YOU can make the difference... ;)


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 784
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2007, 11:47:58 AM »
Sharon, Snipen, or whoever it may concern:  just listen to what Y2J said for once... (not the flaming part, but the stuff that is on topic).
If you decrease the maximum number of players on a server (on ALL servers, rather), you force people to populate more servers.  That leads, in the end, to a greater diversification of maps that are being played at the same time, again giving people more choice on where they would like to play.  If all 16-slot servers are full, some players will simply populate the next free server; it's not like they'd not play at all then (usually).  But if you stick with the 32-slot servers, of course only a few servers will be filled up.  I hope you can understand this reasoning and act on it (decreasing the slots to 12 or 16, as it always used to be).  That would make the game just more interesting.
Thank you.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 69
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2007, 12:47:42 PM »
Again there is a breakdown in the communication process, is it your comprehension or should I say the lack thereof because it's clear you don't understand.

A.  I responded to your original post, just because there's a new post with the same topic doesn't mean I have to responded to it. The idea was being discussed and considered but with your harassment and disparaging remarks it now has been rejected.

B.  In the past we had the servers at 16 and people complained about not being able to join so we upped them (which I didn't like because I had them to 8 at one point) because they wanted to play with their friend who was on a full server while they were in a server with 3 people.  As far as rotation there are more than 5 maps on the rotation and then there is this new thing now where you can vote for the next map (what a concept huh) and as jits stated we tried this before and "The small map servers were always full, and the large map servers were always empty." there could be 32 people on the server carpathian or brainstorm comes on and they all leave, then 4 or so are left. If you don't want to be on a "32max crapfest" then don't join it.

C. "Throwing out a suggestion" and because we didn't automatically make a change you attempted to taunt and assault us thinking that would make us do YOUR well.

D. "But GT wouldn't know anything about what others in the community want"  well  What is your favourite server http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=6157.0


We have hosted servers for almost 4 yrs now we have tried a plethora of options and setting and our servers are being used more then ever. So we must be doing something right. WE are open to change and experimenting with different arrangements however we will not make multiple changes at once. Right now we are trying the  login system out  and  as I stated before  those servers are empty , use them if you want to play with less people. My suggestion to you y2j would be rent a server , admin it , set the setttings the way you want and hopefully people will join it and you can get a taste of how it really is or it might just sit there next to CINNOMANS Dungeon Of Death, empty.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 01:23:14 PM by [GT]Snipen »


  • PGP
  • Posts: 9
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #33 on: July 10, 2007, 12:50:22 PM »
I do understand Boon where you are coming from. I really do..
But lets say we set them at 16 and all your buddies that have been playing for years is in a server that you would like to play in and it is full and the other servers have nothing but noobs in it and has no skills..
Would you rather play the noobs or would you rather wait to go in to the server with the skilled players??

We  have tried to make our servers friendly to all not basing it on a skill level... but me personally i had rather play ones who has the skills than play with someone who doesnt even know how to use their controls good... and I woudn't want to be the only skilled person stuck in a server with noobs all the time.. so with it set the way it is, we all have the same choice...
Like i said earlier and will say again, if the server is too full for you then go to a server that has fewer in it..

I think if we set them back to 16 then we would have complaints  saying you can never get in to the server .. So again it would be another reply to complaints of how we are cutting people from the server by cutting it back to 16...
 It will take a group effort to make this work.. If every one would stop complaining long enough and go to a server with lower numbers in it then we can all try to get along and enjoy a game that has been created ( Thank You Jitpoe) and paid for by long hours  and hard earned money for the public to play for free..
All of you complaing should take that into consideration as well... When you start footing the bills to run these servers then maybe you would have a right to fuss about how things are ran... It isn't easy to run these at times and it isn't easy to have to push all the rules in the game at times...

Zero you need  to hush... If you and everyone else that has been kicked or banned would come into our servers and show respect to people and not curse people or the admins or come into the servers and not idle then someone else could come in to play... I will not tolerate any one cursing me or belittling any one in the game..
Yes i viewgib people for all reasons... I don't like that i have to kick or ban someone but sometimes it has to be done... I usually viewgib the idles or those who are frozen in the game... NEVER for my advantage in the game...  
Can't we all just get along and treat each other with respect and have fun ??  That is why we have the servers to begin with so that you can come in here for free and play a game that doesn't cost you a dime to play... A place to make friends and have fun... That is all I have ever wanted..  


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1256
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #34 on: July 10, 2007, 01:58:37 PM »
D. "But GT wouldn't know anything about what others in the community want"  well  What is your favourite server http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=6157.0
Dont give a link about a thread initiated by soldier..but as you did someone has to respond for that...
1-Your servers are the only american servers..no possible choice.
2-OTB servers weren't listed...the most played servers
3-Nobody cared about that thread (plz dont respond saying it had 10 pages and 10000 views.)

About this topic...i don't really care because i'm euro and i can't play in your servers (haha euro's have so many to choose--->cry americans! :P)
We all understand those are your servers and you do what you want with them.But these people is asking "please could you make them max16?"...so if you would be kind enough to do it these people would love you :)


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 784
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #35 on: July 10, 2007, 02:30:00 PM »

I think if we set them back to 16 then we would have complaints  saying you can never get in to the server .. So again it would be another reply to complaints of how we are cutting people from the server by cutting it back to 16...
 It will take a group effort to make this work.. If every one would stop complaining long enough and go to a server with lower numbers in it then we can all try to get along and enjoy a game that has been created ( Thank You Jitpoe) and paid for by long hours  and hard earned money for the public to play for free..
All of you complaing should take that into consideration as well... When you start footing the bills to run these servers then maybe you would have a right to fuss about how things are ran... It isn't easy to run these at times and it isn't easy to have to push all the rules in the game at times...

I have been hosting the MeMi Servers for more than 2 years now. I know what I'm talking about, even though we currently only have 1 pub server running (because there's like 6 other pubs in europe), but we've had 3 public servers open and I know that full pubs can be a pain in the butt. Just wait 5 minutes and a spot will be open or ask a fellow with logins to kick an observer :)

I do understand Boon where you are coming from. I really do..
But lets say we set them at 16 and all your buddies that have been playing for years is in a server that you would like to play in and it is full and the other servers have nothing but noobs in it and has no skills..
Would you rather play the noobs or would you rather wait to go in to the server with the skilled players??

that would rarely ever happen.  And it doesn't change a whole lot with bigger servers, does it?  If there is a 32-slot server, there will be many more new players on it than on the one 16-slot server you can play on (because usually the higher skilled players would play on one, the newer players on another server - that's how it has always been). Sharon, 2-3 years back ALL servers used to be 12- or 16-slot servers, and nobody felt anything to be wrong with that. I believe it is time to go back to that, as it worked and has been requested my multiple players recently.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1463
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #36 on: July 10, 2007, 03:31:33 PM »
To:Snipen and Sharon: both of you say the others are belittling you but really read your posts! Also I see why you would viewgib people, kick and ban etc. (except for times similar to what Spook mentioned) Sharon if they want to complain just flat out ignore them and stop complaining yourself!
To y2j and the rest of you complainers all I have to say is just the other day there was one graffiti with 25 people and another with only 4 I joined the one with four and soon there was six then seven and eventually a nice 6v6 heck I've even joined a server with one person because I felt like a little 1v1 and after a while it was a 4v4 but unfortunately I had to go so I coulkdn't stay to watch it jump up more.

I know this post is a bit belittling of both of you but honestly people read your posts and pretend they are made by others and see what you would think of what you're saying!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 06:26:02 PM by Apocalypse »


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 161
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #37 on: July 10, 2007, 04:55:57 PM »
Sharon i have gone into a GT server i do try to respect you guys cause i really dont care i just wanna play but if im getting viewgibbed because my team is winning or if im getting kicked cause im killing GT members what am i suppose to do just sit there and enjoy it? 

Sorry i will not.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2542
Re: Server Max User Limit Poll
« Reply #38 on: July 10, 2007, 05:12:04 PM »
Sharon you have viewgibbed  for your own personal gain. The map was blitz and you were stuck in the middle where the people were trying to get out and you were getting pretty pissy. Then the next round you viewgibbed your whole team, including me just so you could waddle your way out and get killed.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 9
Re: Fines/Bail/Bribes - Paying off ban time
« Reply #39 on: July 10, 2007, 07:56:45 PM »
Excuse me Spook, I stand to be corrected... I did in fact viewgib everyone on my team including you.. I had made a statement that all idles were going to be kicked the following round to some members on vent... I had forgotten about that and am sorry to all for saying that I never used it to benifit my game.. But when u are in blitz and u have everyone trying to move and you are pinned in between 2 idles there was no choice but to do so .. And had you had the ops to do so, you might have done the same thing...And as far as waddlling out as u put it, to me is an insult ... Plus i was in a pissy mood as you put it... and shouldn't have taken it out on my team members... and I did say i was sorry when it happened but I guess like most people on here can't seem to forgive and forget..