Yes, its in the logfile. But no "... changed name to SKILLER".
There was just one player dieing 30 seconds before reviving, and this player played as "noname". Maybe there is no "changed name to" because the noname.
[11:11:52] *Blue's SKILLER revived!
[11:11:24] [ELIM] noname: llool
[11:11:22] *ALoneuhaus (Carbine) eliminated *noname (Carbine).
[11:10:32] [ELIM] noname: omg
[11:10:30] *OKLES@PL (Carbine) eliminated *noname (Carbine)
[11:10:15] noname: cawte
[11:10:00] [ELIM] noname: omg
[11:09:57] *MR.StEpAs (Carbine) eliminated *noname (Carbine)
[11:09:24] noname entered the game (build 18)
The only connection direct before this entering was this:
[11:09:20] newbie(1) connected []
Must be the same guy as
-)5p(-F.U.C.K. connected []
-)5p(-Nitro connected []
.:??HACK??:. connected []
<EuF>SharkY connected []
EDIT: Between the dieing as noname and the reviving as SKILLER, the round wasn't finished. Also i know that there is a 30 sec respawn time.