M7 should really update that list on the first post.
I'll post what he has plus mine here for termi
Anarchy = bouncingsouls343
Apocalypse = cinjo1
AsThor = raotchan
atmays = atmays
Bitmate =bitmate
Blade = 3mx14
ColA = tehcolza
Cold = co7d
DaRkNeSS = dan238
Edgecrusher_| = edgecrushercro
Gath = gatherlord
Gold_Leader = ijgold
GreenAffairz = greenaffairz
Homie = 19danny94
ic3 = ic3viru5
Jigsaw = popcorn63
Jonas_ed = jonased
m7feettall = m7feettall
MaDMaN = mad420man08
MortalFear = mortalfear48
mouseykid2k7 = mouselad
Nightryder = nightryder05
Nopyo = Nopyo
PainKe = painke
P!nk = angelinacarmen
partypooper = nigaitsthejacka (with two t's)
Queenie = Ryth3m
Rept = Sunblade
skitzo =skitzo13579
Sonny = lom1sonny
Spain = spani3n
Spook = Spookyman15
Stiftie = stiftie1993
UltraByte = ultrabyte
viciouz = bighugellama
wade = wade15
xile = cfxile
Zorchenhimer =zorchenhimer