Author Topic: Continuation of Server User Limit  (Read 9822 times)


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2007, 03:55:34 AM »
I understand this.

It is a why I begged for the community to harness this power. Figure out a way.

The more people playing no matter the arena the better.

Follow AAO's gaming 'model'. Simple put its solid.

I can contribute money and a small bit of player etiquette and battle expertise. The rest is up to you.

Jitspoe this aught to make you smile. Everyone had fun.

*edit why are we confusing public play with match? There will be a difference.


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2007, 04:00:25 AM »
it was fun, but getting out of the base with a wad of noobies grabbing everything they could find sucked. Xbmap1, was fun. The 5 seconds of blitz was fun too.

edit -  my name rocks :D


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2007, 04:04:01 AM »
it was fun, but getting out of the base with a wad of noobies grabbing everything they could find sucked. Xbmap1, was fun. The 5 seconds of blitz was fun too.

edit -  my name rocks :D

Shut up.. :)

Oh and that complaint you have is a flaw in the game. Every map should auto spawn weapons, or at least have the ablility to. Btw you did good without those supplies huh? rofl


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2007, 04:05:39 AM »
you know the purple spook owned you :D


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2007, 04:07:10 AM »
You are a good man.


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2007, 04:18:20 AM »
It was fun to see some new faces in the 3 AM scene


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2007, 08:54:47 AM »
Eii has a point no newbs are getting integrated to matches becausethis is how they think.....
newbie1: This is really dumb there is no more then 8 people in this match.
newbie2:Yeah lets go to one of those super full servers like one of those graffitti servers that have 25 or 28 people in them.
newbie3:woooooohoooooooo lets go guys......
this is why I am making a daily pickup game one for NAs the other for Europeans so they'll think like this:
newbie1:Hey guys look at that pickup server it has 16 max but all the cool people go there maybe I'll go there too.
newbie2:yeah that sounds fun I like being like the cool people comon
newbie3:wooohoooo lets go play with cool people in the 16 person server
Then next time they here about clans matching with less than 20+ people they'll be like....
newbie1: hey that clan has matches alot like the pickup games where all the cool people go
newbie2:yeah it must be cool too lets go there instead of playing pub
newbie3:wooohooooo now we're gonna play with lotses of cool people in a clan yay!
All I think you should do since I see your point is lower your servers some maybe just like 22 or 20 that way it isn't so insane as having 32 which is 3 times the amount of a match with a bit more people then normal (10[5v5]) to just 2 times as many.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 728
Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2007, 12:51:24 PM »
Are you an idiot picasso? the 16 person european servers aren't populated cause no germans were awake.. wow...

and how are the minority of people for change.. the vast majority is, hense why all the other servers went 16 , and jits wants to make a way to have autochanging of server limits.

Request denied! Have a nice day!!

Eiii if you're so worried about reviving the pathetic state of the almighty DP clan scene then you guys start and pay for your own servers and see how well you do.  In the meantime, we're satisfied with the populous of our servers

We're sure in the hell NOT going to succumb to the desires of fools like Y2J who rant, name call, badger or attack us.

This subject has been carried on long enough.  If you don't like our user limits, go elsewhere.

I would appreciate Knack or Y00tz closing this thread and cautioning Y2J's behavior.

Thanks in advance...


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 4595
Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2007, 04:58:05 PM »
Again, this looks to me like you guys would rather continue to look big by having the big servers than actually help the community. Don't get me wrong, you're servers are some of the best, and they're a great service. While they do provide lots of players a place to play, I believe, as I've said, that they're destroying the more important bits of the community. Just a few servers with the high limit will make this behavior continue, and right now you are (most of) those servers.

If you don't want to change anything on your end, we can't make you. I wish we could make you help out the community when it's in need, though. It's kind of your duty as a server owner/manager.

It's also dumb to ask for this topic to be locked. Just because you won't change anything doesn't mean more people have more opinions. And all Y2J's done is be aggressive and call you stupid. The first is warranted because you're being fairly stubborn, and the second is tolerated because we all left grade school a long time ago.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1463
Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2007, 09:11:58 AM »
Picasso if you would only read my posts as well as most of the others you would see the majority of the time we are not badgering or flaming you all we are saying is that it would be nicer if you lowered your server limits to 16 heck I'm not even asking for 16 I'm asking for only 20-22. So please I know Y2J has been badgering you some but why does that mean you have to completely shut out the rest of us who are making quite reasonable opinions and are not badgering you in the least?


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2007, 10:47:26 AM »
I'd like to add my views :)

I can understand where the GT admins are coming from, their servers are some of the most populated in this game, and have been for quite a while. Why should they change anything when so many people play on their servers?

Well you could say that the GT servers are more populated because they hold more people! Also the other servers may have less people in because the 32 player servers take all the players on at one time. You may counter this argument by saying that the reason they are all in 32 player server is because people enjoy crowed servers, however, I put it to you that the majority of these players are new to the game and thus don't know any better.

It is alot more enjoyable to play in a 16 limit server than in a 32 limit server. I'm sure the newer players would feel this way to if tehy were given the chance. I think there still should be some servers with a 32 player limit, just to give people the option and a greater deal of choice, but I really believe that they should be the minority, a novel server where we can go and let our hair down, line and get loads of kills, but only once in a while.

As much as anyone I appreciate the GT servers and admins, this is a request not a demand. But i'm sure it would be a good move for the game.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2007, 04:14:51 AM »
Not agrue in butt...this thar was phun two, somehow???

Think and harness weakminded 4v4ites!!!


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2449
Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #32 on: July 17, 2007, 07:24:36 AM »
thats why i said keep some servers with a high limit, but make them the novel minority :P They are fun, but it makes for a much better constant overall gaming experience to play in a max 16 player server.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 728
Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2007, 03:54:59 AM »
Again, this looks to me like you guys would rather continue to look big by having the big servers than actually help the community. Don't get me wrong, you're servers are some of the best, and they're a great service. While they do provide lots of players a place to play, I believe, as I've said, that they're destroying the more important bits of the community. Just a few servers with the high limit will make this behavior continue, and right now you are (most of) those servers.

If you don't want to change anything on your end, we can't make you. I wish we could make you help out the community when it's in need, though. It's kind of your duty as a server owner/manager.

It's also dumb to ask for this topic to be locked. Just because you won't change anything doesn't mean more people have more opinions. And all Y2J's done is be aggressive and call you stupid. The first is warranted because you're being fairly stubborn, and the second is tolerated because we all left grade school a long time ago.

Eiii, your whole post is idiotic and a complete insult.  We don't have to "look big" because we already are.  We have the longest lasting most stable running servers to date.  The mere fact that we have made them available to the community "helps the community" because without them you might have to dig into that fat pocket of yours instead of offering NOTHING to this community yourself other than your baseless magpie running at the mouth type posts.

Now you want to blame the GT servers for the crappy state of the DP clan scene because of our player limit setting?  Dude your utterly annoying  and have no idea what you're talking about.

There are a ton of 16 limit servers up and ALL but one of them have people on them at this time.  It doesn't matter what time I look, the 32 player servers always have people on them and the 16 player servers seldom do.  Irregardless of that we've already explained our position to the hilt and with a lot more respect than we're getting from a few of you here.

Seriously though, we offer around 1,200.00 a year to the "DP community", What in the hell do/have you offered? 

I suppose since EV1 servers are still set to 32 players with the exception of one that it is jitspoe's intention to be "stubborn" and demean the state of the "clan scene"  I THINK NOT!!!   

We hear the desires of the few of you on here but are more likely to consider them from people who use a little simple common respect.

lekky, Although I don't think that our player count setting has anything to do with the sad pathetic state of the almighty DP clan scene(Those problems are plentiful and lie elsewhere), I'll talk to Snipen or he'll see this post and TRY running 2 of our 4 PUB servers at 16 and I suppose change the match servers to 16 as I've never seen a match requiring anything higher.

Personally, I'm content with the servers just as they are and am thankful that they are there for me to enjoy.  I'm a firm believer in the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

The final decision lies with Snipen and if he tries it and the servers sit empty as they did in the past, they'll be raised up again.  In final, the existing clans are the ones that need to HELP change the state of the"DP clan scene" and a great many can start with working on their attitudes and using the great many servers that are already available to them instead of trying to blame the problem on the GT server max player setting. That's just plain stupid!

Have a great day.


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #34 on: July 18, 2007, 07:59:54 AM »
Quote from: PiCaSSo
I suppose since EV1 servers are still set to 32 players with the exception of one that it is jitspoe's intention to be "stubborn" and demean the state of the "clan scene"  I THINK NOT!!!   

^^I'm not sure if I am understanding this right. Anyways jitspoe said he was going to set the EV1 server to 16 the next time he restarted them, I believe.


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #35 on: July 18, 2007, 08:21:32 AM »
Yes thats right Kilo.

Picasso im sure no one is trying to blame you guys for anything, if they are then they are wrong. For example the solution to getting more stable clans in this game rests upon many many factors, server limit of pub servers might be one, but i'm sure that there are much larger factors to consider before any change to the max user limit has any effect on getting more stable clans.

Match servers can stay as they are, or however you like them. The max user limit of those has no effect on anything we are discussing here.

Picasso I'd love it if you would be able to set all your pub servers to a max limit of 16 for say a week, just so we can gauge the effect of it and see what happens. Setting 2 to 16 wont tell us that much as the 32 limit ones will just stay crowded. Hoep you can get snipen to read this and hope he understands my point of view. If it turns out that all the GT servers are empty (i cant see how as then all servers will be 16 nearly, and people must play somewhere!) then they can be set back to 32.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 07:36:53 AM by lekky »


  • Autococker
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Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2007, 09:32:03 AM »
Also if they do seem kind of empty you should try something in between 16 and 32 like 20 something see if that works of course I know this is all your desiscion.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 4595
Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2007, 05:17:29 PM »
Seriously though, we offer around 1,200.00 a year to the "DP community", What in the hell do/have you offered?
You can't say that because I don't have the means to contribute as much as you do my opinions are invalid. That's incredibly dumb. Your servers are a great contribution to the players, but right now they're doing nothing positive for organized play, which is what is holding this game back.

We hear the desires of the few of you on here but are more likely to consider them from people who use a little simple common respect.
Right now you're the least respectful poster in this thread, by far. I've done nothing but call you stubborn, which you continue to prove that you are.

In final, the existing clans are the ones that need to HELP change the state of the"DP clan scene" and a great many can start with working on their attitudes and using the great many servers that are already available to them instead of trying to blame the problem on the GT server max player setting. That's just plain stupid!
I'm not saying that it's only your fault. One look at the clan scene and you can see that a lot of the problem is on their end. But, after so long of the clan scene being nearly completely dead, nothing's changed. I don't think we can count on them for much, as Jigsaw demonstrated. However, it'll be hard for any new serious players to be brought in if they're not exposed to serious play. While you're not entirely responsible, you are hurting the clan scene right now, and you can very easily make it better.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 728
Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2007, 07:44:21 PM »
pfft... HOGWASH!


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 116
Re: Continuation of Server User Limit
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2007, 11:11:17 PM »
I have been playing Paintball since Quake1. Quake Innovations paintball. Wayyyy back in the day. And in my opinion, the way this topic is going. Nothing is going to happen out of this. It's just a waste of time. Now I'm going to try to be unbiased here. But I know a few very important people that were a HUGE part of this community. Now I'm not mentioning any names at all here, I know who they are, I have heard their thoughts, and they just don't care about DP anymore for various reasons. Alongside with me, these people feel exactly the same way. l won't join a 32 player server unless only about 12-16 are on them.

What GT's point is, is that their servers are usually always played on and their 32 player servers are used most frequently. They see no need to change this because people play on them. So in retrospect they are providing a service to the community.

Everyone against the 32player limit also have valid points. Most maps are not designed for a 32 player limit. Maps are not equipped for enough items for 32 players to fully enjoy. This is just logic. Considering, there are a select few maps that could actually be playable with this many people... (brainstorm ect...).. 32 players on blitz is ridiculous. It's ridiculous even to think 16 people on blitz is ok. We had this problem with pbcup/blitz when most servers were only 16 players max. 32 player servers should be only running maps that support.. well 32 players. Other wise half of the people are running around using PGP and just end up dying anyways. Shazam, blitz, pbcup and 95% of the other maps run on these servers is just not plausible. Most people who play on these servers now (i have been to them quite frequently lately, are new.) I don't recognize 3/4 of the people who play on them. I'm pretty sure jits only added the 32 player support for maps that would support 32 players.

Now, new maps are being made.. not very frequently but they are. I have yet to see a single map designed... yes.. DESIGNED for 32 players. Except brainstorm. I don't even know if brainstorm is well equipped for 32 players. The fact of the matter is, there isnt many maps that actually support 32 players... and everyone starting out with autocockers, or other weapons is NOT designed for 32 players. I have been many things over the years, i have mapped, i have been a server admin, i have contributed directly to the paintball 2 game (me & 4thX implemented the loc support, and fixed the bugs), I have been in clans. I have been freelance. And I have been around since Quake1. And I'm telling you.. people like me don't want to play on servers with 32 player's when the map is NOT designed for it.

Many logical points for this;
- Not enough supplies to go around comfortably.
- Starting out with full equipment isn't very skill full. Also, takes strategy and intensity from most maps.
- Not enough space for people to play and move comfortably.
- Takes confrontation out of the map.
- Takes skill, out of the map. (Spraying into a crowded area isn't very skillfull. Also, note tossing grenades into a heavily populated area.)
- Most importantly, it eliminated the team effect that paintball has had. Let me explain this.
When DP first emerged way back. There was I think a 12 player limit or so. 6 per team, 12 per map. When there is 6-8 people on a team, they actually have to WORK together in order to succeed. Play off each other, watch what other people are doing, and be aware whats going on. Not just running somewhere and shooting into a cloud of the opposite color. The strategy of the map's that most maps were designed for is eliminated. And it just becomes shoot across the map, hope for the best.

The bottom line is, if it's not designed for it. It shouldn't be used that way. You wouldn't take the paintball client and try to play half-life in it. It's just not plausible. Although could probably be done, it's pointless when you could just play half-life. (big reason why half-life source was a huge failure, only people who didn't play the original half-life even cared.)

Now the point of matching. Yes, matching is different from public play. But public play is supposed to teach you and train you, for matches. And let new player's get the feel for the game, and the intensity it was designed for. Most of the new player's don't get this, so they do not join a clan. If we had 20 or so, 6-8 player clans. Everyone would be much happier. There would be more variety and clan styles. Not just a few big clans with 10-30 people in one clan. This takes up most of the matching community, and really.. diminishes it. Considering there are only a few big clans with a large amount of players, no variety, and not much matching goes on except with those clans. Kind of pointless, if you ask  me. 2vs2 matches are also pointless. It is not a TEAM effort. If we had 20 or so 6-8 player clans than we might actually need 5 match servers.

Anyways, in a really old vet's opinion. Which i rarely play anymore because DP just isn't what it used to be. I think this needs to change. I have been asked to join many many clans since I came back a few months ago, and I just have absolutely no interest in it anymore. Sadly. Server's need to be set for the maps. Maps need to be made for certain server's. Server's should run 16 player limit's, on 16 player maps. 32 player limit's should be running 32 player maps. If people want 32 player games, then the community should be making 32 player maps. But you now what, the Quake engine isn't really designed for this in the first place. But, load up brainstorm, take a walk through it. And, take notes. That's how its done. By the master. jitspoe. Who I bet would agree with me, and who designed the game for what it is. Extending player limit's, I bet in his mind, was for people designing 32 player maps. He has worked hard at this game for so long, and has worked hard to give player's what they want. And all this time has heard complaint's from more then half the people in this game about various issues. And he still stays strong, trying to provide everyone with a game they love. When he could have just said here.. here's digital paint for Quake 2 v1.51 or 1.6. I'm moving on to bigger and better things. People just don't want to take the time, to design something as masterful as brainstorm. Take some time out of their lives to give back to jit what he has given so much of. It's a lot of work. I certainly have tried, and failed miserably. But there are some talented mapper's out there at the moment. Who would rather make many small maps, and release them buggy, then work hard on a map like brainstorm, or shreds. And create a masterpiece. And until that happens, In my opinion. 32 player slots should go.

But I think the last thing I'm going to mention is this;
Instead of making posts like this, and fighting about the hard pressing issues, why don't you guys take some time out. Setup a room on IRC, and go over it with jitspoe. You guy's never consider his opinions on anything anymore, and expect him to consider your requests. He made the darn game. Respect that. And others whom are not in your clan. Setup a meeting. darn.. I bet you'd get a lot farther.
And next time you see jitspoe. Tell him thanks. I haven't seen anyone really be truthfully thankful to jits for what he has accomplished with this game in such a long time. Respect him like I said. Do something to better the community. Not make it worse.
