Don't have time to look at it right now, so I'll just comment on the screenshots:
1st shot: You need to avoid having water at multiple levels, as it needs to render the scene multiple times for the reflections. This causes a hard hit on framerates. Also, why is there just a big block of water there? Where is it coming from? How is it being suspended like that? It just plain looks weird. Also, the rocks around it are really square and unnatural looking. And I see brush misalignment on the right side. What did I tell you about the grid?
2nd shot: Hard to tell much from that angle, but it looks like you've made the rock a lot more solid looking, which is good. The texturing is still inconsistent, though. You might even consider using grass on the more level areas.
3rd shot: Several wood textures need to be rotated on that structure above the ladder. The ladder looks better, but still a bit thick, maybe. You might play with y00tz's unit conversion tool to see just how big those rugs really are and compare them to that of a real ladder. The stair texture looks better, but it still looks like it's a metal texture (kind of hard to tell from the shot). Metal could work if you made stairs that look something like this: - but with solid stairs like you have, concrete will look more realistic. Also, that huge block of wood next to the stairs looks a bit unrealistic as well. In fact, most of the wood structures do -- where would you find trees big enough to build something like that?
Keep up the good work, though.