Author Topic: In the eyes of many vets, please, take a step back on Saturday, July 21st, 2007.  (Read 14347 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 116
Hello Everyone, Xile here.
Now I had just replied to a heated post about 32 player server limits on this forum. And it really got me. Right in the ticker, of how things are turning out after all these year's of playing this wonderfully masterfully designed game of paintball.

Now I want to take this opportunity, to thank jitspoe, and the many other talented people who made and have worked on DP for many year's. Most of you in this community probably don't know me because you have embarked on the paintball2 journey in the last few year's or so. But I have been around (with many different names over the years) since the Quake1/QuakeWorld days of this game. It has gone through MANY transitional periods, one very noted when QI and jitspoe, and cal, and the Quake2 DP team had disputes over this game. And they all came through for us, and we would not be here today if it wasn't for them pushing so hard to get through for us. So, I would like to thank them all for working so hard on doing that. Which is really an integral part of DP's history, that only few people know about/remember anymore. Well you know what, I remember. Because all the year's I have been playing this game, I have tried to be fair and open and honest with everyone. And I admit, I have had time's where I have acted immature, and retarded about situation's that I should have dealt with better. Most people just think, oh well it's just a game. But to a lot of people who are not with us anymore, to them, it was never just a game. It was a refuge from everyday life. Where the amazing and wonderful would happen. For many, this game was divine. Almost, like a religion. When you hopped into DP, you knew everyone. You know how they played, you knew their skill. It was almost as if, those 3d modeled player's all ran around with real souls. You could tell who was who. Just by the way they moved gracefully around the map. You always knew, when you were in a match, who was beside you just by the way they made sure your back was covered. Or the way they always looked behind them to make sure you were there. And you saw them doing this, and It made you feel good. It made you feel important, and needed. You always knew, what was going to happen, just by walking around with someone. You didn't have to talk, you didn't have to recon. You just knew. Man, I remember this. Brotherhood. Intense brotherhood. Can you imagine that? Just think.. What if you and your clan were like that. Didn't even need to speak, you all just knew how to go about any situation the other team put on you. And if you would fail. It would be nice try bud, we'll get em next time. This, is what this game is all about.  Something that was lost quite a few year's ago.

Now, all you see in in DP is a few words. It doesn't matter who you are, how long you have played. Or anything.

- If you're new at the game. It's "N00B!"
- If you're a vet at the game. It's HACKS, OR HACKER!
- If you're in the middle, you see BOTH.

It bothers me. This isn't what the game was about. And don't sit there and tell me you're not involved. Fighting on the forums is part of it. I have seen many of this from all sides of the borders. People seem to blame it on the Germans, and people from other  countries. But the truth is, I seen all this BEFORE they came to DP. And guess where they learned it from. You teach new player's how to play by being in a server with them. What people do not realize is, you control how your community is. People set examples to follow. Newbies follow what is in front of them. I know, I have been a newbie in many games. And have fallen into these  things before.

I would just like to take this time out, to try one last time. To make a difference. To make a stand. To start some change. It only takes one person to try to change, and if other's follow. It spiderwebs out, grows, grows, and grows. And before you know it, change is imminent. I know it's not that far fetched to start some change. It has  happend before, it can happen again. I am confident that if the role models of this community, can set some examples. Then we can have what we have had in the past. We have lost many good souls over the years. And you know what, most of them I have talked to about leaving when they did. And they did because of the way the community changed. Many VERY nice and good hearted people just gave up. They tried so hard, and to no avail, just gave up. Many said they would come back if things ever changed, but said it looked very bleak. And I don't blame them one bit for doing so. We see them pop up from time to time, and you know what. They were doing what I did. Checking, and hoping that things were different. But they are not. So they fall off the horse, and keep walking with something else. This will be my last  attempt at DP. And if we cannot start something, I'm afraid I will not return to this game. Because the way the community is, it doesn't offer anyone anything anymore, besides ridicule and sarcasm. Things you can find in any other game. So what's the point of trying so hard on one particular game.

I have been popping in and out over the last few year's and I have to say. One thing has changed for sure. jitspoe's respect. I mentioned this is the other post I made, but I am going to re-mention it here. All I see is people complaining and requesting so much from jit. Yet, they seem to never give back to anything. A select few do, mind you. But most do not. And if they do, it is not in a manner that should be given. jits has worked so hard and so long on this game, and everyone seems to want to take, and never give back. They do like I said, but only half way. Jits provides paintball2 for free. He works hard on it, when he doesn't have to. He deserves 100% respect from anybody that talks to him. Like I said. I see 80% of posts are fights about how things should be this way, things should be that way, and whatnot. And in not one of them does it involve him what-so-ever. If you want to rant about 32 player map servers. LOOK at the logical facts, and setup some sort of meeting with jitspoe and have a discussion live. Not on the forums where everyone can shout in there two cents and flame. Where it is controlled, and respected, and progress can be made. Where if things do get out of hand, they can be controlled on the spot. Anyways, enough about that. Think of it this way. jitspoe is pretty much the king of dp. He makes the rules, he makes the decisions... people should respect that, ask for his input, and seriously consider what he has to say. Not just well its working so well for me and my buddies so were just gonna go over here and eat worms. Which happens in 98% of any flaming cases. Don't beleive me? Go through the forums and see for yourself. Any time jits TRIES to give logical input, it never seems to matter. Which is probably why he doesn't post to everyone's complaining topics anymore. Jits made the game, and hes also probably the most fairest guy In the community in my opinion. If you're in control of something that has to do with the game, you should really consider listening to what he has to say.. you know considering he designed the game and all. Enough about that....

Anyways, change. Everyone knows we need change. It's not that hard to see. Many people have worked on this game so hard over the years. And put so much heart into it. And I just don't see payback their getting really. Having full server's doesn't make them feel all warm inside I bet. It's how people go about things and carry themselves. And if they are enjoying themselves. If there are 100 people playing dp, and 10 are enjoying themselves. That's pointless. And I bet if you ask a lot of people, they will tell you that.

So I ask of EVERYONE... on Saturday, July, 21st, 2007... do your part... First off.. take some time out to thank jitspoe and the other's. Post in here, email them, tell them on IRC, any way possible. And I'm going to be checking with a few people to see what happens. If you post any flame or anything in here.. you will just prove my point. So don't bother. PM me if you have a problem.

Heres a list of things to get started on Saturday (or even better now) that you can do...

JOIN #definedp on to support the cause, and to show you care about the community. Idle here to show support.
NOTE: flames, language and everything else that goes against this, will NOT be tolerated in this channel what so ever. People who participate will be noticed, and appreciated.

- Thank jitspoe and other's for their hard efforts.
- Make any kind of donation to the project! Anything helps, ask jit how to donate!
- Compliment other's on their progress in the game.
- Compliment someone who has contributed to the game in some way.
- Help a new comer.
- Organize a pickup game for the better of DP where everyone is there for the cause.
- Ask a few people how they feel about the community, how it could be better and express that in here (if you flame, i feel sorry for you).

You get the idea. Idle in #definedp to show support, even AFTER Saturday. The more we show, the more we can grow and change things. Also, for being involved and actively helping out, you could be featured on a project in the works. And be seen or heard by all of DP and alot of other people too. Players that strive and show support will not be unnoticed.

Thank you all for reading...
And I hope we can all do something to better the community. And make this game fully enjoyable for vets, middle people and the newbies alike!!!


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 116
I would also like to add, that players who seem genuine, and want change. We will be having some discussions and I will be taking things to jitspoe personally, and going over them with him. One on one. Alas, only plausible solutions and suggestions will be considered. And that will all be agreed on. Things that are not viewed on by the majority, will not be presented. But will be fully and utterly honestly considered and presented properly for consideration.

Thanks again


  • Administrator
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 18802
To be honest, I actually prefer the forum method of communication.  I can access the forums on any computer with Internet access, but my IRC time is very limited.  I won't be around on Saturday, but I think I can remote in to my home computer and join #definedp to at least log the conversations.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 116
Sounds good.

Id just like to get everyone talking about the problems within the community and how they can be changed to make it more enjoyable for everyone. I know a lot of people feel the way I do, but just don't know how to go about it. I know a lot of people who would like the community to be a more enjoyable place for everyone. Making them realize that most of the problem's aren't the games problems. They are peoples problems.


  • Administrator
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 18802
logmein is acting up.  It keeps saying "your input is being blocked" and won't let me do anything.  Odd thing is, that message doesn't show up on Google, unless I tack "logmein" on, and then it returns a single site, but it's foreign.  Now I'm beginning to question Google's search logic... oh well.  I guess I'll just talk to you when I get back.

Edit: Got it working.  My client is idle there.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 88
It's nice to see that someone is trying to sort out the problems we have in this game at the moment. All this bullexcrement is what made me give it up a couple years back, i've only come back recently 'cause i have alot more free time to do stuff now that i've finished all my exams.

If enough people want to get involved and be mature about this, I'm sure that no bad can come of this. It never hurts to try.

Good luck, i'll be idling in #definedp



  • Global Moderator
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 3039
I got your back Xile.

Wow, you made me remember everything that I miss......


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 161
How the intercourse did you fit all of that in 1 post.  Your a freak. <3


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2742
Haha, I was planning on writing about how in the 2 years from when I left Springfield to go to Seattle, and since I've come back, this community is feeling more and more at everyone's throats everyday.

Cheers to Xile :D


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2227
This is so true. And it has been a consistant detirioration. Even one year ago when I was in tR you could have still have a lot of fun with your friends, even when you weren't playing. You always knew you'd have another crack at your opponents, and most matches were fun and serious. And I can imagine how great it would have been to play those years ago, when everyone knew everyone, helped everyone. Now all that remains in pubs at any one time are ~100 players, being disuaded from trying to play by 10 who have just learned to jump and think everyone that eliminates them hacks. And since this annoys veterans, they no longer play in pubs, so more and more people form 2 day clans, and shout abuse. I don't see any easy way of stopping this without annoying players, but I'll willfully add my support.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1023
Hey Xile, this is a great thing you are trying to do and its really appreciated by everyone.
I would just like to thank you for this opportunity.

And I remember you from the many years ago in a clan you made with Gohan called [sD] Speed Demons.
A great clan, very skilled and determined to win.
I also remember the many days you helped me with my skill developing and showing me the secrets to a lot of maps.

Thank you Xile.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2542
I'll show my support even though i have only played a year and a half and only know what i see.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1173
I'd like to help out.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1362
(1:28:10 PM) * Joins: skater (
(1:28:12 PM) <pC^ViciouZ^byop> lol
(1:28:14 PM) * Joins: [aB-t]HeadStrong (
(1:28:15 PM) <no^skillz|bbOy> should i know him ?
(1:28:15 PM) * Joins: gold (Manbeef@Aroseforruin)
(1:28:17 PM) * Joins: [DNG]Sonny (
(1:28:18 PM) <Machine> I came for the free buttsex.
(1:28:18 PM) <pC^ViciouZ^byop> that worked
(1:28:19 PM) <gold> right here buddy
(1:28:22 PM) <skater> i care
(1:28:23 PM) <gold> buttsecks
(1:28:25 PM) <skater> let me help
(1:28:25 PM) <QueeNiE> lmao
(1:28:27 PM) <edgecrusher> sry vic i mirc crashed
(1:28:27 PM) <QueeNiE> we got
(1:28:28 PM) * Joins: [Q3H5]Holo (Holo@oriental)
(1:28:28 PM) <QueeNiE> like
(1:28:31 PM) <QueeNiE> 9 pple to jhoin
(1:28:31 PM) <gold> buttsecks
(1:28:32 PM) <QueeNiE> ahah
(1:28:32 PM) <gold> lets go
(1:28:34 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:35 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:35 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:35 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:36 PM) <gold> lets do this
(1:28:36 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:36 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:37 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:38 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:40 PM) * QueeNiE buttseckses everyone
(1:28:41 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:42 PM) <Machine> !kb Machine
(1:28:43 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:45 PM) * Parts: gold (Manbeef@Aroseforruin)
(1:28:45 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:46 PM) * QueeNiE execpt skater
(1:28:47 PM) <skater> MOTHER  bundles of twigs
(1:28:49 PM) * Parts: Machine (Cann@bis)

Thanks for helping out, skater.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1173
Good job on the fake logs champ.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 4595
Noep, I've got the same. :3


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 116
We had a not bad turnout this morning.. about 20 people were in there. Down to about 9 people now with alot of people joining then leaving.

Slowly but surely. The only people that have really showed is people who visit the forums. So well think of a few ways to expand to get more support I think.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2542
I had to get off irc due to internet problems and never got back on. Tomorrow i will show my support again, and hopefully my internet will cooperate.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 537
Spook, stop sucking up. 

i'm idling.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1248
We had a not bad turnout this morning.. about 20 people were in there. Down to about 9 people now with alot of people joining then leaving.

Slowly but surely. The only people that have really showed is people who visit the forums. So well think of a few ways to expand to get more support I think.
Most of the new players [teenagers] have to shut off their systems at night ;D