Author Topic: In the eyes of many vets, please, take a step back on Saturday, July 21st, 2007.  (Read 14345 times)


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
It was almost as if, those 3d modeled player's all ran around with real souls. You could tell who was who. Just by the way they moved gracefully around the map. You always knew, when you were in a match, who was beside you just by the way they made sure your back was covered. Or the way they always looked behind them to make sure you were there. And you saw them doing this, and It made you feel good. It made you feel important, and needed. You always knew, what was going to happen, just by walking around with someone. You didn't have to talk, you didn't have to recon. You just knew. Man, I remember this. Brotherhood. Intense brotherhood. Can you imagine that? Just think.. What if you and your clan were like that. Didn't even need to speak, you all just knew how to go about any situation the other team put on you. And if you would fail. It would be nice try bud, we'll get em next time. This, is what this game is all about.  Something that was lost quite a few year's ago.

Dude. Ty. We should all feel this way.

Sorry for my late response. But how late is a the same sentiment I posted when first started posting.

You sir are welcome in my home and my community.

As most of you grown to know this and all of Q2.

Mi casa is su casa.

Home again !   I like to be here when I can.

When I come home cold and tired.

Its good to play q2 by certain fire.

Here the softly spoken magic spell?


*xile will now pm u your request. Once you contact you will be happy as i am now. Good things abound.

Jitspoe. TY. I owe a life time of laughter.


  • Global Moderator
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 3039
I'm pretty sure you've had it coming since this.

Exactly - Thank you.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1362
Oh, Didnt think it would be that since Xile banned him already for that and gave him a second chance.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1173
Knack, that was like 5 days ago. I had apologized to Xile and said I'd idle the chan and help out.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2449
I'm glad someone has taken time out to write a lengthy detailed post, saying something that most of us have been trying to say for a long time (but seemingly being ignored). Xile, I hope that you can use this base to bring about a mass attitute change, and I will be in full support of it.

It needs more than just asknig people to idle an irc channel though, do you have any projects in mind to help push along this change in attitudes? I'll throw a few ideas out to begin with:

  • Help a Newb Per Day

Go out of your way to answer the invitable questinos you hear in any pub, "How do you jump so high?". Literally grab a private server and show the newbie how to strafe jump. Do this once a day and you'll be surprised how effective it is. That person you helped will feel great that someone so good took time out of their day to help him, and this attitude will pass down from player to playe. The next time someone askes that guy the same question, what do you think his answer will be?

  • Match a "Funname Clan"

Match a "funname clan" from a pub, and rather than pummeling them and destroying their life, offer advice throughout the match. I've done this before and the match literally turns into a lesson, going onto multiple maps with no regard for the score. You'll be amazed that these "funname clans" just don't know any better, and are usually pretty decent people. Some simple advice such as "you should have done this, then you would have been able to take advantage of this, etc".

Those are some specific projects that may be helpfull. Also I'll post a few general rules I think we should follow as experienced players:

  • Try to answer questions people have in pubs, many don't know about irc or the forums, and public servers are their only means of getting answers to their questions.
  • Don't argue in pub, and try to resolve arguments in servers you are in.
  • Don't play under an alias? Not so certain about this one myself, but it might be that if these newbies regularly see a player topping the charts, they might be more willing to ask questions or open communication with this individual.

We should be aiming to create an open and friendly environment in pubs, where anyone can ask a question and expect a decent answer. Most of you guys are role models when you play in pubs, whether you like it or not, if you take responsibility for this role, alot of good can come of it, and this change xile has talked about has a greater chance of occuring.

Of course all the above could be a load of crap, but its good to discuss :)


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1463
I like your ideas lekky maybe even take a time out to go to a newbier pub.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1172
maybeimnotsupposedtopostthisbutheyxile thankspleasegetbacktomeasap


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1362
Nice smokey.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 18
I deeply appreciate the time that xile has taken to make this thread, aiming to  ressurect effort to reestablish this community to its former glory. The entire community should take this seriously, and I'd be, as well as many others, extremeley pleased to see some progress.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 116
I will probably be absent from definedp for a week or so.

I quit my job the other day and am trying to find a new work home. I will check in as much as I possibly can though. W00t for being unemployed!

No sweat though, there are other's in the channel that can keep things rolling and I will be back as soon as I can.

If anyone has any experience in website design and graphic's and want to help out. Please send me a PM so we can get something up soon (I don't have as much time as I used to until I find another job)

Also, if anyone would like to donate us a 16 player server in US and UK so we can hold some tourneys and promote, that would be awesomeness too. If not, I will find a way to get a couple up when I get settled in my new job (when I find one)



  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1172
I will probably be absent from definedp for a week or so.

I quit my job the other day and am trying to find a new work home. I will check in as much as I possibly can though. W00t for being unemployed!

No sweat though, there are other's in the channel that can keep things rolling and I will be back as soon as I can.

If anyone has any experience in website design and graphic's and want to help out. Please send me a PM so we can get something up soon (I don't have as much time as I used to until I find another job)

Also, if anyone would like to donate us a 16 player server in US and UK so we can hold some tourneys and promote, that would be awesomeness too. If not, I will find a way to get a couple up when I get settled in my new job (when I find one)

I'll do the site work if you don't mind and I can throw a server up. :)


  • Developer
  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 260
Xile wrote that better than I ever could that's for sure. I'm way too surly.

Odd thought:

Being nicer to each other may not be the way to a better dp

For example a few years back if someone logged into a losing team which now made the teams even then suddenly switched to the winning team just because and made the teams off by 2... people would yell at them, lots of people would tell them off until they went back and made it even again. Of course many people know this is my personal pet peeve but it doesn't make the example less relevant.

If the community is expected to act in a civil manner it must be told so, repeatedly. Everyone who posted now needs to put their money where there mouth is and act when something needs doing or saying. Committees and polls and yada yada are all fine and dandy but at the end of the day it will be the efforts of individuals to influence other individuals in a positive way that make a difference.

This means sometimes being unpopular, it means some people will get mad at you because they like it crappy (no one notices their smell that way), it means you may get kicked from bad pub servers, it may mean that you at some point will be alone fighting many. Welcome to caring...


PS: Hey everyone.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 435
I asked Xile if I could make a banner for the new DefineDP website that would becomming soon, so here it is.



  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1463
Nice to see you around FourthX also awesome banner Queenie what did you use for that one?


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2742
Surprisingly not bad QueeNiE.  Touch up the "Dp", stick with one font.  Dp should be DP for Digital Paint not Digital paint.  I love that you actually put digital paint from a digital paint grenade on there, very cool.


Edit.  It has a drastic edge half way through, either make it more of an edge, or overlay to get rid of it, right now it just looks like a mistake from the image on the left being on top.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 435
Bleh your right.  Thanks for those tips.
* QueeNiE heads back to photoshop.


Here she is...


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2742
Great job with the seam, looks very good, I still think that DP could look better if it was the same font as the Define part.

Much better though


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 172
Why this is going to fail:
No server admins are on board, and playing on GT servers can still result in a viewgib and tempban just for killing Snipen 10 rounds straight on a registered name...
The servers are still going to have 32 person limits, making it impossible to help newbies, people won't get supplies, and viewgibs will result from that.
I for one just got banned when I asked snipen why hew viewgibbed someone, in the midst of this dfdp campaign. God forbid he explain himself?

And further more just looking at your site, and the shoutout box, people wearing the DFDP tag are calling the germans nazi's?


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1173
I don't really understand what you're trying to do with this DefineDP stuff. I understand that you want to make the community better, even though it's really not all that bad. It's a typical gaming community where people make fun of each other and such, its expected. I don't think the opinions of about 15 people is going to sway the opions of about 300 other people. GL though.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 784
maybe you should start with a good example, skater.  good things don't "happen", good things grow.