Here's some ideas I've been tossing around for how the feature vote page should work:
- Each feature request will require its own topic. Users can request a feature to be added to the list by creating a topic about the feature and asking that it be put up for voting. I think this will keep the list a bit more organized than just letting people free form submit features to vote on. It might clutter the feature request boards up a bit at first, but it will also keep discussion more organized, rather than having 20 different topics going on at once in a single request thread. When the feature request is added to the list, it will have a link back to the thread so people can read it for more details.
- Users will be able to vote for (+) or against (-) a feature or cancel their vote at any time. Previous votes will be nullified.
- Features should be categorized. Some categories might include: Game (things that are implemented in the game code, such as new game modes), Administration (advanced logging, etc.), Media (better textures, models, sounds, etc.), Interface (Menu requests, etc.), Website (wiki related things, etc.), Client (client side demo recording, client side word filter, etc), Bug fixes (mouse issues on Vista), Server, Renderer, and General Engine.
- List could be sorted by a couple things - most recent votes, most votes, etc.