Dear Cody,
Welcome to Digital Paintball On-line, My name is Loial . I saw you playing tonight on (jitspoe look) Graf, pretty good for you first time.
What version did you download?
This is unlike q2 where as you dint get a weapons list . You must drop your weapon, to do so bind a key drop weapon or use the q2 options menu. There are alot of stuff you will need to learn, Jitspoe our dear grand poopy is the most excellent developer of the game that you enjoyed with us tonight. He should be following up on any questions about how to get better and all the who, what, how, where and when.
If you ever need help online and you see me ask me, that is what I am here for.
Again it was nice meeting you and look forward to helping / gaming / jibing with you.
Loyal to one.