what is wrong with my map making? when i first start out it says" [c:\bsp\pball2\whatever.pak]..." then "[c:\bsp\pball2\whatever.pak]" is not a valid .pak file, choose another file..." then a find pak file pops up so i exit it then "where are .qc files: c:\bsp\pball2\entity\pb2ents_b15.c?" pops up and i exit that then the bsp pops up and i click on new, the i press l and a thing pops up and says"no subdirectories in [c:\bsp\pball2\quake2\pball\textures\]..." and ya so then i cant really do any thing because i cand load any thing so could any one help me letalone under stand this so if u do plz plz plz reply