ok never mind that i just got into clan skillz and now every time i get my name and make my clantag and name with only 2 colours it always kickes me and says noname is not autorized to use the clan tag [SKILLZ] so whats with that plz help me
As jitspoe states, you need to be logged into to your account, and you must make your name properly.
When you're on a server, in the console type
playersIt should anyone who's in the server, and you need to see if it shows your global login ID or not. It might look something like this:
(27881) * mrfoods
If you're not logged in, I would suggest remaking your global login profile in the Setup menu.
Here are the possible names you can make with your tag:
Feel free to use colours, but be careful how many colour changes you use. For example, [SKILLZ]mrfoods will only allow you to have about 7 colour changes total. [SKILLZ]dagodfather is even less.