I miss Bainer, Mental ;( blitz and y2 happy!!! What are their opinions on good maps?
The maps that come to mind for the top of my list are:
kfields, castle1, sassult2, siegecastle, pball_shreds1, pforest.
I'm a fan of the small maps when used accordingly. eR33t ran a series of 12am invite-only tournaments in which we did 1v1 with 5 minute rounds on the same map. We usually fielded 8-16 players of mostly the higher skill level(5-6 eR3 members and a hand ful of cP and krew members or #paintball old-timers). They were fast, competitive and anyone who played in them loved them, even though Blitz won 75% of the time.
eR33t used to do teamwork development drills/scrims on larger maps that weren't on the maplists. When played at the higher skill level these made for great fun in the 3v3/4v4 environment. These maps never hit the match scene very often because they became uncompetitive against most teams.
I recall when I started playing, I had to learn qwpball on hellsurvivors - I even eliminated a player once! - and what a nightmare, but I was hooked. I think the key to easing the new player learning curb is to have small tight maplists of larger complex maps that offer depth into the rest of the game that is left untouched in pub servers. This doesn't do it for most of the players who have been around more than a year who play the game for the extremely fast-pase excitement it provides Being a player, team leader of a clan in every skill bracket, a server admin and someone who has put time in to wards development of pball-related projects(eR33tbot, stats, numerous sites), I have seen most all aspects of the community. I still think that 60-70% of the community is only around to experience a quick fast-pase game every now and then. There's always a server that has crates/pbcup/icewar running, and they're satisfied. In order for the same experience on a pub to occur, larger maps need to be loaded. Castle1/pball_shreds1 needs 12+, Brainstorm needs 14+, etc. These scenarios only exist if pbcup/crates/icewar is the last map that was playing. When I administrated the two pub servers I used this tactic to keep the server occupancy high, and it worked as suggested every time.
Thanks for hearing me out.
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