Author Topic: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest  (Read 23413 times)


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #60 on: July 11, 2005, 08:37:05 PM »
OK JITSPOE here is the problem. Someone joins my server using someone else's name or their own. There fraggin the crap out of teammates at spawn I tried warning , i tried kicking
WHAT THE intercourse AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!!!!!

God dam this is just the kind of crap i was warning you about. Who is it fair to? How long will you let this continue?

 I ask now that you please first make a toggleable grenade as far as ff not ff.
  Second a freaking global player/ban list.

Lastly try getting new good players with sheet happening.
 This again is the only community that not only considers cheating a laughing matter. Sometimes it is BUT NOT WHEN YOUR TAKING OUT UR WHOLE TEAM!!!

 Is this what you call good gaming? I think not.

Why invest my time (phawq the money) in playing this game where teamates are bent on killing you to exploit a merry ass player ban. I am pissed.
NHan if that was you wtf I have never ever done or said anything to cause you to act like this or any one in GT for that matter. I have done nothing but respect and yes love yall over these past several years. I dont have to count the hours of fun we (gt and I) have had playing. Now dont think for one instance that this will turn my feelings to this great group of friends. But what your accused of is grievous gameplay and if I could I would smake your arm till it was numb for being an egghead. Out of all clans I would have never expected this from yours.

Now that brings us back to the most intercoursed up thing. Lets say some one does not like gt or the maps we like and has agenda or what ever, this game and its developers as far as I have seen just laugh at sheet like this and really dint care. I have not seen anything to prove otherwise. For all I know I am venting on someone who they claim not to be. WHERE IS THE sense of urgency to perserve the HONOR??? forget the players they can not be trusted.




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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #61 on: July 11, 2005, 09:53:42 PM »
Step 1) Log in.
Step 2) listuserip
Step 3) addip <ip of the person doing this>
Step 4) writeip
Step 5) kick the player
Step 6) post the ip of the player here in the forum so other server admins can ban him/her as well.

(Yes, it's not very well documented, that's why I'm posting it here so you know what to do).  There are always going to be trouble makers, regardless of what the mod is.  It's up to the server admins to keep them away.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #62 on: July 11, 2005, 10:48:03 PM »
Loial tears up,


Now that they have read this and done the damage.

rinse repeat for now and then what?

DSL. That wont work it is not static
Cable. More static per say.

future...keep this game cleaner with global logins and global name bands

Sadly this moron has ruined the use of friendly fire grenades. IN MY MIND AND SERVER. Please change server settings now. THIS SUCKS

To u who did this I hope U like your self u just phawqed up this game for me and others who dont cheat. Time for you to make your intentions known if not know this, You will be jaded. Perhaps the developers could back me up on this?? i dare them.


Jitspoe please note the amount of no usual stupid ass comments , taco iron eii s8n etc etc....where is the superior intellect now?

Hobo aka Krewzer U might have a poor opinion of my style but before i found this forum which I assume was FAIR , which it is not to new players. When I say new players I mean those that started playing daily like the ones that made this game has.

Krewzer/ Hobo, and others that have gamed  I all ask POST UR OPINION'S regarding the above described topics. ok perhaps ur a poor human example. I wished for more. 

If U do not understand the above or ignore the quagmire we are facing then please respond as to why you think that people who are cheating and or using someone else's name is a legitimate FPS standard and OK?


edit to the below lame excuse of using more than one name
You make no sense...

WHAT you have no opinion?   Jesus ur statement is way weaker than ur game play
« Last Edit: July 12, 2005, 12:21:55 AM by loial21 »


  • VM-68
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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #63 on: July 12, 2005, 12:08:55 AM »
You make no sense...


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #64 on: July 12, 2005, 12:23:42 AM »
You make no sense...

Please try reading line by line. Not comprehending what i say makes you look more ignorant than I am.


I have begged alot of fair (so i stil think) players to help post thier opionions. Thus nothing. Forum bullies are ye happy?


  • VM-68
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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #65 on: July 12, 2005, 12:33:47 AM »
  For some reason you've called my name...  only heaven knows why...

  You come into the server, start telling me I'm all kinds of crap most of which doesn't make sense....  then you tell me to read your post and won't stop spamming my name... calling me a hyprocrite,  telling me I have to say "ns" to you and that I'm not nice... telling me I HAVE to respect you... wtf is your problem?
  Why should anyone care what name I use? (I was using Krewzer at this time)  I assume that's what you're trying to find out...  I use several names, some of them people associate with me and some names people don't... IT DOESN'T MATER!!!  Why do I use different names? Again who cares?  If registered names are incorporated I'll use them just like anyone... I DON'T CARE!
  I don't know if you were mad at me or what but I DOESN'T MATTER! Sometimes I get mad and say stuff I regret saying, sometimes I don't regret it... most of the time I just play the game.  It's a fun game most of the time but for some reason you and others seem to think I have to do what you tell me to do... well... whatever...
  Spoofing?  You come up with some whoopers...  wtf is spoofing?
  You want to know what I think about cheating? Who cares what I think?  You get 10 people to tell me they care and I'll tell you what I think about it.  Otherwise stop demanding I stop playing in the middle of a game to read your friggin post, which makes no sense anyway.
  You ramble like you're trying to get an extra sentence in before you die or something... btw I don't wish death on you but you're getting there.
  Anyway now I'm rambling so I'll stop for now.



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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #66 on: July 12, 2005, 01:18:11 AM »
I have been reading this forum for awhile and as far Loial's rules and regulations go, i agree completely. Having to deal with speed hacks ruining a match I'm winning, really pisses me off. Not having to deal with excrement like that is a plus in my book. Hobo, as far as Loial telling you what to do......I can't imagine Loial being unjust. In my two years playing here I have never had a problem and I play every single day. Keep up the good work Loial, I love the server and it's great pings :)


  • VM-68
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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #67 on: July 12, 2005, 01:30:18 AM »
I guess I'm the only one who doesn't understand what he's trying to tell me...
  As far as being unjust, I never said he was unjust about anything. All I said was he shouldn't tell me what to do. By this I meant how to play the game. But, I never did figure out exactly why he called me out... Does it matter... not very much. All I can think of is the different names I use... We weren't even playing on his server at the time, and I truly was just trying to play.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #68 on: July 12, 2005, 03:00:11 AM »
Dear Hobo or better known as Krewzer dont be obtuse

By this I meant how to play the game

I was asking your dear opionion on my rant of this evening. The server was done a great injustice by abusing the server rulez that jitpoie laid down. Despite, After all the gt admin ranting and anti loial posts I assumed you would be a logical person to explain why u play the maps you play and why you condone spoofing for better or for worse. Why regress on the fun we have had?
I vaule your opinion as a PUBLIC player.

THAT is all, read and respect please better yet dont detract what happened to night ot a lot of good people on a updated server>>>JITSPOE  HELP US THAT ARE HONEST ..... .) 

WCH  bless you. 


  • VM-68
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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #69 on: July 12, 2005, 09:45:46 AM »
Ok,  the problem is I don't know what you're talking about.  What rant are you talking about?
  I'll usually play whatever map is on, I don't like some maps but I still play them because I know it'll only last so long.  If I don't like the map I have the option to leave, sometimes I express my opinion before I leave.
  If I abuse your server rules then deal with it however you think you need to.  It's your server and your rules. Jitspoe can make all the rules he wants, but rules will be broken, it's simply a fact.  I don't know if you're talking about me breaking your rules or just people in general.
  My "anit-loial" posts are mostly just to get you excited. I just know you will see them and spit and sputter.
  I assume spoofing is using a name other than your "normal" name. Well, I have about 5 "normal" names, so I'm not spoofing. Why do I condone spoofing?  Who says I do?  I say it's a part of the game, just like camping,lining, rushing, complaining or whatever, get over it.
  As far as the GT server abuse... move on, I've tried to.
  Hopefully I have either answered your questions or at least let you know "my opinion".


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #70 on: July 12, 2005, 12:30:11 PM »
Ok, Loial, calm down.  If you expect people to take the time read and respond to your posts, please take the time to make posts that people can read and respond to.  I usually have to read your posts 3 or 4 times over before I understand 50% of what you're trying to say.  Type in complete sentences.  Make the subject clear.  Type you prost in Word and run a grammar and spell check on it if you have to.  If you want somebody's opinion on something, ask for opinions specifically on a particular subject, don't just ramble on in a nonsensical manner and expect people to understand what you're talking about.

Now that they have read this and done the damage.
Now that who has read what, and what damage have they done by reading it?
rinse repeat for now and then what?
Do what now?  By reading your following comment about non-static ip's, I assume you mean that you will have to keep re-banning people when their ip changes.  You should state that clearly up front (if that's actually what you mean) so we don't have to go on an easter egg hunt through your post to figure out what you're talking about.
"In the future,"
Hobo aka Krewzer U might have a poor opinion of my style but before i found this forum which I assume was FAIR , which it is not to new players.
Before you found the forum, what?  You're missing the main point of the sentence there.  In fact, nothing about that sentence makes sense.  How is a forum unfair to new players?
I all ask POST UR OPINION'S regarding the above described topics.
"I all ask"?  What are the above described topics?  How forums are unfair to new players?  That there are morons who ruin the game?  At least you clarified this with your edit, but in the original post you never once asked for opinions on why cheats/spoofs appear to be considered OK, and that topic is pretty broad anyway.  It's like asking "Why do people do bad things?"

I hate to dissect your post like this, but with all your talk about being fair, it's not fair to get upset with people for not understanding your post when you don't make the effort to make it understandable, and it doesn't help to call someone "a poor human example" when he gives an honest response.

As for friendly fire grenades, you can change that setting as an admin.  The cvar is grenadeffire.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #71 on: July 12, 2005, 07:28:14 PM »
:) sorry hobo and ty

How is a forum unfair to new players?

Uh remember the dday post bashing. Mocking others opinions. I guess i should have said that first. Alot of what I type is assumed.

I hate to dissect your post like this, but with all your talk about being fair, it's not fair to get upset with people for not understanding your post when you don't make the effort to make it understandable, and it doesn't help to call someone "a poor human example" when he gives an honest response

The rant from last night was an emotional responce and not well thought out. I am sure you can understand someone messing up a game things can get out of hand. At the time the server was full of friends at least 16 players and I was very upset, becuase I assume that was someone spoofing GT which is not unheard of. This is where I feel there is a lack of sense of urgency. I am at the short end of the stick and it sucks :)


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #72 on: July 12, 2005, 09:31:14 PM »
Do you seriously think having a login system will magically stop all bad behavior?


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #73 on: July 12, 2005, 11:12:01 PM »
Do you mind new players being made fun of and being spoofed?

Why not show that you care about such things as a trivial global login and stats. Do i need to explain most successful games use such systems.

(rhetorical Heard of PunkBuster) = Overstatment

 Its makes by its very being, a player more secure in knowing their integrity and honor are not compromised. Is that important to you jitspoe as player?

Is it money and or time that stop this from being something useful? How can I help?

The last question will be dismissed but not the first. Alas i wish a solution to this.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #74 on: July 13, 2005, 12:35:58 PM »
Trivial??  I don't think you understand how massive of an undertaking this is.  Time is certainly the issue here.  We're talking about a secure, centralized database capable of communicating between game clients and game servers to validate client identities (as well as log statistics and other information) without making it possible for hackers to sniff packets, modify the source, or use other means to compromise user logins / cheat the system.  I figure it'll take a couple of months of testing alone after I get it designed and implemented.

And then there comes dealing with upset players when their stats get reset or their login doesn't work because of bugs, connection issues, or whatever else pops up to cause problems, which I would like to minimize by taking the time to design it correctly in the first place.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #75 on: July 13, 2005, 05:50:10 PM »
Insert Quote
Do you mind new players being made fun of and being spoofed?

Thanks for the elaboration I can appreciate hard work in getting everything to sync, the project I am on right now for instance was supposed to be released in 1997 its now 2005 and we barley just broke our 1,000,000 customer base. But alas Jitpoe I was honestly looking for yes or no answer, thanks anyhow :)

Sorry forgot this .
As for friendly fire grenades, you can change that setting as an admin.  The cvar is grenadeffire

cvar what? Jitspoe Would you please write the whole cmd out as it should look in the console.  Again thank you for your time.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #76 on: July 13, 2005, 09:25:27 PM »
No, I love it when players get spoofed.  In fact, I plan to implement new features that will make it even easier to copy peoples names.  Build 15 will ship with spoofinator 1.0 that will have even the most unskilled computer users spoofing other people in no time!

Most people don't expect answers to rhetorical questions.  Do you seriously question whether or not the immature behavior that goes on bothers me?  It's not that I don't care, it's just that I don't have enough time, as I mentioned in the previous post.  Also, it's not just about time, there's issues of cooperation.  Even if I were to get something like this implemented soon, what good would it do if the servers and clients didn't upgrade?  And then there's the fact that a login system will probably do very little, if anything, to stop the behavior you describe.

Meh, I have more to say, but I really need to get some stuff done.  And I know this seems rude, but could you please wait until after dpcon to bring this up again.  I have way too much on my hands already right now.

As for the setting, you can change most cvars through cvar_set:
cvar_set grenadeffire 0
And the rest through rcon:
rcon <pass> set grenadeffire 0


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #77 on: July 13, 2005, 10:04:21 PM »
No, I love it when players get spoofed. In fact, I plan to implement new features that will make it even easier to copy peoples names. Build 15 will ship with spoofinator 1.0 that will have even the most unskilled computer users spoofing other people in no time!

Most people don't expect answers to rhetorical questions. Do you seriously question whether or not the immature behavior that goes on bothers me? It's not that I don't care, it's just that I don't have enough time, as I mentioned in the previous post. Also, it's not just about time, there's issues of cooperation. Even if I were to get something like this implemented soon, what good would it do if the servers and clients didn't upgrade? And then there's the fact that a login system will probably do very little, if anything, to stop the behavior you describe.

Meh, I have more to say, but I really need to get some stuff done. And I know this seems rude, but could you please wait until after dpcon to bring this up again. I have way too much on my hands already right now.

As for the setting, you can change most cvars through cvar_set:
cvar_set grenadeffire 0
And the rest through rcon:
rcon <pass> set grenadeffire 0

Thank you again and no its not rude i know ur time is critical, that is why I mentioned the yes or no format of the question. :)

Wish you could be there to game with us on the servers.

Again I offer my help how ever meager.

btw how do I insert a file?  I got a great .50 American sniper taking out Taliban snipers :)

Why are sentences not indented in the first sentence of the paragraph? :)


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #78 on: July 14, 2005, 11:31:39 AM »
I'm using block paragraph style, which I find is easier to read on forums. :)

How do you insert a file?  You mean attach a file to your post?  Click on "additional options" after clicking "Reply."


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #79 on: July 14, 2005, 09:03:00 PM »
Jitspoe I had to kick a player tongiht. Aside from that when was the last time you server so full.

*edit The player was over 400 ping and refused 10 polite requests to reconnect or fix ping. Sorry evil you need to read the server rules.