Not many that play this game know who MANTIS is.
Again my apology, but the ball is rolling on this , your namesake was jailed and still should still be in Jail for accessing Government/Phone company protocols. Disaster routing lets just say.
To your credit and my chagrin , the name was MANTIS not Mantis, yes I peronsally would personally recommend changing your name however if you have nothing to fear, then do what you feel is best.
Please in know way feel discourged from playing this game. I look forward to meeting you and seeing what they are talking about, to clear your name.
*** edit***
Mantis normally I would not do this but...your name warrents my parinoia.
I was PM this from you.
Just so ya know, that's definately not me. I'm all of 14 years old and I just started learning Basic. I hope you're not still suspicious or anything. I'll let you run whatever backround checks and ip searches you want. I'll give you links to myself on other websites too, if you want
I cant trust you now but IF your true I will. Time will tell new friend.