Hey all,
Right, Reed and I have put together a new map in the vein of Kung Fu with the intention of it being played in the europaint league. Predictably, it grew somewhat in detail and is now rather large in filesize.
It is based on an idea that Reed and I had when discussing thematic ideas for
Kung Fu, with Zen being an emphasis on tranquility of a Japanese hot spring and ornamental garden. We have mixed the influences a little in this one too, so please forgive us any cultural misrepresentations that you might notice!
The map is intended 2 vs 2 but supports much more, up to 12 discreet spawns. It has 1 base flag worth 5 points and a centre white flag worth 1 point. Not all spawns give you your equipment immediately, those closest to exits require you to pick up your items after spawning.
Warning: This map is medium-sized in terms of play, however the level of detail throughout means the filesize is frankly huge and R_Speeds are not particularly favourable for those on lower end systems. While it might look pretty with it on, please turn off reflective water if you have anything less than a high-end system as it will ruin your FPS, not to mention the strange rendering issues we've seen when using it. Short of the r_speeds, the level of detail was an intentional decision by us as we wanted to produce a map with the sort of detail seen on other online games and still try and preserve the faster gameplay DP fans seem to prefer. The filesize of the BSP alone is 5.3mb. Roll on faster downloading implementation, huh?
Birds Eye View:Our pure natural hot spring:Our world-class spa facilities:The tranquil ornamental gardens:A close up of the indoor waterfeature:and my favourite screenshot of all:
here - Just the BSP file and Kungfu textures (1.9mb)
here - BSP and High-Res textures inc ctp (5.5mb)
here - BSP and Low-Res textures (for servers)(2.1mb)
Our aim for this first beta is for people to check it out and get the feel of the map, and most importantly see how playable it is for most users. It comes as little surprise that some people we have given the map to initially have had serious problems with FPS in some areas, which needs to be addressed. If any experienced mappers can help us with suggestions and things to do with how we can improve the VIS, etc... then they would be MOST welcome.
- Dr Rick Dagless M.D and Reed