One day, on
[18:23] <hot_guy> hey
[18:23] <hornyhoe13> hey
[18:23] <hot_guy> asl?
[18:23] <hornyhoe13> lol, wut do you think
[18:23] <hornyhoe13> UK
[18:23] <hot_guy> 13 f?
[18:23] <hot_guy> cool
[18:24] <hot_guy> wanna have some fun then?
[18:24] <hornyhoe13> if it's what you want

[18:24] <hot_guy> absolutely
[18:24] <hornyhoe13> you got pics?
[18:24] <hornyhoe13> how old r u?
[18:24] <hot_guy> cam
[18:24] <hot_guy> 19
[18:25] <hot_guy> that too old for ya?
[18:25] <hornyhoe13> haha
[18:25] <hornyhoe13> i got pics
[18:25] <hot_guy> kk
[18:25] <hornyhoe13> (url changed to protect the innocent)
[18:27] * hot_guy has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
F***en pedos.
Bitmates logs soon to come.