I think about giving Chriz 479283107 dayban, because frozer told me that he aimboted. And speedhacked and wallhacked and aRm0Rh4x0R3D. Who cares? Do you think he play's again after this ban? Do you think he gives anything to this game? Do you think i do? Well, push my ban to 1024 Days, then your god.I throug dp was a great game. It's nice, the jumps, the content everything... but the comunity. Thats why many players quit the game, there are just annoying kids (lyk3 fr0zy or v1p0R). Its like... you would realy like to go on playing, but there just f agotts. I think allmost the whole american comunity are g ay. "Yew, N igger, Im teh Pimp, b iatch"... it's so sad. I'll quit this game, I've allready done, I know allmost no1 cares, I dont care about it and I don't want to hear your g ay answers. Bye
Imo the problem is germans, and I dont think germans in general, i mean germans like you. GTFO and do not return.
my how-to-hack-instruction works
Names used: #c0NF|ChriZ, ChriZ, Check-the-FilesizesIPs: = p54B9CD6A.dip.t-dialin.net84.185.229.13 = p54B9E50D.dip.t-dialin.netLogin ID: 19515Cheat: Penix
EDIT: Jin gave soldier one of his accounts so that he can playas u can see it right now on CK4400s server Pleasure and JiN|ToY
so that would mean he has multiple accounts. which is a no-no. = BAN