Author Topic: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?  (Read 39257 times)


  • VM-68
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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #40 on: September 21, 2007, 06:25:34 PM »
Okay, thanks guys


  • Autococker
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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2007, 06:26:54 PM »
not a problem


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2007, 08:12:39 PM »
Other than losing and wanting to hide your true identity. What other benefits do you get from it?

Not using an alias will help you gain report with others.


Again I ask that you act your age and use one name. There is no real need to use and alias unless someone is harassing you. If that is the case:

1. Ignore
2. Record
3. Report

There are players who have earned perm bans for less.

The fact is more people use aliases to harass then they do for legitimate reasons (if there are any, i have yet to see an example of one)

As for doing what you want, yeah you can. But on a server you host.

I point to more bad than good is done with aliases.

In summation if you are older than 12, grow up choose and identity and stop being so selfish.


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #43 on: September 21, 2007, 11:41:11 PM »
how is not wanting to use your real name to pub selfish? thats just dumb. i will continue to alias when i pub because that is what i like to do. how about you grow up and leave us alias'ers alone? if we cause a ruckus ban us. but banning us for joining a server under an alias and not saying anything is just down right wrong. i also didnt know maturity was required to play this game. lets give out bans for people under the age of 14 because they are immature. there are times to be serious and there are times to play around. serious people die lonely.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 77
Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2007, 11:49:16 AM »
loial stop getting drunk.Then play dpball and be banning and kicking people.Sorry but.




« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 07:57:19 PM by KnacK »


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« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2007, 11:44:03 PM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:04:15 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #46 on: September 26, 2007, 11:56:59 PM »
Well I was idling a GT Pub just now while I was on the forums. I ALT + TAB back in and about 2 seconds after that I get temp banned. And it wasn't just me to get temp banned it was multiple people (see screenshot). I am assuming it was Loial since Sharon was idle.


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« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2007, 12:11:36 AM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:04:11 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2007, 12:24:18 AM »
Admin please move move this thread to the topic it belongs to.

Why are you two acting like children and also lying? Can you at least be honest?

To anwser your question. I kicked all idles as you can see. Is that a problem? Or are you trying to make some kind of point?

*edit..... Thank you for trying to connect with what account I dont know.

*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *ABRken (Autococker).
In Eye Cam
*[InT]Ou812 (Autococker) eliminated *ZIllo
Blue team wins the round!
*[ELIM] ZIllo: wtf
[20ID]DirtyTaco entered the game (build 19).
Login failed for [20ID]DirtyTaco.
[20ID]DirtyTaco was kicked
[20ID]DirtyTaco disconnected.
Round started...
Wrote sshot234.jpg
[20ID]DirtyTaco entered the game (build 19).
*[ELIM] [20ID]DirtyTaco: Hey!!!!
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Sharon
(Spyder SE).
*ZIllo: HI!
*wd (Autococker) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@
(Spyder SE).
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: ugh laggg
*[ELIM] [20ID]DirtyTaco: Yes!!
11:00 left in match.
*[ELIM] [20ID]DirtyTaco: This is my first time
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *wd (Autococker).
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *ABRken (Carbine).
*[ELIM] [20ID]DirtyTaco: how to empty co2
*[ELIM] [GT]Sharon: lol
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *[InT]Ou812
*J3rome (Spyder SE) eliminated *ZIllo (Autococker).
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: is this a brand new map?
*[ELIM] [20ID]DirtyTaco: Yes
*[ELIM] [20ID]DirtyTaco: made in 2007
*J3rome got the *Red flag!
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: its pretty nice
*[ELIM] ZIllo: lol
*[GT]Loial21 (PGP) eliminated *J3rome (Spyder SE).
Red team wins the round!
*[ELIM] [20ID]DirtyTaco: Thanks Bro
*[GT]Loial21: zillo and taco
Round started...
*J3rome (Autococker) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@
(Spyder SE).
*[GT]Loial21: dont u have your own chanel?
*J3rome (Autococker) eliminated *[20ID]DirtyTaco
*ZIllo (Carbine) eliminated *ABRken (Spyder SE).
*J3rome (Autococker) eliminated *ZIllo (Carbine).
*[ELIM] ZIllo: wtf
*J3rome (Autococker) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (VM-68).
Blue team wins the round!
*[GT]Loial21 (PaintGren) eliminated *J3rome (Autococker).
*[ELIM] [20ID]DirtyTaco: did i do something wrong?

*[ELIM] [GT]Loial21: yes
Round started...
*[20ID]DirtyTaco: whats that
*[GT]Sharon (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (Spyder SE).
Bruno_BG entered the game (build 19).
*[20ID]DirtyTaco: what word did i use
Bruno_BG does not have an global login account.
Bruno_BG was kicked
Bruno_BG disconnected.
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *[GT]Sharon (Spyder SE).
*[20ID]DirtyTaco: who did i make fun of
*[ELIM] [GT]Loial21: if you dont know dont ask
10:00 left in match.
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *ABRken (Carbine).
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Carbine) eliminated *
[InT]Ou812 (Autococker).
*wd (Autococker) eliminated *ZIllo (Autococker).
*[20ID]DirtyTaco: good admin work right ther
*wd (Autococker) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@
*[ELIM] ZIllo: wtf
*[20ID]DirtyTaco: i commend you
 0 (35018)] * wd
 1 (17759)] * uncle
 2 (5037)] * |WU|cappaDONNa
 3 (5975)] * {TOY}Ghadente@
 5 (36752)] * J3rome
 6 (5022)] * KiLo
 7 (7373)] * [InT]Ou812
 8 (5204)] * OP 258, [GT]Loial21
 9 (7525)] * [20ID]DirtyTaco
12 (5624)] * ABRken
14 (6017)] * ZIllo
16 (5615)] * OP 256, [GT]Sharon
*J3rome (Spyder SE) eliminated *[20ID]DirtyTaco (PGP).

Blue team wins the round!
*[ELIM] [GT]Loial21: ty
*[ELIM] [GT]Loial21: :)
]join o
You are now observing.
[GT]Loial21 is now observing.
Round started...
Bruno_BG entered the game (build 19).
Bruno_BG does not have an global login account.
Bruno_BG was kicked
Bruno_BG disconnected.
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *ABRken (Spyder
*[InT]Ou812 (Autococker) eliminated *
{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE).
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: doH!
*wd (Spyder SE) eliminated *ZIllo (Autococker).
*[ELIM] ZIllo: WTF
*[20ID]DirtyTaco (PGP) eliminated *J3rome (VM-68).
*[20ID]DirtyTaco (PGP) eliminated *wd (Spyder
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: i am tryign to catch the
*[InT]Ou812 (Autococker) eliminated *
[20ID]DirtyTaco (PGP).
Blue team wins the round!
*[20ID]DirtyTaco (PGP) eliminated *
[InT]Ou812 (Autococker).
Round started...
9:00 left in match.
]join r
[GT]Loial21 joined the *Red team.
*J3rome (Carbine) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *J3rome (Carbine).
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *wd (Autococker).
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *[GT]Sharon (Autococker).
*ABRken (Spyder SE) eliminated *ZIllo (Autococker).
*ABRken (Spyder SE) eliminated *[20ID]DirtyTaco (PGP).

Blue team wins the round!
[20ID]DirtyTaco is now observing.
Round started...
*[GT]Sharon: oh please shut up
*[GT]Loial21: why are you typing in caps?
*ZIllo (Spyder SE) eliminated *ABRken (Spyder SE).
*[InT]Ou812 (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Loial21
(Spyder SE).
ABRken disconnected.
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *J3rome (Autococker).
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Sharon
(Spyder SE).
*ZIllo (Autococker) eliminated *[InT]Ou812 (Spyder
*wd (VM-68) eliminated *ZIllo (Autococker).
*[ELIM] [GT]Sharon: omf
*[ELIM] ZIllo: WTF
*wd (VM-68) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder
Blue team wins the round!
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: dmanit lagged
Round started...
*J3rome (VM-68) eliminated *ZIllo (Autococker).
Ellcrys@High@ entered the game (build 19).
Ellcrys@High@ does not have an global login
Ellcrys@High@ was kicked
Ellcrys@High@ disconnected.
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *J3rome
8:00 left in match.
*[InT]Ou812 (PaintGren) eliminated *[GT]Loial21
Ellcrys@High@ entered the game (build 19).
Ellcrys@High@ does not have an global login
Ellcrys@High@ was kicked
Ellcrys@High@ disconnected.
*[ELIM] [GT]Loial21: children caps off....*attention
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *wd
*[InT]Ou812 (PaintGren) eliminated *
{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE).
Blue team wins the round!
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: poop
[InT]Ou812 disconnected.
Round started...
User ZILLOmaniac temp kick banned for 1 minutes
ZILLOmaniac was kicked
ZILLOmaniac disconnected.
User [20ID]DirtyTaco temp kick banned for 1 minutes
[20ID]DirtyTaco was kicked
[20ID]DirtyTaco disconnected.
User uncle temp kick banned for 1 minutes
uncle was kicked
uncle disconnected.
7:00 left in match.
User |WU|cappaDONNa temp kick banned for 1
|WU|cappaDONNa was kicked
|WU|cappaDONNa disconnected.
User KiLo temp kick banned for 1 minutes
KiLo was kicked
KiLo disconnected.
Creating DS buffers
...using secondary sound buffer
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (VM-68) eliminated *J3rome
*[GT]Loial21 (Carbine) eliminated *wd (Carbine).
*[GT]Sharon (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (Carbine).
*[ELIM] [GT]Loial21: hehe
*{TOY}Ghadente@ got the *Blue flag!
*[GT]Sharon got the *Red flag!
*[GT]Sharon (Spyder SE) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@
*Blue's [GT]Sharon earned 2 points for possesion of eliminated
 teams flag!
Blue team wins the round!
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: aww missed the jump
Wrote sshot235.jpg
Round started...
*J3rome (Spyder SE) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder
*J3rome (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (Carbine).
Blue team wins the round!
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: ?
newbie entered the game (build 19).
newbie does not have an global login account.
newbie was kicked
newbie disconnected.
*[ELIM] [GT]Loial21: smacked
Round started...
*[GT]Loial21 (Spyder SE) eliminated *J3rome (Spyder SE).
*[GT]Loial21 (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Sharon (Spyder SE).
*[ELIM] [GT]Sharon: Nice Shot
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *wd
Red team wins the round!
*[GT]Loial21: ty mam
Round started...
6:00 left in match.
*[GT]Loial21: why cant those kids grow up and help out?
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *wd
(Spyder SE).
newbie entered the game (build 19).
newbie does not have an global login account.
newbie was kicked
newbie disconnected.
*[GT]Sharon (PGP) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: ouch
*[GT]Loial21 (PGP) eliminated *[GT]Sharon (PGP).
*[GT]Sharon (PGP) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (PGP).
Blue team wins the round!
*[GT]Loial21 (PaintGren) eliminated *J3rome (Carbine).
*[ELIM] [GT]Sharon: Nice Shot
Round started...
*J3rome (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (Carbine).
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *wd
(Spyder SE).
*[GT]Sharon (Autococker) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@
(Spyder SE).
Blue team wins the round!
Round started...
*J3rome (Spyder SE) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: darn
*[GT]Loial21 (VM-68) eliminated *J3rome (Spyder SE).
*[GT]Sharon (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (VM-68).
Blue team wins the round!
wd disconnected.
Round started...
5:00 left in match.
*J3rome (Autococker) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@
(Spyder SE).
Wrote sshot236.jpg
*J3rome got the *Red flag!
*J3rome (PGP) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (Carbine).
*Blue's J3rome earned 2 points for possesion of eliminated
teams flag!
Blue team wins the round!
Round started...
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *J3rome
Wrote sshot237.jpg
*[GT]Sharon got the *Red flag!
*{TOY}Ghadente@ got the *Blue flag!
*[GT]Loial21 (PGP) eliminated *[GT]Sharon (Spyder SE).
*Red's {TOY}Ghadente@ earned 2 points for possesion of
 eliminated teams flag!
Red team wins the round!
*[ELIM] [GT]Sharon: lol
Round started...
*J3rome (Spyder SE) eliminated *{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder
*J3rome got the *Red flag!
Wrote sshot238.jpg
*[GT]Sharon (VM-68) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (PGP).
*Blue's J3rome earned 2 points for possesion of eliminated
teams flag!
Blue team wins the round!
*[ELIM] {TOY}Ghadente@: lol
Round started...
usage: condump <filename>
avalanche entered the game (build 16).
avalanche does not have an global login account.
avalanche was kicked
avalanche disconnected.
4:00 left in match.
*[GT]Sharon (PaintGren) eliminated *[GT]Loial21 (Spyder SE).
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *[GT]Sharon
(Spyder SE).
*[ELIM] [GT]Sharon: Nice Shot
*{TOY}Ghadente@ (Spyder SE) eliminated *J3rome
Red team wins the round!
]condump doid
Dumped console text to ./pball/doid.txt.



  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2007, 12:55:20 AM »
Kilo I explained this to you in Public. Yet you still don't understand?

You were temp banned for being Idle...for one minute..Taco as well.

You both have just wasted your time and mine...Thanks.

i will continue to alias when i pub because that is what i like to do
Well that about sums it up. Selfish reasoning not logic, dicates this persona.

Ladies and gents...all is see is selfish reasoning. Not logic. Would you please just grow up, play with one name and act like you care. 

Hopes for a committee that has a clue about friendship and honor.


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #50 on: September 27, 2007, 12:57:53 AM »
What was the point in temp banning though if you were kicking the idles?


  • Map Committee
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« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2007, 12:58:12 AM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:04:07 AM by Dirty_Taco »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 336
Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2007, 01:02:36 AM »
Temp banning them to free up that bandwidth right? or because those idlers were taking up the server spots because the server was full? all 32 slots? Good excuse.

You can kick me for destroying you all you want. It's apparent that's why you did it.


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2007, 01:05:59 AM »
Oh by the way the obsidlekick cvar is there for a reason.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #54 on: September 27, 2007, 01:59:01 AM »
Who are you again? Oh the most worried person in DP about destroying. FYI, I was on your team, stupid donkey. I asked you to stop your childish rants in public. You did not. BYE BYE princess. Not my fault bra, it was yours. But thanks for the blame and the destroyed thingy saying, however misguided. After YOUR UNCONTROLLABLE INABLITY TO PRESS CAPS LOCK, all idlers were kicked.(Hmm too bad or too good, dont really matter since idlers serve no purpose and because you really care for Idlers, new players, growing up and gosh darn you are just a swell guy!)

I am asking for an apology from you, because I care and a thank you for the only suggestion. I do not have control nor want control of server settings. Just enforcing logic and sportsmanship. Do you have a problem with this?

Lastly is it too much to ask for you to act civil? I don't see any suggestions for improvement just inflammatory rhetoric. (Kilo excluded)

Good day and oh by the way what happened to forum moderators at night?


  • Autococker
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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #55 on: September 27, 2007, 02:00:35 AM »
Why would you temp ban me if i was sitting observer
Why would I not want to? I have before..on demo...and no complaints from you, why now?

Um you are digressing from the point that people that are idle are serving no point. Also you lied about the maps date release. Why I dont know. But I found that childish.

If you would read the would see why Bob was excused.

I answered all of your questions, how about explaining:
Why you could not login public on the first attempt?
Why you can not act like an adult and a DP community leader?
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 02:40:22 AM by loial21 »


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #56 on: September 27, 2007, 09:56:53 AM »
i still dont see how using an alias is childish. when you give me a good reason as to why it is i will never alias again. you are just using it as an excuse to crave your power hunger. o0o big bad loial has admin to a couple servers, whoopty doo. i understand kicking someone aliasing for talk non stop smack, but to kick them for just trying to play and saying nothing is a different story. cant spell LOGIC without LOial.


  • Map Committee
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« Reply #57 on: September 27, 2007, 10:36:28 AM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:04:04 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #58 on: September 27, 2007, 10:57:21 AM »
I didn't login at first because i connect to DP servers through xfire. Every time i connect i have to go back and log in.

Check the auto-login box.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 336
Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #59 on: September 27, 2007, 12:04:29 PM »
Loial21, I've put you on ignore as soon as I join a server you're on.

From what I can see from more than 3/4 of these posts on here none of the people you've kicked were hassling anyone until you spoke to someone. Probably after he/she killed you and you got mad so you had to say something about an alias.