Author Topic: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?  (Read 39276 times)


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #60 on: September 27, 2007, 02:39:11 PM »
Thanks Bob. But you told me you were going to do that along time ago? Got anything with proof you would like to complain about?

Why should I act like an adult in your servers when you run them like a child?
Using others to excuse your behavior? Well okey-dokey.

i also didnt know maturity was required to play this game
Oh its not. But acting civil is if you want to play on a server I help host, is. I am sure you would agree that this is best for all. Enforcing civility.

i still dont see how using an alias is childish. when you give me a good reason as to why it is i will never alias again.
Franky I don't care what you do. As long as you are not lagging in the server or acting like an ass. I have your player ID and a way to check it. So you should be good to go. Now get over this power trip thing and have fun.

Folks it is real simple act with civility and be respectful of others. Words from the power hungry Loial. ... ::)


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #61 on: September 27, 2007, 03:45:36 PM »
Franky I don't care what you do. As long as you are not lagging in the server or acting like an ass.

So what was the point of this thread? was it not to try and get people not to alias? i mean thats basically the only thing you have been repeating in all your posts. so please let me know what the point was.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2007, 04:14:46 PM »
I think the proof of me playing and not saying anything to anyone to in anyway hurt their feelings, which is what you apparently are getting at.

By the way, I like how you completely dodge the point I made about you starting at least 3/4ths of these "fights" for stupid reason. It seems you're the one who wants the attention. (I.E. who made this thread and for what purpose? pretty sure no one cared that you abuse your powers until you posted it here.)


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #63 on: September 27, 2007, 09:44:21 PM »
Interesting observation there James.


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #64 on: September 28, 2007, 03:30:35 AM »
The point of is topic was to give people a place to show unjustice on my part for kicking. That is all.

FYI I did not ask for anything but a fair game and sportsmanship. If you have proof of or have question about this or that I seek anything else bring it to my attention like a man....and lets talk. If not please stop flaming people you do not know or care about. I am disappointed that you can not man up and talk things over. But rather point out conjecture. Keep in mind I could have gone off topic as you did and posted this in my initial reply. I would hope that my first post was comprehendable to you and others. Sadly some got it, some just wanted to flame.

If you have a problem with me, contact me like an adult and we can talk. If not .....admins please help.

*edit(sorry knack this might have helped in the PM i sent, and might have made you job a a bit more difficult, my apology to you) Bob you, Cola, Bain, Darkness and Bananawhoever, really care about what is posted on the forums? That is my mistake, but I have read otherwise on other posts, something opposite. Well enough about me being stupid....I dont recall during my first requesting post, any of your names being mentioned or accused of anything. So why are you posting here on this topic? You have been kicked By me and want to complain. Ok "20 goto 10" start in that format and we actually might make progress!

Anything after that was a knee jerk responce on my part to unwarranted, unmoderated attacks.

My apology to the forum for being dragged off topic. I need 3rd party help. No matter how nice or sincere I am ....

« Last Edit: September 28, 2007, 07:48:17 AM by loial21 »


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #65 on: September 28, 2007, 07:58:34 AM »
i guess it was just a coincidence that you created this topic a couple minutes after bob, skater, and i where kicked from your server. which is why i posted and pretty sure why bob posted also.


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #66 on: September 28, 2007, 01:39:44 PM »
i guess it was just a coincidence that you created this topic a couple minutes after bob, skater, and i where kicked from your server. which is why i posted and pretty sure why bob posted also.

What is Skater doing on the server to begin with...  He earned himself a perm ban (very justified) long ago.


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #67 on: October 01, 2007, 04:37:26 AM »
Doug , i know what you mean, please remove them from the server. please..... im sick of teh abuse of what is said about the admins and the way the server is ran. they have enough memebers to get by without the worry of these players. bob, dirtytaco, cola,  skater(obviously). let them learn the hard way. as i have in the past for my poor attitude! THAT IS ALL..

i love your services and am greatful for what you have provided...

i wish i would of know you guys from ventrilo before i started being an ass i would of taken a diffrent route. but they obviously dont want to know you and obviously wanna be abusive.

this topic reminds me of a song

MP3::{ "The Offspring - Come Out And Play" }


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #68 on: October 02, 2007, 05:41:43 PM »
Doug , i know what you mean, please remove them from the server. please..... im sick of teh abuse of what is said about the admins and the way the server is ran. they have enough memebers to get by without the worry of these players. bob, dirtytaco, cola,  skater(obviously). let them learn the hard way. as i have in the past for my poor attitude! THAT IS ALL..

i love your services and am greatful for what you have provided...

i wish i would of know you guys from ventrilo before i started being an ass i would of taken a diffrent route. but they obviously dont want to know you and obviously wanna be abusive.

this topic reminds me of a song

MP3::{ "The Offspring - Come Out And Play" }

I kept expecting you to say "...that was before I found God"


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #69 on: October 04, 2007, 06:01:37 AM »
i guess it was just a coincidence that you created this topic a couple minutes after bob, skater, and i where kicked from your server
Coincidence or rather a poorly thought / informed guess on your part? If I may continue....
which is why i posted and pretty sure why bob posted also.
I cant say why you facts are so off base so I want guess to know you posted. But in case you forgot.....Facts: This topic started on 9 / 14 / 07. What you are talking about was done on...thats right ... 9/28/07. On a topic started by Taco(bless his heart), not BOB(may he live forever) and moved here by administration(dam those do-gooders!) later on (actually thanks admins for clearing this up). Cola, you want to help me out with some basic calender mathematics? If I started this topic right after all that happened why don't the dates above reflect this? I doubt you would have read this far but, for others who do, here what happened that long ago....

I asked for caps not be used in chat and when he ignored my request he got kicked. The other was idle. Prior to kicking them i had no way of looking up player id's, shown here is my responce to Jitspoe's informing me of how to look up id's:
Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: jitspoe on: September 28, 2007, 12:17:38 AM

Might want to advertise that.

Thanks bro.
Infact when they were kicked i really had no clue at all who they were. As you can see in the condump I never once mentioned who I thought they might have been or who i thought it was. If you actually read....I commented about "children growing up to helpout." Something you clearly overlooked. Hope that changes sooner than later, if at all. Read the condump of the entire time i was there, here:

FYI I know how to find out who there are thanks to Jitspoe. But that would not have mattered in this case even if I did know who I was kicking it would have not mattered. That player chose to ignored a polite server admin request to stop typing in all caps. Twice.[/i]
I will walk away now Cola and let you get a chance to absorb truth, for once. *"If you can handle the truth!"  ;D

*Thanks Jack that one sufficed very well.


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #70 on: October 04, 2007, 08:46:58 AM »
we must be talking about different things then. what i said was right. maybe you are the one who needs to get the facts straight.


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #71 on: October 04, 2007, 11:15:40 AM »
First of all
as its turning out your clans behavior is not so much the problem, but rather me protecting the servers from racist and poor language abusers. For that I apologize for any direct quotes that you found offensive to your clan as a whole. How ever with that said no matter what you say proof is asked for not required and if you have a complaint. Lodge it. I am human. So are you booby. The problem was I had no way to tell who was who. Ignorance is a bad and people got the bad end of other people's ignorance if you catch my drift.

But now that I can tell who is who. I assure you and your clan your will not be talked about less for being excretory openings but will be less harassed by my self for using aliases if they continue to act in a manor of which I have observed the past several days. I have yet to catch one of you slipping. Well other than what BOB got kicked for on 9/28 and even then I did not know it was him or Taco till Pierce's condump post. Like you said if your clan was that big of a hassle that would have been done across the board. 

The problem going forward will be:
1. People not logging in acting with impunity.
2. People who are logged in acting with impunity.
3. Stacking teams.
4. Arguing personal agendas over chat.
5. All other rules still apply. SEE MOTD.

Hope that clarifies things. Also I am not a hard person to get a hold of. PM me not that we are on even terms. I simply will not have you personally attacking my personage in public with you knowing me personally. Is that to much for a man to ask from another man, Jesse? Pierce? Any responce will suffice. But talking to you on Vent would help everyone out. We can meet on Jitspoe's if you like. There is no reason why we can not get along unless it is you. I am pretty easy to work with.
Not like this next one.

we must be talking about different things then. what i said was right. maybe you are the one who needs to get the facts straight.
Perhaps. Lets is the post again that you claim here?
which is why i posted
Oh this post! Beg my pardon. Ahem,

Looks like you were talking trash by your own words, were kicked for it and now I am being blamed. Also you do realize the last several posts were about the condump? Remember the warping issue (intentional lagging) I PMed you like a man about, the one I BCCed to Supermercado?? "Son you simply can't go around beating and raping sexually promiscuous persons with out payin up baby. Someday the pimp will get ya." Act like a fool you will be treated like one. Act with respect, you will get it. Thats how we roll in the old school. Remember?

What did your father teach you to do in times like this? I am sure it was not to call people racial slurs in public and to judge others without personally knowing them. Cause that is what you were doing kiddo. No wonder everyone jumped on your ass. FYI Just because you are reconnecting does not give you a clean slate. Just go away if you can't behave. This game and especially the privately funded servers are not your personal playground. (*BLAZE I'm am talking to you. Watch the slurs. Ironically several ex-GT member's are climber the "ladder of shame" faster or higher than Bob or Taco ever did. This tool could have saved allot of time and headaches.)

So lets see what you said was right? Hmm To be fair...
Everything and nothing. I see your point and the timeline involved. But you have no proof. Perhaps when you reconnected after being kicked for no reason it would be prudent for you to protect your self by demoing.

In summation, yes everyone actually proof is needed if your going to accuse someone of a wrong doing. I need to be accountable for my actions even if I don't see them as being our friend Cola here.

Whoo allot to say...but hopefully we can make progress.
FYI Drinking or not my rants will still be the same. Think of my like a pissed off dwarf. I just want me kin to be happy. That kin is not GT, anyone that knows me, knows that my kin is each of you.

Any questions? Come get to know me on much....writing hands broke, brain is overrrrrrrrrrrr(bump)Loadingggggggggg(bumb).

That should about cover everything to date. Thanks you old Smurf for owning me.  :-[




  • Stingray
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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #72 on: October 04, 2007, 12:15:56 PM »
Shut up loial.ty

If you have something to add to this then post it. DOn't post just to post.

THink abouit it over the next 2 days.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 12:48:05 PM by KnacK »


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #73 on: October 04, 2007, 01:19:15 PM »
*edited. Ooops. I see that the red is a knack edit by admin.

Dam im stupid.

*owned twice in a week.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 03:55:08 PM by loial21 »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #74 on: October 11, 2007, 06:50:47 AM »
Why are you two acting like children...?
What the hell? They were just having fun. Being childish in that way is no harm at all. It's rather entertaining and HUMAN NATURE.
And please don't say sharon kicked DT because he was idling for 3 min on a server that wasn't even filled to its maximum. 1 more idle on a server doesn't cause lag. So there was no problem him idling there?
Well... the problem was that DT and Bob were having fun. Like you and sharon would say: "Childish behaviour!" All i can say is that it's human nature (i'm only talking about this case of course and i don't want you to reply out of this case's range)

Oh by the way the obsidlekick cvar is there for a reason.
Loial, tell the server-owner to do that setting in manner to avoid conflicts like this if you're really against conflicts. As Kilo mentioned this, you just went by "I dont care. It's the serverowners thing.".
That setting enabled on your server would make it redundant to kick idles and less conflicts would arise so you are the one not caring about conflicts with others.

SO, loial, you are causing conflicts mostly by yourself.
You SAY (!) you appreciate constructive input for a more peaceful situation. You actually DON'T.

As for understanding: I don't say you're the root of all bad! I'm showing you your faults that you are not willing to accept.

- PlayaH'
« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 07:19:52 AM by Playah »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #75 on: October 11, 2007, 07:44:43 AM »
... or did you ONLY open this thread to tell everyone you don't really care?

...(sry eiii) separate post needed..


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #76 on: October 12, 2007, 09:58:44 PM »
What the hell? They were just having fun. Being childish in that way is no harm at all. It's rather entertaining and HUMAN NATURE.
So is acting kind and having fun. The point was this:
They who ever they were, were spamming chat with caps. They were asked to stop and directly after being asked nicely they continued. The rest is history.

It was not the matter of some moral / ethical dogma but rather ignoring a polite and often asked request. Dont spam chat. If your idle it is the admins right to boot you. Want to see how to complain????

My very first post on this so proud of it!!!

Good day.



  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #77 on: October 13, 2007, 07:04:42 AM »
If you STILL think that way then deal with it and don't complain. I mean don't complain about others complaining about you. ok? Because you're making them do that.


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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #78 on: October 17, 2007, 03:00:00 PM »
My point of view. Sharon and Loial always seem polite to me. Maybe I havent seen the darkside. I do know that if I go idle to smoke and let them know they will not kick me for idling. Both are very nice. Snipen on the other hand is just snipen. I've been admin killed by him for numerous reasons that are justified in his own mind. His server his rules. I just keep my trap shut and find a new server. Thnx for having texas servers.


  • Stingray
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Re: Been Kicked from GT by Loial?
« Reply #79 on: October 18, 2007, 02:26:47 AM »
i dont know loial that much but although he might get drunk and play he still respects people unless he is provoked

loial is a good person ^^