Author Topic: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ SUBMIT ▇▇ YOUR ▇▇ MAPS ▇▇ HERE ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇  (Read 14651 times)


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Submit your FINAL map to DP Resource's map database at:

What advantages do you get?
* Position in a comprehensive map database
* Ability for others to search specifically for maps like yours
* Great page to give detailed information on your map
* Allow others to comment on your map and give ratings
* Post your mapinfo/locs files
* Post your map source file, if you want, to help others learn how to make great maps

How do you submit your map?
Easy. Register an account/login with your account for DP Resource, and then click "Map Database."

Can you submit the maps of other people's?
Entirely. You just must make sure you have all the information correct and you give credit where it's due.

If my map really sucks, will it be deleted?
You can bet on it.


- Did someone else upload your map?

That means you can't edit it. However, if you contact us (the site), we can change the submitter to you, and you can freely change the information for the map.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 02:59:22 PM by y00tz »


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 11:51:14 PM »
Used! :D This definitely should be stickied.

More to come.

EDIT: And Pimp's maprating should be de-stickied. <_<


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 05:15:19 PM »
Nicely done again but please get the voting working because I can't vote!


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2007, 05:57:25 PM »
Nicely done again but please get the voting working because I can't vote!
You have to log in to vote.

Edit: Hm, I see what you mean, yeah I cant vote either.


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2007, 06:29:09 PM »
Whoops. Fixed >_>


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2007, 11:55:28 PM »
If anyone wants to add a ton of maps easily (say, you're bored)...

You can get PHP, install the script below, and then easily get map information. It's kind of hacky if you bother to read it.

Thanks to sort for giving me the offset to the position about the entities. =]

Code: [Select]
// By sk89q
    // Available under GPLv2
$map_info_dir "C:/Games/Paintball2/pball/maps/mapinfo";
$file $argv[1];
$filename substr(basename($file), 0, -4);
// Entity parser
$contents file_get_contents($file);
$contains_ctp strpos($contents"ctp1/") !== false "yes" "no";
$entities_offset unpack("Voffset"substr($contents84));
$entities_offset $entities_offset['offset'];
preg_match_all('#^{$(.*?)^\}$#sim'trim(substr($contents$entities_offset)), $matches);
$matches $matches[1];
$entities = array();
$i 0$i count($matches); $i++)
strpos($matches[$i], "classname") === false)
$data explode("\n"$matches[$i]);
$entity = array();
$data as $line)
$line trim($line);
preg_match('#^["\']([^"]+)["\'] ["\'](.*)["\']$#'$line$m);
$entity[strtolower($m[1])] = $m[2];
$entities[] = $entity;
count($entities) == 0)
"ERROR: No entities parsed!\n";
    // Process
$guns = array('pgp' => 0,
'trracer' => 1,
'stingray' => 2,
'vm68' => 3,
'carbine' => 4,
'spyder' => 5,
'autococker' => 6,
'automag' => 7,
'low' => 2,
'medium' => 5,
'high' => 7);
$guns_to = array('pgp''trracer''stingray''vm68''carbine''spyder''autococker''automag');
$map_name "";
$starting_best_gun 0;
$best_gun 0;
$has_dsm "no";
$has_jail "no";
$sky_type "";
$teams = array();
$flags = array();
$worldspawn_entity = array();
$entities as $entity)
// Map name, teams, sky
if($entity['classname'] == "worldspawn")
$worldspawn_entity $entity;
$map_name $entity['message'];
$entity as $key => $value)
$teams[$key] = 1;
in_array($entity['sky'], array("""pbsky2""pbsky4""riverscape1""arctic1")))
$sky_type "daytime";
            else if(
in_array($entity['sky'], array("unit1_")))
$sky_type "orange";
            else if(
in_array($entity['sky'], array("pbsky1")))
$sky_type "gloomy";
            else if(
in_array($entity['sky'], array("pbsky3")))
$sky_type "night";
// Flags
if($entity['classname'] == "flag")
in_array($entity['gamemode'], array(480"")))
intval($flag['teamnumber']) != 0)
$i 1$i <= 4$i++)
// Best starting gun, jail
if($entity['classname'] == "info_player_deathmatch")
$guns[strtolower($entity['GiveGun'])] > $starting_best_gun)
$starting_best_gun $guns[strtolower($entity['GiveGun'])];
$has_jail "yes";
// Best gun
if($entity['classname'] == "weapon_pballgun")
            else if(
$guns[strtolower($entity['type'])] > $best_gun)
$best_gun $guns[strtolower($entity['type'])];
$best_gun 7;
// DSM
if($entity['classname'] == "func_dsm")
$has_dsm "yes";
// Change format
$team_count count($teams);
$flag_array_keys array_keys($flags);
$flag_count count($flags[$flag_array_keys[0]]);
// Other facts
$filesize number_format(round(filesize($file)/1024))."kb";
$md5_checksum md5_file($file);
// Game modes
$modes = array();
$worldspawn_entity['gamemode'] & 1)
$modes[] = "dm";
$worldspawn_entity['gamemode'] & 2)
$modes[] = "1-flag";
$worldspawn_entity['gamemode'] & 4)
$modes[] = "2-flag";
$worldspawn_entity['gamemode'] & 8)
$modes[] = "siege";
$worldspawn_entity['gamemode'] & 16)
$modes[] = "koth"
$worldspawn_entity['gamemode'] & 64)
$modes[] = "pong"
$modes_list implode(" "$modes);
// Map info
$map_info file_get_contents("$map_info_dir/$filename.txt");
// Min players
preg_match("#minplayers ([0-9]+)#i"$map_info$m);
$min_players $m[1];
// Max players
preg_match("#maxplayers ([0-9]+)#i"$map_info$m);
$max_players $m[1];
// Max players
preg_match("#^supports (.+)$#im"$map_info$m);
$modes_list2 $m[1];
"* guessed\n";
"Map name:             $map_name\n";
"Filesize:             $filesize\n";
"MD5 checksum:         $md5_checksum\n";
"Game modes:           $modes_list\n";
"Game modes (mapinfo): $modes_list2\n";
"Min players:          $min_players\n";
"Max players:          $max_players\n";
"Contains CTP*:        {$contains_ctp}\n";
"Teams:                $team_count\n";
"Flags per team:       $flag_count\n";
"Best starting gun*:   {$guns_to[$starting_best_gun]}\n";
"Best gun:             {$guns_to[$best_gun]}\n";
"Has DSM:              $has_dsm\n";
"Has jail:             $has_jail\n";
"Sky type:             $sky_type\n";


  • Autococker
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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2007, 09:51:03 PM »
I was/am developing something just like this for a larger based DP site, nice job! :D


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2007, 01:02:07 AM »
I was/am developing something just like this for a larger based DP site, nice job! :D

You missing a noun in that sentence? :O


On another note, the entities parser in that script above is potentially faulty. It was code I used before I used the offset to extract just the entities data from the file, and I was a little too lazy to write an actual tokenizer parser.


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« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2007, 01:02:55 PM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:05:36 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2007, 02:22:47 PM »
Can I edit the errors on the maps of mine already submitted?

I have set the author of the maps you created/edited to you so you can edit them.

Also, unique gameplay really should be a text field. If you're only trying to distinguish catapult type maps from regular CTF maps then you need to make that category MUCH more specific than 'unique gameplay.'

For example, under zsiege it says 'no' for unique gameplay. zsiege in fact does have quite a unique gameplay from any other siege maps primarily because it has two flags as well as multiple routes into the base area.

Unique gameplay only refers to maps that don't follow the usual conventions of Paintball maps overall. While zsiege might have two flags and multiple routes (not that siegecastle doesn't), this is nothing too new. There are many maps with two flags, if you consider every Paintball map in existence. What the site classifies is unique gameplay is truly unique gameplay, like using a completely different type of play. Take, for example, gwars: you shoot grenades through a cannon to eradicate the other team. This is quite unusual for a Paintball map. As for "partial unique gameplay," this would refer to, for example, one of the paths being a sky lift. Generally, the rule of thumb is that if the map uses entities to make a part of the flow of the map, it involves unique gameplay elements somehow. A rotating fan for visual appeal is not considered unique gameplay, as it does not affect the gameplay, while a map with rotating floors between path forks is considered "partially unique." It would be truly unique if you won the game in a slightly different way other than CTF, etc.

Also I've been trying to submit pbcup_renoir and I'm getting

"The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading."

when i hit submit.

Try again later. Sometimes the servers start to hiccup.


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2007, 10:16:33 PM »
You missing a noun in that sentence? :O

Uhh, no?

I mean, I developed a map rating site like this also, but as a sub-area to a larger web site.


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2007, 09:55:12 AM »
I was/am developing something just like this for a larger based DP site, nice job! :D

"I was/am developing something just like this for a larger DP-based site, nice job! :D"



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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2007, 10:07:02 AM »
 Im no expert but I do not see a mistake :s


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2007, 10:29:00 AM »
Bah. I don't think "larger based" is an appropriate term, since you don't "base" something on "large."


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2007, 05:18:10 PM »
dont need to get all technical sk89q


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2007, 09:25:58 AM »
I didn't understand what he said, so I naturally asked. Didn't get technical for no reason.


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2007, 05:14:11 PM »
I have set the author of the maps you created/edited to you so you can edit them.

Unique gameplay only refers to maps that don't follow the usual conventions of Paintball maps overall. While zsiege might have two flags and multiple routes (not that siegecastle doesn't), this is nothing too new. There are many maps with two flags, if you consider every Paintball map in existence. What the site classifies is unique gameplay is truly unique gameplay, like using a completely different type of play. Take, for example, gwars: you shoot grenades through a cannon to eradicate the other team. This is quite unusual for a Paintball map. As for "partial unique gameplay," this would refer to, for example, one of the paths being a sky lift. Generally, the rule of thumb is that if the map uses entities to make a part of the flow of the map, it involves unique gameplay elements somehow. A rotating fan for visual appeal is not considered unique gameplay, as it does not affect the gameplay, while a map with rotating floors between path forks is considered "partially unique." It would be truly unique if you won the game in a slightly different way other than CTF, etc.

Try again later. Sometimes the servers start to hiccup.

How about different areas of the map opening up depending on how many players are in the server? :P

Good job on this tho, looks good.

I didn't understand what he said, so I naturally asked. Didn't get technical for no reason.

(lol at not knowing what larger based means :P)


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2007, 05:17:48 PM »
Good idea lekky +1.
P.S. Check your PMs lekky.


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2007, 09:09:15 PM »
How about different areas of the map opening up depending on how many players are in the server? :P

Good job on this tho, looks good.

Pfft. DSM is not that special. There's already a field for it anyway.

(lol at not knowing what larger based means :P)

PFFT. Bad grammar is confusing!


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Re: DP Resource's Map Rating/Database - Submit your map here!
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2007, 05:21:17 AM »
site is down?