Ok, thoughts:
- Spawing with autos is bad, especially on small maps. I'd spawn with low end-weapons and put a couple better weapons on the harder-to-reach platforms, so people actually have to take time to pick them up and can't just rush and spray. Also, spawning with CO2 takes away from the "rush or reload" factor. Everybody will just rush because they don't have to take time to grab equipment and reload co2.
+ The rspeeds are nice and low.
- The rock walls are square and bland -- perhaps you should use a cement texture instead to make them look like a constructed structure (part of the textures are themed that way). That or make them look... more rocky.
- Texture on top of the walls is a tiled metal texture -- looks kind of odd and will look stranger with high res textures (not to mention have a metal sound when I get that implemented, which won't fit).
- The textures on the hay bales should be rotated to fit the angle of the brushes.
+ Multiple paths, which makes it 100x's better than pbcup
- The walls are too low in some spots - you can see through the sky and it looks bad (see attached sshot).
- 1-foot-thick plywood (or technically particle board) looks funny. It would look a lot better if you made it really thin, like real plywood, then made some support boards that looked like 2x4's. Something like this:
http://www.4peaks.com/th011004.jpghttp://www.4peaks.com/fthbuild.htmhttp://www.mellcorealty.com/plywood.jpghttp://www.stta.org.uk/Resources/structuralplywin.jpegAnd you should open source it so other people can help tweak it (relase the .map file).