1 willing to download the game with registration.
Thus far you have had more players that have had to register to down load your game and maps then those who did not, unless your counting those IRC clique retards that has not played Dp on a public basis since 98'
thus making them leet geeeks that tweak this game into a non public gam. Which is what this is. When is the last official match, dpl is now dead, or sadly pick ups, which I whole heartly supported, I thouht so .
I seem the only one? who else among ACTIVE PLAYERS HAS NOT requested global stats or a server stat or in the very least global logins? Please.......
But they have an ISP. They can just use that email for 10 seconds to answer the registration email.
iF that is all it takes to make honest players feel more secure then whats the big deal?
You are really now showing your un willingness to a non realistic game. So why complain about maps (that you will never play) or weapons you will never use (cockers) I dont understand the fundemental laps of logic.
Any one else feel that pinch of a few? When i say few i mean those that do not play public paint ball which is played by far more than those that profess they know what we like. For example just look at the maps being played now. nuff said