Well, I'm pretty close to a release, if I can just get this stupid Linux installation to behave. All the development libraries disappeared for no apparent reason. I don't even have stdio.h. Apt-get won't let me re-install them, either, without switching over to "testing", since the version of libc6 I have is newer than what the dev library wants. I can't install the stable version of libc6, though, either, because it wants to uninstall like over a gig of stuff, including apt and other essential things. It gives me warnings that I probably don't want to do that and have to type in "Yes, do as I say!".
So I've switched back to testing to install libraries, which is probably going to break xwindows again. I'm really sick of this crap. I use Linux for like 5 minutes a month, but I have to spend like 8 hours fixing it so that I can use it for those 5 minutes.