On the serverlist sorting, the idea is to put the "best" servers near the top of the list. Sometimes you'd be better off joining an empty server and waiting for players than trying to play on a server that has 5-6x's the ping. In practice, the ping differences aren't usually that extreme, so populated servers will be at the top of the list, and maybe a couple high-ping servers with 1 or 2 people may show up below an empty low ping server or two.
I was hoping to have at least a pretest release for build 32 out this weekend, but I was busy playing real paintball. Maybe I'll have one ready tomorrow.
I've been reviewing the uninstall surveys. I haven't done an official tally, but it looks like these are the biggest issues:
- Game doesn't run (Lots of Windows 7 issues)
- Graphics
- Server browser (trying to find players that aren't on passworded servers, etc.)
- No single player
- Not enough players
- Spawn killing
- Account issues (Probably due to things like colored names being too long, etc.)
I might focus on bots next, along with HR4 textures.